Mirabilis jalapa

Primary tabs

Mirabilis jalapa



ca. 2-3 mm long1
1. 004-004-004-001-001


usually ciliate2
2. 004-004-004-002


linear-lanceolate to lance-ovate, , acute to attenuate3
3. 004-004-004-001


acute or acuminate4
4. 003-003-003-001


glabrous or rarely puberulent, except for ciliate margin5
5. 003-003-004-002


subcordate or rounded and short-decurrent6
6. 003-003-004-001

<<Anthocarps>Shape>Angle or rib number

5-angled or -ribbed7
7. 006-001-002


7-13 mm long8
8. 006-001-001

<<Habit>Taproot>Branch number

9. 001-002-002


10. 001-002-001

<<Inflorescences>Branches>Flower number

2- to 5-flowered11
11. 004-003-001


glabrous, puberulent or short-villous12
12. 004-004-002


7-19 mm long (longer in fruit)13
13. 004-004-001

<<Inflorescences>Involucres>Lobe number

14. 004-004-003


lobes , .15
15. 004-004-004


1-2 mm long16
16. 004-002-001


2-3.5 cm wide17
17. 005-005-001

<<Perianth>Stamens>Stamen number

18. 005-006-001


1.5 mm diam.19
19. 005-004-001


apex ,20
20. 003-003-003


base , .21
21. 003-003-004


3.2-14 x 1.8-8.5 cm22
22. 003-003-002


lanceolate, deltate, ovate-deltate, broadly ovate or lance-ovate23
23. 003-003-001


dark brown or black24
24. 006-003


glabrous or puberulent25
25. 006-002


ovoid or obovoid, , , slightly constricted above base26
26. 006-001


to 1.5 m27
27. 001-001


usually large, , taproot.28
28. 001-002


branches ending in cymose glomerules;29
29. 004-003


involucre , , ,30
30. 004-004


peduncle absent or ;31
31. 004-002


32. 004-001


variable in colour (pink, red, purple, yellow or white)33
33. 005-002


glabrous or sparsely villous outside34
34. 005-003


3-5.5 cm long35
35. 005-001


limb , shallowly lobed;36
36. 005-005


stamens , equalling to greatly exceeding perianth.37
37. 005-006


tube , dilated above,38
38. 005-004


blade , ,39
39. 003-003


glabrous or puberulent40
40. 003-002


0.5-5.5 cm long41
41. 003-001


glabrous or puberulent in lines, rarely villous42
42. 002-001


Anthocarp , muricate, verrucose or rugose, , .43
43. 006

Common Name

English (Guyana): four o'clock, marvel of Peru English (Suriname): nachtschone, vieruursbloem


Erect perennial herb to 1.5 m; usually large, fleshy, much-branched taproot. Stem much branched, glabrous or puberulent in lines, rarely villous. Petiole 0.5-5.5 cm long, glabrous or puberulent; blade lanceolate, deltate, ovate-deltate, broadly ovate or lance-ovate, 3.2-14 x 1.8-8.5 cm, apex acute or acuminate, base subcordate or rounded and short-decurrent, glabrous or rarely puberulent, except for ciliate margin. Inflorescence a terminal cyme; peduncle absent or 1-2 mm long; branches ending in 2- to 5-flowered cymose glomerules; involucre 7-19 mm long (longer in fruit), glabrous, puberulent or short-villous, 5-lobed, lobes linear-lanceolate to lance-ovate, ca. 2-3 mm long, acute to attenuate, usually ciliate. Perianth 3-5.5 cm long, variable in colour (pink, red, purple, yellow or white), glabrous or sparsely villous outside, tube 1.5 mm diam., dilated above, limb 2-3.5 cm wide, shallowly lobed; stamens 5, equalling to greatly exceeding perianth. Anthocarp ovoid or obovoid, 7-13 mm long, 5-angled or -ribbed, slightly constricted above base, muricate, verrucose or rugose, glabrous or puberulent, dark brown or black.


French Guiana present, Guyana cultivated, Northern America, Suriname present, tropical America present
Tropical America, the exact origin unknown but possibly Mexico (Standley, 1931); pantropically cultivated ornamental, including in gardens of Guyana and Suriname, and occasionally observed in Suriname as probably naturalized; 20 collections studied (GU: 2; SU: 18). The species is cited from Cayenne, French Guiana by Lemée (1955); two specimens at F, from Kamakusa and Demerara in Guyana (both not seen), were cited by Standley (1931).


Erect perennial herb ;44
44. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Paramaribo, Went 21 Guyana, Pomeroon Distr., Moruka R., Mora Landing, de la Cruz 965 Suriname, Nickerie Distr., Nieuw-Nickerie, probably naturalized, Hekking 951


Inflorescence a cyme;45
45. 004


Perianth , , ,46
46. 005


Petiole , ;47
47. 003


Stem much branched, .48
48. 002