Combretum fusiforme

Primary tabs

Combretum fusiforme


usually whitish1
1. 002-005-003-001


sparsely pubescent, inconspicuously lepidote2
2. 003-002-003


up to 33 cm long3
3. 003-002-002


4. 003-002-001


rather gradually shortly to long acuminate5
5. 002-004-001


hairless or almost so, moderately to rather densely lepidote below, sparsely or very sparsely so above6
6. 002-005-002


7. 002-005-003


broadly cuneate to more or less rounded8
8. 002-005-001


glabrous, inconspicuously lepidote9
9. 002-007-002


0.6-2 cm long10
10. 002-007-001

<<Leaves>Veins>Secondary vein pair number

10-20 pairs11
11. 002-006-001


4-6.5 x 0.8-1.3 cm12
12. 005-002


rather densely lepidote13
13. 005-001


without distinct pseudostipe14
14. 005-004


with thick short lateral ridges (scarcely wings) running the length of fruit15
15. 005-006


squarish in section16
16. 005-005


very narrowly oblong-elliptic to oblanceolate in side view, tapering to narrow apex and base17
17. 005-003


‘combretaceous hairs’ and peltate scales present.18
18. 001-002


to 30 m19
19. 001-001


3-15 cm long20
20. 003-001


usually aggregated into panicles , at lower nodes in axils of normal leaves (fallen by fruiting), at upper nodes without subtending leaves,21
21. 003-002


apex ,22
22. 002-004


base , , ;23
23. 002-005


7-21 x 3-8.3 cm24
24. 002-003


petiole , .25
25. 002-007


narrowly oblong-ovate26
26. 002-002


27. 002-001


venation eucamptodromous-brochidodromous, as in C. laxum except secondary veins ;28
28. 002-006


Woody liana to 30 m; ‘combretaceous hairs’ and peltate scales present. Leaves opposite, chartaceous, narrowly oblong-ovate, 7-21 x 3-8.3 cm, apex rather gradually shortly to long acuminate, base broadly cuneate to more or less rounded, hairless or almost so, moderately to rather densely lepidote below, sparsely or very sparsely so above, scales usually whitish; venation eucamptodromous-brochidodromous, as in C. laxum except secondary veins 10-20 pairs; petiole 0.6-2 cm long, glabrous, inconspicuously lepidote. Inflorescence sparsely to extensively branched, rather stout, in opposite pairs in leaf-axils, 3-15 cm long, usually aggregated into terminal panicles up to 33 cm long, at lower nodes in axils of normal leaves (fallen by fruiting), at upper nodes without subtending leaves, sparsely pubescent, inconspicuously lepidote. Flowers unknown. Fruit rather densely lepidote, 4-6.5 x 0.8-1.3 cm, very narrowly oblong-elliptic to oblanceolate in side view, tapering to narrow apex and base, without distinct pseudostipe, squarish in sectionwith thick short lateral ridges (scarcely wings) running the length of fruit. Scales as in C. laxum.


French Guiana present, Guianas present, Guyana present, NE Peru present, Southern America: Brazil North (Amazonas present), extreme S Colombia present
Widely disjunct, in Amazonas in extreme S Colombia and NE Peru, and in Guyana and French Guiana; apart from the type only 3 specimens from the Guianas (GU: 2; FG: 2).


Flowers unknown.29
29. 004


Fruit , , , , .30
30. 005


Woody liana ;31
31. 001

Individuals Association

Richard s.n. Cayenne, no other data, Richard Guyana, NW-Distr., Hacket Cr., right bank of lower Waini R., Fanshawe 2322


Inflorescence sparsely to extensively branched, rather stout, in opposite pairs in leaf-axils, , .32
32. 003


Leaves opposite, , , ,33
33. 002


Exell (1953) placed C. fusiforme in synonymy under C. glabrum DC., but I see nothing to connect these two taxa or to view C. glabrum as other than a synonym of C. laxum. The type of C. fusiforme lacks inflorescences (only detached fruits), but the Fanshawe specimen has pubescent rhachides, contrasting with the glabrous ones of C. glabrum. I have not seen any flowering material that can be linked to C. fusiforme, but such material might well be indistinguishable from C. laxum. The scattered distribution of C. fusiforme might indicate that it is only a very extreme sporadic variant of C. laxum.


Scales as in C. laxum.34
34. 006


Fruiting .