Microtea maypurensis

Primary tabs

Microtea maypurensis


ca. 0.8 mm long1
1. 004-005-001-001


ca. 0.2 mm2
2. 005-004-002-002

<<<Tepals>Ovary>Stigma>Segment number

3. 005-004-002-001


ca. 0.2 mm wide4
4. 005-003-002-001


ca. 1.5 mm5
5. 006-002-001

<<Akenes>Spinelets>Apical bristle number

6. 006-003-002

<<Akenes>Spinelets>Growth form

7. 006-003-001


ca. 0.3 mm long8
8. 004-006-002


inserted at base of pedicel9
9. 004-006-003


10. 004-006-001


lanceolate, , acute11
11. 004-005-001

<<Inflorescences>Growth form>Length

to 10 cm long12
12. 004-003-001


ca. 1.5 mm long13
13. 004-004-001


ca. 1 cm long14
14. 003-003-001


ca. 3.5 x 0.3-1 cm15
15. 003-001-001


16. 005-002-001


ca. 0.5 mm17
17. 005-004-001


stigmas , .18
18. 005-004-002


ca. 1.5 mm long19
19. 005-001-001


anthers ;20
20. 005-003-002

<<Tepals>Stamens>Stamen number

21. 005-003-001


22. 006-001


globose, , acute, echinulate in a honeycomb pattern23
23. 006-002


spinelets glochidiate, with apex and retrorse apical bristles24
24. 006-003


to 50 cm tall25
25. 001-001


bracteoles , , .26
26. 004-006


bracts ;27
27. 004-005

<Inflorescences>Growth form

suberect raceme28
28. 004-003


pedicels ;29
29. 004-004


terminal, rarely axillary30
30. 004-001


pedunculate, elongate31
31. 004-002


32. 003-002


petiole .33
33. 003-003


lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, rarely elliptic-lanceolate, , acute at apex and base34
34. 003-001

<Stems>Growth form

35. 002-002


glabrous, angular36
36. 002-001


with midvein37
37. 005-002


ovary ,38
38. 005-004


elliptical, , acute39
39. 005-001


stamens ,40
40. 005-003


Achenes exceeding tepals, , , .41
41. 006


Erect to decumbent herb to 50 cm tall. Stem slender, glabrous, angular, suberect. Leaves lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, rarely elliptic-lanceolate, ca. 3.5 x 0.3-1 cm, acute at apex and base, glabrous; petiole ca. 1 cm long. Inflorescence a terminal, rarely axillary, pedunculate, elongate, suberect raceme to 10 cm long; pedicels ca. 1.5 mm long; bracts lanceolate, ca. 0.8 mm long, acute; bracteoles linear-subulate, ca. 0.3 mm long, inserted at base of pedicel. Tepals elliptical, ca. 1.5 mm long, acute, with green midvein; stamens 6-9, anthers ca. 0.2 mm wide; ovary ca. 0.5 mm, stigmas 3(5-6)-partite, ca. 0.2 mm. Achenes exceeding tepals, black, globose, ca. 1.5 mm, acute, echinulate in a honeycomb pattern, spinelets glochidiate, with recurved apex and 4 retrorse apical bristles.


Guianas present, tropical South America present
Tropical South America; 26 collections studied, 8 from the Guianas (GU: 5; SU: 3).


Erect to decumbent herb .42
42. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Paramaribo, Agricultural Experiment Station, Samuels 8 Guyana, Essequibo R., Ro. Schomburgk ser. I, 116 Guyana, Lower Rupununi R., Appun 2459 Suriname, Paramaribo Gardens, Stockdale s.n. Suriname, Paramaribo, van Hall 100 Guyana, Rupununi Dist., Lethem, bank of Takutu R., Irwin 788


Inflorescence a , , ;43
43. 004


Leaves , ;44
44. 003


Differences between the two Microtea species are most evident under magnification (see ). The reticulate (honeycomb, waffle) pattern on the fruit of M. debilis exhibits protuberances which are very pale brown or cream, chartaceous, often irregularly bent or crisped, non-glochidiate at the apex, and to 0.2 mm long. By contrast, the (superficially) similar pattern on the fruit of M. maypurensis exhibits protuberances which are dark brown, hard (or at least stiff-looking), straight, glochidiate with 4 minute bristles at the apex, and to 0.5 mm long. The apex of the barb-like protuberance is provided with 4 retrorse, acicular bristles ca. 0.1 mm long, and an inner set of even shorter bristles. In addition, leaves from near the base or middle of the plant of M. maypurensis are often linear or narrowly elliptical, 0.3-1 cm wide, whereas leaves of the common M. debilis are usually wider (to 3 cm wide).


Stem slender, , .45
45. 002


Tepals , ;46
46. 005


Same as those given for Microtea debilis (Ostendorf, 1962).