Neea spruceana

Primary tabs

Neea spruceana


<<<Female perianth>Style>Stigma>Division number

ca. 201
1. 005-007-003-001

<<<Habit>Juvenile branches>Hairs>Colour

2. 001-003-001-001


abruptly or gradually acuminate or long-acuminate3
3. 002-003-004-001


often drying dark brown4
4. 002-003-005-003


5. 002-003-005-002


acute to attenuate, often oblique6
6. 002-003-005-001

<<<Male perianth>Stamens>Anthers>Length

0.8-1 mm long7
7. 004-007-004-001

<<<Male perianth>Stamens>Long stamens>Length

4.5-5 mm long8
8. 004-007-003-001

<<<Male perianth>Stamens>Short stamens>Length

2-3.5 mm9
9. 004-007-002-001


1 mm long10
10. 006-004-001

<<Female perianth>Limbs>Lobe number

11. 005-004-001

<<Female perianth>Lobes>Length

to 1 mm long12
12. 005-005-001

<<Female perianth>Staminodes>Length

ca. 1 mm long13
13. 005-006-002

<<Female perianth>Staminodes>Staminode number

14. 005-006-001

<<Female perianth>Style>Colour

15. 005-007-001

<<Female perianth>Style>Relative distance

exserted ca. 1.5 mm above perianth16
16. 005-007-002

<<Female perianth>Style>Stigma

stigma fimbriate into divisions.17
17. 005-007-003

<<Habit>Juvenile branches>Hairs

often sparsely -puberulent18
18. 001-003-001


to ca. 20 cm diam19
19. 001-002-001

<<Inflorescences>Bracteoles>Bracteole number

20. 003-006-001


to 0.75-1 mm long21
21. 003-006-003


22. 003-006-002


3-6.8 cm long23
23. 003-005-001


apex ,24
24. 002-003-004


base , , .25
25. 002-003-005


7-16.5 (-19.5) x 2-6 cm26
26. 002-003-003


usually elliptical or oblong, sometimes ovate or oblanceolate27
27. 002-003-002


membranaceous or subcoriaceous28
28. 002-003-001


4-15 mm29
29. 002-002-001

<<Male perianth>Stamens>Anthers

anthers .30
30. 004-007-004

<<Male perianth>Stamens>Long stamens

long ones31
31. 004-007-003

<<Male perianth>Stamens>Short stamens

short ones32
32. 004-007-002

<<Male perianth>Stamens>Stamen number

33. 004-007-001


yellowish-green or maroon-purple34
34. 006-001


ca. 10 x 4 mm35
35. 006-003


apically crowned by persistent perianth36
36. 006-004


narrowly ellipsoid or oblongoid37
37. 006-002

<Female perianth>Colour

green, rose or reddish-purple, minutely rufous-puberulent outside, greenish-white inside38
38. 005-001

<Female perianth>Dimensions

3 x 1.5-2 mm39
39. 005-003

<Female perianth>Limbs

limb flared, ,40
40. 005-004

<Female perianth>Lobes

lobes ;41
41. 005-005

<Female perianth>Shape

suburceolate, campanulate or infundibuliform42
42. 005-002

<Female perianth>Staminodes

staminodes , ;43
43. 005-006

<Female perianth>Style

style , ,44
44. 005-007


1-16 m45
45. 001-001

<Habit>Juvenile branches

young branches .46
46. 001-003


trunk ;47
47. 001-002


bracteoles at base of flower , , ;48
48. 003-006

<Inflorescences>Flower number

few- to many-flowered49
49. 003-003


flowers subsessile.50
50. 003-007

<Inflorescences>Growth form

51. 003-002


peduncle and axes very sparsely and thinly spreading-rufous-puberulent;52
52. 003-004


peduncle ;53
53. 003-005


axillary or terminal54
54. 003-001


blade , , ,55
55. 002-003

<Leaves>Leaf number per whorl

3 or 456
56. 002-001


subsessile to petiolate, petiole ;57
57. 002-002

<Male perianth>Colour

yellow or yellowish-green58
58. 004-001

<Male perianth>Dimensions

2.4-6(-7.5) x 1-3 mm59
59. 004-004

<Male perianth>Hairs

glabrous or with ciliate60
60. 004-002

<Male perianth>Length

to ca. 2 mm long61
61. 004-006

<Male perianth>Shape

urceolate, sometimes infundibuliform or tubular-ellipsoid62
62. 004-003

<Male perianth>Stamens

stamens , , ,63
63. 004-007

<Male perianth>Teeth number

64. 004-005


Anthocarp , , , .65
65. 006


Shrub or tree 1-16 m; trunk to ca. 20 cm diam; young branches often sparsely rufous-puberulent. Leaves opposite or subopposite, those of a pair often unequal in size, sometimes verticillate in whorls of 3 or 4; subsessile to petiolate, petiole 4-15 mm; blade membranaceous or subcoriaceous, usually elliptical or oblong, sometimes ovate or oblanceolate, 7-16.5 (-19.5) x 2-6 cm, apex abruptly or gradually acuminate or long-acuminate, base acute to attenuate, often oblique, glabrous, often drying dark brown. Inflorescence a axillary or terminal, erect, few- to many-flowered, lax, corymbose panicle; peduncle and axes very sparsely and thinly spreading-rufous-puberulent; peduncle 3-6.8 cm long; bracteoles at base of flower 3, triangular-lanceolate, to 0.75-1 mm long; flowers subsessile. Male perianth yellow or yellowish-green, glabrous or with ciliate teeth, urceolate, sometimes infundibuliform or tubular-ellipsoid, 2.4-6(-7.5) x 1-3 mm, 5-toothed, teeth to ca. 2 mm long; stamens 5-6, short ones 2-3.5 mm, long ones 4.5-5 mm long, anthers 0.8-1 mm long. Female perianth green, rose or reddish-purple, minutely rufous-puberulent outside, greenish-white inside, suburceolate, campanulate or infundibuliform, 3 x 1.5-2 mm, limb flared, 5-lobed, lobes to 1 mm long; staminodes 6, ca. 1 mm long; style black, exserted ca. 1.5 mm above perianth, stigma fimbriate into ca. 20 divisions. Anthocarp yellowish-green or maroon-purple, narrowly ellipsoid or oblongoid, ca. 10 x 4 mm, apically crowned by persistent 1 mm long perianth.


Amazonian Brazil present, French Guiana present, Guianas present, Guyana present, Southern America: Bolivia (Bolivia present); Colombia (Colombia present); Ecuador (Ecuador present); Peru (Peru present); Venezuela (Venezuela present)
Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Amazonian Brazil; Guyana and French Guiana; 46 collections studied, all from the Guianas (GU: 43; FG: 3).

Female perianth

Female perianth , , ,66
66. 005


Shrub or tree ;67
67. 001

Individuals Association

Mt. Bellevue de l'Inini, de Granville 7955 Plage de Montjoly, Sauvain 4 Guyana, Puruni, Ule FD 7714


Inflorescence a , , , lax, corymbose panicle;68
68. 003


Leaves opposite or subopposite, those of a pair often unequal in size, sometimes verticillate in whorls of ;69
69. 002

Male perianth

Male perianth , teeth, , , , teeth ;70
70. 004