Sinningia incarnata

Primary tabs

Sinningia incarnata


<<<<Calyx>Lobes>Basal lobes>Margins>Margin type

1. 005-008-003-004-001

<<<<Calyx>Lobes>Lateral lobes>Margins>Margin type

2. 005-008-002-004-001

<<<<Calyx>Lobes>Upper lobes>Margins>Margin type

3. 005-008-001-003-001


ca. 0.7 cm wide4
4. 005-007-005-001


1.2-2.0 cm wide5
5. 005-007-007-001


outside pubescent to hirsute, inside glabrous6
6. 005-007-006-002


0.5-0.8 cm wide7
7. 005-007-006-001


3-4 cm long8
8. 005-007-004-002


9. 005-007-004-001

<<<Calyx>Lobes>Basal lobes>Dimensions

ca. 0.2 x 0.4-0.6 cm10
10. 005-008-003-003

<<<Calyx>Lobes>Basal lobes>Growth form

11. 005-008-003-001

<<<Calyx>Lobes>Basal lobes>Margins

margin ;12
12. 005-008-003-004

<<<Calyx>Lobes>Basal lobes>Shape

broadly rounded13
13. 005-008-003-002

<<<Calyx>Lobes>Lateral lobes>Dimensions

0.1-0.3 x 0.3-0.6 cm14
14. 005-008-002-003

<<<Calyx>Lobes>Lateral lobes>Growth form

15. 005-008-002-001

<<<Calyx>Lobes>Lateral lobes>Margins

margin ,16
16. 005-008-002-004

<<<Calyx>Lobes>Lateral lobes>Shape

rounded to truncate17
17. 005-008-002-002

<<<Calyx>Lobes>Upper lobes>Dimensions

ca. 1 x 1 cm18
18. 005-008-001-002

<<<Calyx>Lobes>Upper lobes>Growth form

19. 005-008-001-001

<<<Calyx>Lobes>Upper lobes>Margins

margin ,20
20. 005-008-001-003


pubescent to pilose21
21. 005-010-004-002


ca. 4 cm long22
22. 005-010-004-001


above tomentose, below tomentose23
23. 003-002-006-001

<<<Leaves>Blade>Margins>Margin type

24. 003-002-004-001


outside and inside pubescent to pilose and glandular25
25. 005-006-001


base dorsally gibbous, , middle broader,26
26. 005-007-005


red or red-orange outside27
27. 005-007-002

<<Calyx>Corolla>Growth form

erect in calyx28
28. 005-007-001


2.7-4.6 cm long29
29. 005-007-003


limb ,30
30. 005-007-007


throat narrowed just below limb, , ,31
31. 005-007-006


tube , ,32
32. 005-007-004

<<Calyx>Free portion of lobes>Dimensions

0.4-0.7 x 0.2-0.6 cm33
33. 005-004-003

<<Calyx>Free portion of lobes>Growth form

34. 005-004-001

<<Calyx>Free portion of lobes>Shape

broadly triangular35
35. 005-004-002

<<Calyx>Lobes>Basal lobes

basal lobes , , ,36
36. 005-008-003

<<Calyx>Lobes>Lateral lobes

lateral lobes , , ,37
37. 005-008-002

<<Calyx>Lobes>Upper lobes

upper lobes connate into a hood, , ,38
38. 005-008-001

<<Calyx>Margins>Margin type

39. 005-005-001


ca. 0.4 x 0.3 mm40
40. 005-010-002


41. 005-010-003


42. 005-010-001


stigma stomatomorphic.43
43. 005-010-005


style , ,44
44. 005-010-004


0.3-1 cm45
45. 005-003-001


pubescent to villous46
46. 004-003-002


0.5-4 cm long47
47. 004-003-001


48. 004-002-002


0-0.2 cm long49
49. 004-002-001


apex acute,50
50. 003-002-005


base attenuate into petiole or acute, .51
51. 003-002-006


2.5-9.5 x 1-4 cm52
52. 003-002-003


margin ,53
53. 003-002-004


oblong, obovate, or elliptic54
54. 003-002-002


papyraceous when dry55
55. 003-002-001


56. 003-001-002


0.1-4 cm long57
57. 003-001-001


apex acute to acuminate, ;58
58. 005-006


green or reddish59
59. 005-001


corolla , , ,60
60. 005-007

<Calyx>Free portion of lobes

free portion of lobes , subequal, , ,61
61. 005-004


lobes unequal,62 lobes connate at base,63
62. 005-008, 63. 005-002


margin ,64
64. 005-005


ovary , , ,65
65. 005-010


stamens exserted, inserted at base of corolla tube;66
66. 005-009


tube ,67
67. 005-003

<Flowers>Flower number per inflorescence

68. 004-001


pedicel , .69
69. 004-003


peduncle very short or lacking, , ;70
70. 004-002


to 1 m tall71
71. 001-001


blade , , ,72
72. 003-002


petiole , ;73
73. 003-001

<Mature capsules>Colour

74. 006-001

<Mature capsules>Dimensions

ca. 1 x 0.4-0.7 cm75
75. 006-003

<Mature capsules>Shape

76. 006-002

<Stems>Growth form

77. 002-001


pubescent to villous, especially towards apex78
78. 002-002


Calyx campanulate, ,79
79. 005

Common Name

English (French Guiana): yawalemo


Terrestrial herb or subshrub, to 1 m tall. Stem sappy becoming subwoody, erect, pubescent to villous, especially towards apex. Leaves equal or subequal in a pair; petiole 0.1-4 cm long, villous; blade papyraceous when dry, oblong, obovate, or elliptic, 2.5-9.5 x 1-4 cm, margin crenate, apex acute, base attenuate into petiole or acute, above tomentose, below tomentose. Flowers 1-5, thyrsoid; peduncle very short or lacking, 0-0.2 cm long, pubescent; pedicel 0.5-4 cm long, pubescent to villous. Calyx campanulate, green or reddish, lobes connate at base, tube 0.3-1 cm, free portion of lobes erect, subequal, broadly triangular, 0.4-0.7 x 0.2-0.6 cm, margin entire, apex acute to acuminate, outside and inside pubescent to pilose and glandular; corolla erect in calyx, red or red-orange outside, 2.7-4.6 cm long, tube cylindric, 3-4 cm long, base dorsally gibbous, ca. 0.7 cm wide, middle broader, throat narrowed just below limb, 0.5-0.8 cm wide, outside pubescent to hirsute, inside glabrous, limb 1.2-2.0 cm wide, lobes unequal, upper lobes connate into a hood, erect, ca. 1 x 1 cm, margin entire, lateral lobes erect, rounded to truncate, 0.1-0.3 x 0.3-0.6 cm, margin entire, basal lobes erect, broadly rounded, ca. 0.2 x 0.4-0.6 cm, margin entire; stamens exserted, inserted at base of corolla tube; ovary conic, ca. 0.4 x 0.3 mm, pubescent, style ca. 4 cm long, pubescent to pilose, stigma stomatomorphic. Mature capsule brownish, ovoid, ca. 1 x 0.4-0.7 cm.


Guianas present, Northern America, Southern America: Colombia (Colombia present); Venezuela (Venezuela present), northern Brazil present
Mexico to northern Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela and the Guianas; > 300 specimens studied (GU: 13; SU: 8; FG: 12).


Flowers , thyrsoid;80
80. 004


Terrestrial herb or subshrub, .81
81. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Demerara-Mahaica Region, E Demerara, Parker s.n. Guyana, Pomeroon-Supenaam Region, W Tapakuma Lake dam, Hoffman et al. 2835 Suriname, Upper Saramacca R., Pulle 492 Guyana, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo Region, Towatawan Mt., Gillespie 1973 Suriname, Saramacca Distr., Voltzberg, Schulz LBB 10601 Roche No. 1, Akouba Booa goo Soula, Bassin du Haut-Marouini, de Granville et al. 9780 Fleuve Approuague, au saut Grand Canori, Oldeman B-1984 Suriname, Nickerie Distr., Morro Grande, Sipaliwini savanna, Oldenburger et al. 866 Guyana, Sand Cr., Wilson-Browne 70 Mts. Tumuc-Humac, de Granville 11739


Leaves equal or subequal in a pair;82
82. 003

Mature capsules

Mature capsule , , .83
83. 006


Collected in flower .


Stem sappy becoming subwoody, , .84
84. 002


Parker s.n. (K) reports "the plant was used as a cephalic snuff".