Dyera polyphylla
Tree to 60 m tall, dbh to 200 cm;
Bark chocolate-brown or greyish brown with corky paler lenticels and horizontal ridges;
Branchlets 11-14 mm wide, glabrous.
Leaves in whorls of 6-8;
Inflorescence arranged in whorls, 8.5-14 cm long, glabrous;
Sepals ovate to orbicular, apex rounded or obtuse, 1-1.4 by 1-1.4 mm, 0.9-1.2 times as long as wide, not ciliate, glabrous.
Stamens inserted 0.5−0.6 mm from corolla base which is 0.4-0.43 of tube length;
Ovaries 0.5-0.9 mm long;
Fruit 22−30 by 1.8−4 cm.
Dyera polyphylla and Alstonia pneumatophora both have pneumatophore roots which can easily be distinguished in the field even when the connection to the parent tree is not obvious by the chocolate-brown bark with corky paler lenticels and horizontal ridges of D, polyphylla and the grey bark with non-corky horizontal lenticels of Alstonia pneumatophora.
Coode et al. 1996: Checklist Pl. Brunei. p 26
D.J. Middleton 2003 – In: Gard. Bull. Singapore 55. p 212
Boerl. 1900 – In: Bull. Inst. Bot. Buitenzorg. p 15
Masam. 1942: Enum. Phan. Born. p 619
Steenis 1995 – In: PROSEA. p 230
Whitmore et al. 1990: Checklist Kalimantan. p 25
Smythies 1965: Common Sarawak Trees. p 21
Monach. 1946 – In: Lloydia. p 194
J.A.R. Anderson 1972: Tr. Peat Swamp For. Sarawak. p 23
Masam. 1942: Enum. Phan. Born. p 619
Cockburn 1976 – In: Trees Sabah. p 20
Merr. 1921: Bibliogr. Enum. Born. Pl. p 498
F.G. Browne 1955: Forest Trees Sarawak & Brunei. p 63
Merr. 1921: Bibliogr. Enum. Born. Pl. p 498
Whitmore & Tantra 1986: Checklist Sumatra. p 19
D.J. Middleton 1997 – In: Argent et al., Man. non-Dipterocarp Trees C. Kalimantan 1. p 83
Steenis 2004 – In: Tree Fl. Sabah & Sarawak. p 30
J.A.R. Anderson 1980: Checklist Trees Sarawak. p 148
P.S. Ashton 1988: Man. non-Dipt. Trees Sarawak. p 32