Harpullia hirsuta

Primary tabs

Harpullia hirsuta


Tree. Twigs and leaf axes brownish hirsute. Leaves 2- or 3-jugate; Inflorescences axillary, probably unbranched, 1.5 cm long (or more?). Flowers known from female buds only. Sepals elliptic. Petals thin, not (yet?) clawed, not auriculate, glabrous. Stamens 5. Fruits unknown.


Asia-Tropical, S W New Guinea present, Vogelkop Peninsula present
Malesia: S W New Guinea (only known from the type); a second doubtful collection from the Vogelkop Peninsula


The present species is very incompletely known. It may be closest to H. camptoneura.


Leenh. & Vente 1982 – In: Blumea. p 33
Radlk. 1934 – In: Engl, Pflanzenr. 98. p 1450