Lepidagathis nickeriensis

Primary tabs

Lepidagathis nickeriensis


<<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Lobes>Length

1.5 mm long1
1. 005-002-005-002-002

<<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Lobes>Shape

2. 005-002-005-002-001

<<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Lobes>Length

0.3 mm long3
3. 005-002-004-003-001

<<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Anterior lobes>Dimensions

5 x 1 mm4
4. 005-001-006-002

<<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Anterior lobes>Shape

5. 005-001-006-001

<<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Awns>Length

0.8 mm long6
6. 005-001-001-001

<<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Glands>Gland number

1 or 27
7. 005-001-002-001

<<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Glands>Shape

8. 005-001-002-002

<<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Lateral lobes>Dimensions

4 x 0.7 mm9
9. 005-001-005-002

<<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Lateral lobes>Shape

10. 005-001-005-001

<<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Margins>Hairs

11. 005-001-003-001

<<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Posterior lobes>Dimensions

6 x 2.5 mm12
12. 005-001-004-002

<<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Posterior lobes>Shape

13. 005-001-004-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Length

2.4 mm long14
14. 005-002-005-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip>Lobes

lobes , ;15
15. 005-002-005-002


2.1 x 1 mm16
16. 005-002-003-002


17. 005-002-003-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Length

2.4 mm long18
18. 005-002-004-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Lobe number

19. 005-002-004-002

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip>Lobes

lobes ,20
20. 005-002-004-003


21. 005-003-002-001


2.0 mm long respectively22
22. 005-003-002-002


0.4 mm long23
23. 005-003-003-001


slightly apiculate at base24
24. 005-003-003-002

<<<Inflorescences>Other spikes>Shape>Dimensions

5-6 x 1.9-2.1 mm25
25. 004-004-001-002

<<<Inflorescences>Other spikes>Shape>Vein number

26. 004-004-001-001

<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Anterior lobes

anterior lobes , ;27
27. 005-001-006

<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Awns

ending in awns28
28. 005-001-001

<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Glands

provided at base with large, glands (vide Bremekamp)29
29. 005-001-002

<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Lateral lobes

lateral lobes , ,30
30. 005-001-005

<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Margins

margin and glandular punctate,31
31. 005-001-003

<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Posterior lobes

posterior lobe , ,32
32. 005-001-004


white with violet streaks on lower lip33
33. 005-002-001


4.5 mm long34
34. 005-002-002

<<Flowers>Corolla>Lower lip

lower lip ,35
35. 005-002-005


tube , ,36
36. 005-002-003

<<Flowers>Corolla>Upper lip

upper lip , shortly ,37
37. 005-002-004


filaments , 1.5 and ,38
38. 005-003-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Stamen number

39. 005-003-001


thecae , lower one ;40
40. 005-003-003


41. 005-004-001


4 mm long42
42. 005-004-002


4.5 x 0.9 mm43
43. 004-006-002


fringed with cilia and glands44
44. 004-006-004


narrowly linear-lanceolate45
45. 004-006-001

<<Inflorescences>Bracteoles>Vein number

46. 004-006-003

<<Inflorescences>Central spike>Diameter

1.2 cm in diam. near midspike47
47. 004-003-002

<<Inflorescences>Central spike>Length

6-8 cm long48
48. 004-003-001

<<Inflorescences>Cymes>Flower number

49. 004-005-001

<<Inflorescences>Other spikes>Shape

lanceolate, bracts, , apically fringed with long cilia and shorter, capitate glands50
50. 004-004-001

<<Inflorescences>Secondary bracteoles>Dimensions

5 x 0.4 mm51
51. 004-007-002

<<Inflorescences>Secondary bracteoles>Hairs

fringed with cilia and glands52
52. 004-007-004

<<Inflorescences>Secondary bracteoles>Shape

53. 004-007-001

<<Inflorescences>Secondary bracteoles>Vein number

54. 004-007-003


cystoliths inconspicuous;55
55. 003-002-004


1.8-2.2 x 0.6-0.9 cm56
56. 003-002-001


both surfaces nearly glabrous57
57. 003-002-003


acute at apex, narrowed at base to a slender, winged petiole58
58. 003-002-002


to 5 mm long59
59. 003-001-001

<<Leaves>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

4-5 pairs60
60. 003-003-001

<<Stems>Mature stems>Hairs

becoming glabrescent61
61. 002-002-001


sparsely pubescent near apex62
62. 006-002


3-4 mm long63
63. 006-001


seed not seen.64
64. 006-003

<Flowers>Calyx lobes

calyx lobes all , ,65
65. 005-001


corolla , ,66
66. 005-002


stamens ,67
67. 005-003


style , .68
68. 005-004


15-25(-30) cm tall69
69. 001-001


bracteoles , , , ;70
70. 004-006

<Inflorescences>Central spike

central spike , , lowest verticillaster subtended by a pair of small, cauline leaves71
71. 004-003


cymes usually ;72
72. 004-005

<Inflorescences>Other spikes

the others by73
73. 004-004


74. 004-001

<Inflorescences>Secondary bracteoles

secondary bracteoles , , , .75
75. 004-007


76. 004-002


blade rhomboid, , , thin, ,77
77. 003-002


78. 003-001

<Leaves>Secondary veins

secondary veins in .79
79. 003-003


cystoliths inconspicuous.80
80. 002-004


younger stem hispidulous, especially on the wings81
81. 002-001


internodes shorter than leaves,82
82. 002-003

<Stems>Mature stems

older stem ,83
83. 002-002


Capsule , ;84
84. 006


Erect, perennial herb, 15-25(-30) cm tall. Stem numerous, quandrangular, narrowly winged, younger stem hispidulous, especially on the wings, older stem becoming glabrescent, internodes shorter than leaves, cystoliths inconspicuous. Leaves shortly petiolate or uppermost sessile, petiole to 5 mm long; blade rhomboid, 1.8-2.2 x 0.6-0.9 cm, acute at apex, narrowed at base to a slender, winged petiole, thin, both surfaces nearly glabrous, cystoliths inconspicuous; secondary veins in 4-5 pairs. Inflorescence of terminal, sessile to pedunculate, cylindric, uninterrupted spikes, solitary or in groups and the lateral ones shorter, central spike 6-8 cm long, 1.2 cm in diam. near midspike, lowest verticillaster subtended by a pair of small, cauline leaves, the others by lanceolate, 3-veined bracts, 5-6 x 1.9-2.1 mm, apically fringed with long cilia and shorter, capitate glands; cymes usually 5-flowered; bracteoles narrowly linear-lanceolate, 4.5 x 0.9 mm, 1-veined, fringed with cilia and glands; secondary bracteoles linear, 5 x 0.4 mm, 1-veined, fringed with cilia and glands. Flowers subsessile; calyx lobes all ending in 0.8 mm long awns, provided at base with 1 or 2 large, globose glands (vide Bremekamp), margin ciliate and glandular punctate, posterior lobe obovate, 6 x 2.5 mm, lateral lobes linear, 4 x 0.7 mm, anterior lobes linear-oblanceolate, 5 x 1 mm; corolla white with violet streaks on lower lip, 4.5 mm long, tube cylindric, 2.1 x 1 mm, upper lip 2.4 mm long, shortly 2-lobed, lobes 0.3 mm long, lower lip 2.4 mm long, lobes obtuse, 1.5 mm long; stamens 4, filaments glabrous, 1.5 and 2.0 mm long respectively, thecae 0.4 mm long, lower one slightly apiculate at base; style glabrous, 4 mm long. Capsule 3-4 mm long, sparsely pubescent near apex; seed not seen.


Amazonian Venezuela present, Suriname present present
Amazonian Venezuela and Suriname; 6 collections studied of which 5 from Suriname (SU: 5).


Flowers subsessile;85
85. 005


Erect, perennial herb, .86
86. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, upper Nickerie R., Blanche-Marie Falls, Tulleken 338 Suriname, Coppename R., Raleigh Falls, Mennega 112 Suriname, Coppename R., Boon 1114 Suriname, Nature Reserve Raleighvallen/Voltzberg, Teunissen LBB 14129 Suriname, Evans et al. 2768


Inflorescence of , sessile to pedunculate, , uninterrupted spikes, solitary or in groups and the lateral ones shorter, , ;87
87. 004


Leaves shortly petiolate or uppermost sessile, ;88
88. 003


Flowering in .


Stem numerous, quandrangular, narrowly winged, ,89
89. 002