Paradrymonia maculata

Primary tabs

Paradrymonia maculata


<<<<Calyx>Corolla>Lobes>Ventral lobes>Dimensions

1-1.2 x 1-1.2 cm1
1. 005-004-007-003-002

<<<<Calyx>Corolla>Lobes>Ventral lobes>Shape

2. 005-004-007-003-001


0.4-0.5 cm wide3
3. 005-004-004-001


3-4 cm wide4
4. 005-004-006-001

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Lobes>Growth form

5. 005-004-007-002

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Lobes>Lobe number

6. 005-004-007-001

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Lobes>Ventral lobes

the ventral one tightly inflexed and closing the throat, ,7
7. 005-004-007-003

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Margins>Margin type

8. 005-004-008-001


outside with minute hairs, inside glabrous9
9. 005-004-005-002


1-1.8 cm wide10
10. 005-004-005-001


2.7-3.5 cm long11
11. 005-004-003-001

<<<Calyx>Ovary>Stigma>Lobe number

12. 005-006-005-001


13. 005-006-004-002


2.2-3 cm long14
14. 005-006-004-001


above sparsely pilose to glabrous, below sparsely pubescent15
15. 003-002-006-002


rounded, or occasionally subcordate16
16. 003-002-006-001

<<<Leaves>Blade>Margins>Margin type

serrate with more or less pronounced teeth17
17. 003-002-004-001


outside and inside sparsely appressed-pubescent18
18. 005-003-001


base spurred, , middle widened towards throat, not ventricose,19
19. 005-004-004


yellow or pale creamy, spotted with bright red, brown, or purple-brown20
20. 005-004-001


4.4-5.5 cm long21
21. 005-004-002


limb ,22
22. 005-004-006


lobes subequal, , ,23
23. 005-004-007


margin ;24
24. 005-004-008


throat not contracted, , ,25
25. 005-004-005


tube infundibuliform, ,26
26. 005-004-003


2-4 x 0.4-0.7 cm27
27. 005-001-004

<<Calyx>Lobes>Dorsal lobes

dorsal lobe curved around spur, half as large as others28
28. 005-001-005

<<Calyx>Lobes>Growth form

29. 005-001-002

<<Calyx>Lobes>Lobe number

30. 005-001-001


linear-lanceolate, narrowed towards base31
31. 005-001-003

<<Calyx>Margins>Margin type

serrate towards apex32
32. 005-002-001


33. 005-006-003


34. 005-006-001


stigma obscurely .35
35. 005-006-005


style , ,36
36. 005-006-004


0.3-0.4 cm wide37
37. 005-006-002


sparsely pubescent38
38. 004-003-002


0.5-2.2 cm long39
39. 004-003-001


sparsely pubescent40
40. 004-002-002


1-3 cm long41
41. 004-002-001


apex acuminate,42
42. 003-002-005


base cuneate, , , especially on midrib and veins.43
43. 003-002-006


7.5-29 x 3.5-12 cm44
44. 003-002-003


margin ,45
45. 003-002-004


elliptic or oblong-elliptic46
46. 003-002-002


papyraceous when dry47
47. 003-002-001


sparsely pilose to glabrous48
48. 003-001-002


(1.5-)5-10(-19) cm long49
49. 003-001-001


apex acute or acuminate, ;50
50. 005-003


corolla oblique in calyx, , ,51
51. 005-004


lobes nearly free, , subequal, leafy, , , ,52
52. 005-001


margin ,53
53. 005-002


ovary , 0.4-0.5 x , ,54
54. 005-006


stamens included, inserted slightly under middle of corolla tube;55
55. 005-005

<Flowers>Flower number

56. 004-001


pedicel , .57
57. 004-003


peduncle , ;58
58. 004-002


up to 2 m tall59
59. 001-001


blade , , ,60
60. 003-002


petiole , ;61
61. 003-001

<Mature capsules>Dimensions

1-1.5 x 0.8-1.4 cm62
62. 006-002

<Mature capsules>Shape

63. 006-001

<Stems>Growth form

creeping or climbing64
64. 002-001


hirsutulous at apex, glabrescent65
65. 002-002


Calyx colored like bracts,66
66. 005


Epiphytic vine on tree trunks, up to 2 m tall. Stem sappy, creeping or climbing, hirsutulous at apex, glabrescent. Leaves equal or subequal in a pair; petiole (1.5-)5-10(-19) cm long, sparsely pilose to glabrous; blade papyraceous when dry, elliptic or oblong-elliptic, 7.5-29 x 3.5-12 cm, margin serrate with more or less pronounced teeth, apex acuminate, base cuneate, rounded, or occasionally subcordate, above sparsely pilose to glabrous, below sparsely pubescent, especially on midrib and veins. Flowers numerous, racemose; peduncle 1-3 cm long, sparsely pubescent; pedicel 0.5-2.2 cm long, sparsely pubescent. Calyx colored like bracts, lobes nearly free, 4spreading, subequal, leafy, linear-lanceolate, narrowed towards base, 2-4 x 0.4-0.7 cm, dorsal lobe curved around spur, half as large as others, margin serrate towards apex, apex acute or acuminate, outside and inside sparsely appressed-pubescent; corolla oblique in calyx, yellow or pale creamy, spotted with bright red, brown, or purple-brown, 4.4-5.5 cm long, tube infundibuliform, 2.7-3.5 cm long, base spurred, 0.4-0.5 cm wide, middle widened towards throat, not ventricose, throat not contracted, 1-1.8 cm wide, outside with minute hairs, inside glabrous, limb 3-4 cm wide, lobes subequal, 4spreading, the ventral one tightly inflexed and closing the throat, suborbicular, 1-1.2 x 1-1.2 cm, margin entire; stamens included, inserted slightly under middle of corolla tube; ovary ovoid, 0.4-0.5 x 0.3-0.4 cm wide, pubescent, style 2.2-3 cm long, glabrous, stigma obscurely 2-lobed. Mature capsule subglobose, 1-1.5 x 0.8-1.4 cm.


Delta Amacuro endemic, Guianas endemic, Southern America: Venezuela (Venezuela endemic)
Endemic to the Guianas and Delta Amacuro, Venezuela; 35 collections studied (GU: 21; FG: 6).


Flowers , racemose;67
67. 004


Epiphytic vine on tree trunks, .68
68. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Barima-Waini Region, Barima R., 15 miles E of Arakaka, Pipoly et al. 8059 Lower Oyapock basin, Cr. Armontabo, Prévost & Grenand 1996 Cr. Gabaret, Cremers 9951 Guyana, U. Takutu-U. Essequibo Region, near Dadanawa, de la Cruz 1535


Leaves equal or subequal in a pair;69
69. 003

Mature capsules

Mature capsule , .70
70. 006


The plant apparently germinates on the forest floor, climbs lower tree trunks and slowly decays from bottom up.


Collected in flower in ; in fruit in .


Stem sappy, , .71
71. 002