Schultesia brachyptera

Primary tabs

Schultesia brachyptera


<<<<Flowers>Pistil>Ovary>Shape>Angle number

1. 005-005-002-001-001

<<<<Flowers>Stamens>Filaments>Appendages>Relative dimensions

up to 1/4 of length of filaments2
2. 005-004-004-004-001


3. 005-002-008-001


0.2-2 mm broad4
4. 005-002-008-002

<<<Flowers>Calyx>Connation>Relative distance

1/2-3/4 of its length5
5. 005-002-005-001


7-20 x 2-6 mm6
6. 005-002-006-002


linear-narrowly triangular7
7. 005-002-006-001

<<<Flowers>Calyx>Margins>Margin type

8. 005-002-007-001


9. 005-002-007-002


1.5-3.5 mm broad10
10. 005-002-009-001


broadly rounded/obtuse and acuminate11
11. 005-003-007-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Connation>Relative distance

at least 2/3 of length12
12. 005-003-004-001


12-21 x 10-17 mm13
13. 005-003-005-002


round to very widely obovate14
14. 005-003-005-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Margins>Margin type

entire to slightly undulating15
15. 005-003-006-001


2-3 mm long16
16. 005-005-005-002


17. 005-005-005-001


7-15 x 2-3 mm18
18. 005-005-002-002


narrowly oblong,19
19. 005-005-002-001


white, rarely yellow20
20. 005-005-004-001


white or violet rose21
21. 005-005-003-002


8-17 mm long22
22. 005-005-003-001


white, purple, or yellow23
23. 005-004-005-001


3.5-5 mm long24
24. 005-004-005-003


(narrowly) oblong-ellipsoid25
25. 005-004-005-002


with dentate appendages,26
26. 005-004-004-004


white, sometimes violet-rose27
27. 005-004-004-001


7-34 mm long28
28. 005-004-004-002


flattened at base29
29. 005-004-004-003


obtuse to acute (lower leaves) acute to acuminate (upper leaves)30
30. 003-001-004-001


apex , ribs/keels ,31
31. 005-002-008


green, rarely dull maroon32
32. 005-002-001


33. 005-002-005


20-45 mm long34
34. 005-002-002


lobes , , as long as or longer than corolla tube (rarely shorter),35
35. 005-002-006


margin , ,36
36. 005-002-007

<<Flowers>Calyx>Rib number

37. 005-002-003

<<Flowers>Calyx>Wing number

38. 005-002-004


wings , wing venation transverse, sometimes very slight if any;39
39. 005-002-009


apex ;40
40. 005-003-007


pink to mauve to light purple/lila to violet or white with purple lines41
41. 005-003-001


42. 005-003-004


(25-)30-60 mm long43
43. 005-003-003


lobes , ,44
44. 005-003-005


margin ,45
45. 005-003-006


salver- to funnel-shaped46
46. 005-003-002


20-31 mm long47
47. 005-005-001


lobes transversely , .48
48. 005-005-005


ovary , , disk-like ring absent,49
49. 005-005-002


stigma ,50
50. 005-005-004


style , , as long as or longer than corolla tube,51
51. 005-005-003


anthers , , ;52
52. 005-004-005


filaments , , straight, ,53
53. 005-004-004


12-39 mm long54
54. 005-004-001

<<Flowers>Stamens>Relative distance

inserted on corolla tube at 1/3-1/2 from base55
55. 005-004-003

<<Flowers>Stamens>Stamen number

sometimes 2 long 2 short56
56. 005-004-002


(15-)25-35 mm57
57. 004-004-001


(10-)25-55 mm58
58. 004-003-001


1-3 (rarely to 6-10 and then only lowest ones) mm long59
59. 004-005-001


apex , primary and (usually) secondary veins distinct.60
60. 003-001-004


0.5-6.6 x 0.3-1.5 cm61
61. 003-001-003

<<Leaves>Blade>Lower leaves

lower leaves broader62
62. 003-001-002


linear-triangular to ovate-elliptic63
63. 003-001-001

<<Stems and branches>Internodes>Length

3.5-12.5 cm64
64. 002-002-001


calyx , , or , ,65
65. 005-002


corolla , , , ,66
66. 005-003

<Flowers>Growth form

erect to slightly nodding67
67. 005-001


pistil ,68
68. 005-005


stamens longest ones longer than corolla tube, , longest ones as long as or longer than style+stigma, unequal in length, , ,69
69. 005-004


10-18 mm long70
70. 006-002


narrowly ellipsoid71
71. 006-001


15-100 cm tall72
72. 001-001


bracteoles ;73
73. 004-004


bracts , (almost always) as long as or longer than leaf pair below,74
74. 004-003

<Inflorescences>Flower number

75. 004-002


pedicels .76
76. 004-005


77. 004-001


blade , , ,78
78. 003-001

<Stems and branches>Diameter

0.1-0.5 cm in diam.79
79. 002-001

<Stems and branches>Internodes

internodes , shorter at base.80
80. 002-002


Jonker 1936 – In: Fl. Suriname. p 403


Herb, 15-100 cm tall, little branched. Stems and branches 0.1-0.5 cm in diam.; internodes 3.5-12.5 cm, shorter at base. Leaves usually much shorter than internodes; blade linear-triangular to ovate-elliptic, lower leaves broader, 0.5-6.6 x 0.3-1.5 cm, apex obtuse to acute (lower leaves) acute to acuminate (upper leaves), primary and (usually) secondary veins distinct. Inflorescence terminal, sometimes in upper leaf axils, 1-5(-10)-flowered modified dichasium; bracts (10-)25-55 mm, (almost always) as long as or longer than leaf pair below, bracteoles (15-)25-35 mm; pedicels 1-3 (rarely to 6-10 and then only lowest ones) mm long. Flowers erect to slightly nodding, almost all appear sessile (especially upper ones); calyx green, rarely dull maroon, 20-45 mm long, 4-ribbed or 4-winged, connation 1/2-3/4 of its length, lobes linear-narrowly triangular, 7-20 x 2-6 mm, as long as or longer than corolla tube (rarely shorter), margin entire, membranous, apex acuminate, ribs/keels 0.2-2 mm broad, wings 1.5-3.5 mm broad, wing venation transverse, sometimes very slight if any; corolla pink to mauve to light purple/lila to violet or white with purple lines, salver- to funnel-shaped, (25-)30-60 mm long, connation at least 2/3 of length, lobes round to very widely obovate, 12-21 x 10-17 mm, margin entire to slightly undulating, apex broadly rounded/obtuse and acuminate; stamens longest ones longer than corolla tube, 12-39 mm long, longest ones as long as or longer than style+stigma, unequal in length, sometimes 2 long 2 short, inserted on corolla tube at 1/3-1/2 from base, filaments white, sometimes violet-rose, 7-34 mm long, straight, flattened at basewith dentate appendages, up to 1/4 of length of filaments, anthers white, purple, or yellow, (narrowly) oblong-ellipsoid, 3.5-5 mm long; pistil 20-31 mm long, ovary narrowly oblong, 4-angled, 7-15 x 2-3 mm, disk-like ring absent, style 8-17 mm long, white or violet rose, as long as or longer than corolla tube, stigma white, rarely yellow, lobes transversely ovate-reniform, 2-3 mm long. Fruit narrowly ellipsoid, 10-18 mm long, calyx and corolla persistent.


Amazon, Cerrado and Atlantic forest present, Atures present, French Guiana present, Guianas present, Guyana present, Puerto Ayacucho present, Roraima territory present, Rupununi Savanna present, Southern America: Brazil North (Amazonas present); Venezuela (Venezuela present), Suriname present, along the coast, Sipaliwini Savanna present
Venezuela (Amazonas, Atures, Puerto Ayacucho), Guyana (Roraima territory, Rupununi Savanna), Suriname (along the coast, Sipaliwini Savanna), French Guiana (along the coast), Brazil (Amazon, Cerrado and Atlantic forest); 75 collections studied, of which 62 from the Guianas (GU: 19; SU: 19; FG: 24).


Flowers , almost all appear sessile (especially upper ones);81
81. 005


Fruit , , calyx and corolla persistent.82
82. 006


Herb, , little branched.83
83. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Rupununi Distr., Jerome’s Place, Jansen-Jacobs et al. 5038 Suriname, Upper Sipaliwini R. area, van Donselaar 3678 Lanjouw & Lindeman Sinnamary, piste de St. Elie, Feuillet 961 Suriname, Claysavanna 1, Vierkinderen, Lanjouw & Lindeman 186 Guyana, Rupununi Distr., Manari, Maas et al. 3701


Inflorescence , sometimes in upper leaf axils, modified dichasium;84
84. 004


Leaves usually much shorter than internodes;85
85. 003


Flowering , fruiting .

Stems and branches

Stems and branches ;86
86. 002