
Primary tabs



Large woody climbers, sometimes forming large shrubs with pendant branches be- fore beginning to climb. Leaves opposite; Inflorescence a terminal cyme; Sepals pubescent; Stamens completely included in the corolla tube except for long acumen on anthers, adnate to the style head; Fruit of 2 divergent follicles, connate at the base. Seeds apically beaked;


Asia-Tropical, from Africa and South and Southeast Asia eastwards to the Moluccas present
38 species from Africa and South and Southeast Asia eastwards to the Moluccas; in Malesia 5 native species.


K. Schum. 1895 – In: Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4. p 180
Pit. 1933 – In: Lecomte, Fl. Indo-Chine 3. p 1196
DC. 2001 – In: PROSEA. p 519
Backer & Bakh.f. 1965 – In: Fl. Java. p 240
Pichon 1950 – In: Mém. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. p 63
D.J. Middleton 2004 – In: Tree Fl. Sabah & Sarawak. p 10
A.DC. 1844 – In: Prodr. p 417
Beentje 1982 – In: Meded. Landbouwhoogeschool Wageningen. p 17
Benth. & Hook.f. 1876 – In: Gen. Pl. p 714
D.J. Middleton 1999 – In: Fl. Thailand. p 97
R.Br. 1810: Asclepiadeae. p 62