
Primary tabs


<<<Fruiting perianth>Seeds>Cotyledons>Shape

thick and equal1
1. 006-003-001-001

<<Fruiting perianth>Seeds>Cotyledons

cotyledons .2
2. 006-003-001

<<Pistillate inflorescences>Flowers>Flower number

2-ca. 153
3. 005-002-001

<<Pistillate inflorescences>Perianth>Lobe number

4. 005-003-002

<<Pistillate inflorescences>Perianth>Shape

5. 005-003-001

<<Pistillate inflorescences>Stigma>Shape

6. 005-005-002

<<Pistillate inflorescences>Stigma>Stigma number

7. 005-005-001

<<Staminate inflorescences>Stamens>Stamen number

8. 004-004-001

<<Staminate inflorescences>Tepals>Shape

9. 004-003-002

<<Staminate inflorescences>Tepals>Tepal number

10. 004-003-001

<Fruiting perianth>Colour

11. 006-001

<Fruiting perianth>Fruits

fruit free;12
12. 006-002

<Fruiting perianth>Seeds

seed large, without endosperm,13
13. 006-003


blade entire, pinnately veined.14
14. 002-002


stipules fully amplexicaul, free;15
15. 002-001

<Pistillate inflorescences>Flowers

flowers ;16
16. 005-002

<Pistillate inflorescences>Ovary

ovary free;17
17. 005-004

<Pistillate inflorescences>Perianth

perianth , ;18
18. 005-003

<Pistillate inflorescences>Shape

capitate to subdiscoid19
19. 005-001

<Pistillate inflorescences>Stigma

stigmas , .20
20. 005-005

<Staminate inflorescences>Flowers

flowers distinct;21
21. 004-002

<Staminate inflorescences>Pistillode

pistillode absent.22
22. 004-005

<Staminate inflorescences>Shape

23. 004-001

<Staminate inflorescences>Stamens

stamens ;24
24. 004-004

<Staminate inflorescences>Tepals

tepals , ;25
25. 004-003


Trees, monoecious, aculeate. Leaves alternate in spirals; stipules fully amplexicaul, free; blade entire, pinnately veined. Inflorescences in the leaf axils, pedunculate, (subinvolucrate-)bracteate. Staminate inflorescences capitate; flowers distinct; tepals 4, connate; stamens 4; pistillode absent. Pistillate inflorescences capitate to subdiscoid; flowers 2-ca. 15; perianth tubular, 4-lobed; ovary free; stigmas 2, filiform. Fruiting perianth enlarged, yellow; fruit free; seed large, without endosperm, cotyledons thick and equal.


Neotropics present
Neotropics, probably 2 species.

Fruiting perianth

Fruiting perianth enlarged, ;26
26. 006


Trees, monoecious, aculeate.27
27. 001


Inflorescences in the leaf axils, pedunculate, (subinvolucrate-)bracteate.28
28. 003


Leaves alternate in spirals;29
29. 002


No material from the Guianas was available. The description is based on samples from Central America and Colombia (ter Welle et al., 1986B). Until recently the genus was regarded as monotypic with P. armata (Miq.) Standl. extending from Bolivia to Mexico. Two sterile collections from French Guiana (Paul Isnard region, Citron) strongly sug- gest the existence of another species.

Pistillate inflorescences

Pistillate inflorescences ;30
30. 005

Staminate inflorescences

Staminate inflorescences ;31
31. 004


Vessels diffuse, solitary (35-90%) and in. short radial multiples or irregular clusters of 2-4, round to slightly oval, 4-10 per sq. mm, diameter 105-210 μm. Vessel-member length: 670-695 μm. Perforations simple. Intervascular pits alternate, round and/or polygonal, 6-9 μm. Vessel-ray and vessel-parenchyma pits larger, more irregular-shaped, half-bordered, the borders reduced. Thin-walled tyloses sometimes present, but always scarce.
Rays uniseriate and 4-6-seriate, 3-5 per mm, up to 960-1400 μm high. Heterogeneous, composed of procumbent cells, except for the uniseriate margins of 1-2 rows of square and/or upright cells. Occasionally some sheath cells. Radial latex tubes common.
Parenchyma vasicentric-aliform with short wings, occasionally confluent. Strands of 2-8 cells. The parenchyma distribution is not very clear in the transverse sections, because the lumen diameter/ wall thickness ratio of the fibres is almost equal to that of the parenchyma cells.
Fibres non-septate, lumen 15-35 μm, walls 2-3 μm. Pits simple, small, restricted to the radial walls. Length: 1410-1415 μm. F/V ratio: 2.0-2.1.
Vitreous silica abundant in the fibres, and occasionally also in the axial parenchyma and vessels.