Polylychnis radicans

Primary tabs

Polylychnis radicans


<<<<Calyx>Corolla>Lower lip>Lobes>Dimensions

13 x 4 mm1
1. 005-004-006-002-002

<<<<Calyx>Corolla>Lower lip>Lobes>Shape

narrowly ovate2
2. 005-004-006-002-001

<<<<Calyx>Corolla>Upper lip>Lobes>Dimensions

5 x 3 mm3
3. 005-004-005-002-002

<<<<Calyx>Corolla>Upper lip>Lobes>Shape

triangular, ovate4
4. 005-004-005-002-001

<<<<Calyx>Ovary>Stigma>Lower lobes>Length

2 mm long5
5. 005-007-005-003-001

<<<<Calyx>Ovary>Stigma>Upper lobes>Length

0.6 mm6
6. 005-007-005-002-001

<<<<Calyx>Stamens>Filaments>Free parts>Length

11.5 and 13 mm long respectively7
7. 005-005-002-003-001


10-14 mm long8
8. 005-004-004-001

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Lower lip>Lobe number

9. 005-004-006-001

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Lower lip>Lobes

lobes , ;10
10. 005-004-006-002


2-3.5 mm in diam. at base11
11. 005-004-003-001


puberulous towards base12
12. 005-004-003-003


8-9 mm wide13
13. 005-004-003-002

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Upper lip>Lobe number

14. 005-004-005-001

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Upper lip>Lobes

lobes , , spurred at base,15
15. 005-004-005-002

<<<Calyx>Ovary>Stigma>Lobe number

16. 005-007-005-001

<<<Calyx>Ovary>Stigma>Lower lobes

17. 005-007-005-003

<<<Calyx>Ovary>Stigma>Upper lobes

upper lobe18
18. 005-007-005-002


19. 005-007-004-001


sparingly puberulous20
20. 005-007-004-002


50-60 mm long21
21. 005-007-004-003


22. 005-005-003-001


3 mm long23
23. 005-005-003-002

<<<Calyx>Stamens>Filaments>Free parts

free part24
24. 005-005-002-003


25. 005-005-002-001

<<<Calyx>Stamens>Filaments>Relative distance

connate from base to 25 mm26
26. 005-005-002-002

<<<Petiole>Blade>Margins>Margin type

subentire or repand27
27. 003-002-004-001


6-11 x 2.2-5.5 cm28
28. 003-002-002-001


29. 005-004-001


50-70 mm long30
30. 005-004-002


lips ,31
31. 005-004-004

<<Calyx>Corolla>Lower lip

lower lip ,32
32. 005-004-006


tube curved inwards, , apically somewhat contracted, , ,33
33. 005-004-003

<<Calyx>Corolla>Upper lip

upper lip deeply ,34
34. 005-004-005


0.7-1 mm high35
35. 005-006-001


5-6 x 1 mm36
36. 005-003-002


minutely puberulous37
37. 005-003-003


38. 005-003-001


glandular puberulent39
39. 005-007-003


3.5-5 mm high40
40. 005-007-002

<<Calyx>Ovary>Ovule number per locule

41. 005-007-001


stigma , , .42
42. 005-007-005


style , , , slightly exceeding stamens,43
43. 005-007-004


anthers , ;44
44. 005-005-003


filaments , , ,45
45. 005-005-002

<<Calyx>Stamens>Relative distance

exserted 13 mm beyond mouth of corolla tube46
46. 005-005-001


1.5 x 2.5 mm47
47. 005-002-001

<<Inflorescences>Basal branchlets>Length

1-2 cm long48
48. 004-004-001

<<Inflorescences>Floral bracts>Dimensions

1.5 x 0.5 mm49
49. 004-007-002

<<Inflorescences>Floral bracts>Shape

50. 004-007-001

<<Inflorescences>Other bracts>Dimensions

1.5-4.5 x 0.5 mm51
51. 004-006-002

<<Inflorescences>Other bracts>Shape

narrow, subulate52
52. 004-006-001


inconspicuously puberulent53
53. 004-008-002


2-3 mm long54
54. 004-008-001


1.5-5 cm long55
55. 004-002-001


3-10 cm long56
56. 004-003-002


57. 004-003-001


glabrous on both surfaces58
58. 003-002-003


margin ;59
59. 003-002-004


ovate-oblong, , acute or long acuminate at apex, acute and contracted at base60
60. 003-002-002


herbaceous to chartaceous61
61. 003-002-001

<<Petiole>Cystoliths>Cystolith number

62. 003-004-001

<<Petiole>Primary veins>Secondary vein pair number

5-9 pairs63
63. 003-003-001


green or brownish-purple64
64. 005-001


corolla , ,65
65. 005-004


disk entire, ;66
66. 005-006


lobes , , ;67
67. 005-003


ovary with ovules per locule, , ,68
68. 005-007


stamens ,69
69. 005-005


tube subglabrous, ,70
70. 005-002


71. 001-001

<Inflorescences>Basal branchlets

basal branchlets , once or twice dichasially branched,72
72. 004-004


bracts leaf-like,73
73. 004-005

<Inflorescences>Floral bracts

floral bracts , ;74
74. 004-007

<Inflorescences>Other bracts

other bracts , ,75
75. 004-006


pedicels , minutely and .76
76. 004-008


peduncle ;77
77. 004-002


terminal, sometimes axillary78
78. 004-001


rachis sharply , ;79
79. 004-003


blade , , ,80
80. 003-002


cystoliths and conspicuous, especially on upper surface.81
81. 003-004


3-12 mm82
82. 003-001

<Petiole>Primary veins

primary veins and secondary veins () slightly raised on both surfaces, veinlets prominent;83
83. 003-003


grey or drying blackish84
84. 002-001


85. 002-002


Calyx ,86
86. 005


Capsule unknown.87
87. 006


Climbing or vining herb, glabrous. Stem grey or drying blackish, quadrangular. Petioles 3-12 mm, canaliculate; blade herbaceous to chartaceous, ovate-oblong, 6-11 x 2.2-5.5 cm, acute or long acuminate at apex, acute and contracted at base, glabrous on both surfaces, margin subentire or repand; primary veins and secondary veins (5-9 pairs) slightly raised on both surfaces, veinlets prominent; cystoliths numerous and conspicuous, especially on upper surface. Inflorescence terminal, sometimes axillary panicles; peduncle 1.5-5 cm long; rachis sharply quadrangular, 3-10 cm long; basal branchlets 1-2 cm long, once or twice dichasially branched, bracts leaf-like, other bracts narrow, subulate, 1.5-4.5 x 0.5 mm, floral bracts subulate, 1.5 x 0.5 mm; pedicels 2-3 mm long, minutely and inconspicuously puberulent. Calyx green or brownish-purple, tube subglabrous, 1.5 x 2.5 mm, lobes subulate, 5-6 x 1 mm, minutely puberulous; corolla red, 50-70 mm long, tube curved inwards, 2-3.5 mm in diam. at base, apically somewhat contracted, 8-9 mm wide, puberulous towards base, lips 10-14 mm long, upper lip deeply 2-lobed, lobes triangular, ovate, 5 x 3 mm, spurred at base, lower lip 3-lobed, lobes narrowly ovate, 13 x 4 mm; stamens exserted 13 mm beyond mouth of corolla tube, filaments glabrous, connate from base to 25 mm, free part 11.5 and 13 mm long respectively, anthers yellow, 3 mm long; disk entire, 0.7-1 mm high; ovary with 3-4 ovules per locule, 3.5-5 mm high, glandular puberulent, style red, sparingly puberulous, 50-60 mm long, slightly exceeding stamens, stigma 2-lobed, upper lobe 0.6 mm, lower 2 mm long. Capsule unknown.


Guyana endemic
Endemic in Guyana; 10 collections studied.


Climbing or vining herb, .88
88. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, northern slope of Akarai Mts., Essequibo tributary, A.C. Smith 2897 Guyana, Kanuku Mts., Jansen-Jacobs et al. 346


Inflorescence panicles;89
89. 004


No varieties can be recognized (as Nees did originally).


Petioles , canaliculate;90
90. 003


Flowering .


Stem , .91
91. 002