Combretum rotundifolium

Primary tabs

Combretum rotundifolium


<<<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Apex>Hairs>Colour

1. 004-007-003-002-001

<<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Apex>Hairs

moderately to densely -lepidote2
2. 004-007-003-002

<<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Apex>Shape

acute to subacute3
3. 004-007-003-001


0.2-0.5 mm long4
4. 004-010-002-001

<<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Hairs>Colour

5. 004-005-004-001

0.6-1.5 mm long6
6. 004-005-003-001


subacute to acute7
7. 004-008-005-001

<<<Flowers>Petals>Base>Basal claw

without claw8
8. 004-008-006-001


glabrous but sometimes sparsely lepidote outside9
9. 004-008-006-002


18.5-29.5 mm long10
10. 004-009-002-001

<<<Flowers>Upper hypanthium>Hairs>Colour

11. 004-006-003-001

<<<Flowers>Upper hypanthium>Shape>Dimensions

6.3-16 x 3.5-7 mm12
12. 004-006-001-001


0.08-0.3 cm long13
13. 005-005-002-001


0.6-1.1 cm wide14
14. 005-005-003-002

<<<Fruits>Base>Wings>Wing number

15. 005-005-003-001


16. 003-003-002-001


reddish- to golden17
17. 002-005-002-001


reddish- to golden18
18. 002-007-002-001

<<<Leaves>Veins>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

(5-)6-9(-10) pairs19
19. 002-006-001-001

<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Apex

apex , ;20
20. 004-007-003

<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Growth form

21. 004-007-001

<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Length

1.2-4.3 mm long22
22. 004-007-002


densely pubescent at margin with straight hairs23
23. 004-010-001


distinct free margin24
24. 004-010-002

<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Angle number

25. 004-005-002

<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Hairs

contiguously -lepidote26
26. 004-005-004

<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Length

3.3-4.3 mm long27
27. 004-005-001

pedicel-like region28
28. 004-005-003


apex ,29
29. 004-008-005


base , ;30
30. 004-008-006


1.7-3.1 x 0.8-1.2 mm31
31. 004-008-003

<<Flowers>Petals>Petal number

32. 004-008-001

<<Flowers>Petals>Relative dimensions

usually falling well short of calyx lobes but sometimes reaching about to their apex33
33. 004-008-004


34. 004-008-002


filaments ;35
35. 004-009-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Stamen number

36. 004-009-001


25.5-42 mm long37
37. 004-011-001

<<Flowers>Upper hypanthium>Hairs

moderately to densely -lepidote, sparsely to densely pubescent inside38
38. 004-006-003

<<Flowers>Upper hypanthium>Length

5.1-12 mm excluding calyx lobes39
39. 004-006-002

<<Flowers>Upper hypanthium>Shape

variously shaped, infundibuliform to bucciniform,40
40. 004-006-001


rounded or truncate to deeply retuse and scarcely apiculate41
41. 005-004-001


very distinct narrow pseudostipe42
42. 005-005-002


rounded or truncate to retuse43
43. 005-005-001


wings ,44
44. 005-005-003


45. 005-001-001

<<Habit>Liana habit>Length

to 15 m46
46. 001-001-001

<<Habit>Shrub habit>Height

to 7 m47
47. 001-002-001


glabrous or rarely sparsely pubescent, densely to contiguously -lepidote48
48. 003-003-002


up to 29 cm long49
49. 003-003-001


acute to acuminate50
50. 002-004-001


usually hairless but sometimes sparsely pubescent on both surfaces, moderately to densely -lepidote below, more or less scaleless to sparsely lepidote above51
51. 002-005-002


cuneate to rounded or subcordate52
52. 002-005-001


glabrous, contiguously -lepidote53
53. 002-007-002


0.3-1 cm long54
54. 002-007-001

<<Leaves>Veins>Secondary veins

secondary veins ;55
55. 002-006-001

<<Perianth>Marginal cells>Marginal cell number

ca. 35-7056
56. 006-002-001

<Flowers>Calyx lobes

calyx lobes , ,57
57. 004-007


disk , ;58
58. 004-010


hairless on outside59
59. 004-004


11-20.3 mm long60
60. 004-003

<Flowers>Lower hypanthium

lower hypanthium , , , ,61
61. 004-005


62. 004-001


petals , , , ,63
63. 004-008


very variable in size and shape64
64. 004-002


stamens , far exserted,65
65. 004-009


style , exserted about as far as stamens.66
66. 004-011

<Flowers>Upper hypanthium

upper hypanthium , often swollen in region below disk and narrower above disk but flared near apex (below calyx lobes), , ;67
67. 004-006


apex ,68
68. 005-004


base , , .69
69. 005-005


2.2-3.9 x 1.3-2.8 cm70
70. 005-002


moderately to densely -lepidote especially on body71
71. 005-001


oblong to elliptic or broadly elliptic72
72. 005-003


‘combretaceous hairs’ (often very sparse) and peltate scales present.73
73. 001-003

<Habit>Liana habit

Woody liana74
74. 001-001

<Habit>Shrub habit

75. 001-002


flowers borne densely around rhachis but in nature all swept up to vertical position from ± horizontal rhachis, with long exserted stamens forming 'bottle-brush' syndrome.76
76. 003-004


3-18(-22) cm long77
77. 003-002


terminal or singly or in opposite pairs in leaf-axils78
78. 003-001


sometimes aggregated into terminal racemes ,79
79. 003-003


apex ,80
80. 002-004


base , ;81
81. 002-005


4-17 x 2-11 cm82
82. 002-003


petiole , .83
83. 002-007


ovate to elliptic or sometimes broadly or narrowly so84
84. 002-002


chartaceous to subcoriaceous85
85. 002-001


venation usually eucamptodromous-brochidodromous, sometimes eucamptodromous or brochidodromous,86
86. 002-006


ca. 70-250(-275) µm diam.87
87. 006-001

<Perianth>Marginal cells

marginal cells .88
88. 006-002

Common Name

English (French Guiana): boso-oui, chigouma, pumalipe, pékéia English (Guyana): firebrush, kuyari engayi, macaw comb, monkey comb, monkey toothbrush English (Suriname): arimaka, baredaballi, bosowi, bosroe, jalimana, keskesbosro, keskeskankan, maribena, sekema, vreemoessoe-noto, yariman


Woody liana to 15 m, shrub to 7 m; ‘combretaceous hairs’ (often very sparse) and peltate scales present. Leaves opposite, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, ovate to elliptic or sometimes broadly or narrowly so, 4-17 x 2-11 cm, apex acute to acuminate, base cuneate to rounded or subcordate, usually hairless but sometimes sparsely pubescent on both surfaces, moderately to densely reddish- to golden-lepidote below, more or less scaleless to sparsely lepidote above; venation usually eucamptodromous-brochidodromous, sometimes eucamptodromous or brochidodromous, secondary veins (5-)6-9(-10) pairs; petiole 0.3-1 cm long, glabrous, contiguously reddish- to golden-lepidote. Inflorescence unbranched, stout, terminal or singly or in opposite pairs in leaf-axils, 3-18(-22) cm long, sometimes aggregated into terminal racemes up to 29 cm long, glabrous or rarely sparsely pubescent, densely to contiguously reddish-lepidote; flowers borne densely around rhachis but in nature all swept up to vertical position from ± horizontal rhachis, with long exserted stamens forming 'bottle-brush' syndrome. Flowers 4-merous, very variable in size and shape, 11-20.3 mm long, hairless on outside; lower hypanthium 3.3-4.3 mm long, 4-angled, pedicel-like region 0.6-1.5 mm long, contiguously reddish-lepidote,upper hypanthium variously shaped, infundibuliform to bucciniform, 6.3-16 x 3.5-7 mm, often swollen in region below disk and narrower above disk but flared near apex (below calyx lobes), 5.1-12 mm excluding calyx lobes, moderately to densely reddish-lepidote, sparsely to densely pubescent inside; calyx lobes erect, 1.2-4.3 mm long, apex acute to subacute, moderately to densely reddish-lepidote; petals 4, elliptic, 1.7-3.1 x 0.8-1.2 mm, usually falling well short of calyx lobes but sometimes reaching about to their apex, apex subacute to acute, base without claw, glabrous but sometimes sparsely lepidote outside; stamens 8, far exserted, filaments 18.5-29.5 mm long; disk densely pubescent at margin with straight hairs, distinct free margin 0.2-0.5 mm long; style 25.5-42 mm long, exserted about as far as stamens. Fruit moderately to densely reddish-lepidote especially on body, 2.2-3.9 x 1.3-2.8 cm, oblong to elliptic or broadly elliptic, apex rounded or truncate to deeply retuse and scarcely apiculate, base rounded or truncate to retuse, very distinct narrow pseudostipe 0.08-0.3 cm long, wings 4, 0.6-1.1 cm wide. Scales ca. 70-250(-275) µm diam., marginal cells ca. 35-70.


Guianas present, lower Amazon river-basin present
Centred on the Guianas and lower Amazon river-basin, extending more sparsely to W, N and S; about 117 specimens seen from the Guianas (GU: 49; SU: 35; FG: 33).


Flowers , , , ;89
89. 004


Fruit , , ,90
90. 005


, ;91
91. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Wanica, Pikipada, Sauvain 735 Guyana, Kanuku Mts., Rupununi R., Puwib R., Jansen-Jacobs et al. 289 Guyana, Berbice-Corentyne Region, banks of Corentyne R. above Baba-Grant Sawmill, above Cow Falls, McDowell & Gopaul 2302 Suriname, Coppename R., near Kaaimanston, Lanjouw 701 riverbank near Petit-Saut on Sinnamary R., Prévost 1313 confluence of Litany and Waamahpann Rs., Tumuc-Humuc Mts., de Granville 12581 riverbank near Petit-Saut on Sinnamary R., Prévost 1312


Inflorescence unbranched, stout, , , ;92
92. 003


Leaves opposite, , , ,93
93. 002


All species of section Combretum have ‘bottle-brush’ inflorescences and are known very widely in various languages as monkey’s toothbrush or monkey’s comb.


Scales ,94
94. 006


Flowering ; fruiting .