Piper pulleanum

Primary tabs

Piper pulleanum

<<<Petiole>Blade>Base>Differential distance

0.1-0.3 cm1
1. 004-002-005-001


0.5-8(-2.5) cm long2
2. 005-002-001


5-8 cm long3
3. 005-003-001


ca. 2 mm wide4
4. 006-001-001


apex acuminate,5
5. 004-002-004


base unequally attached to petiole difference , obtuse to subcordate, almost glabrous above, veins may be somewhat appressed-pubescent, appressed-pubescent below especially on veins;6
6. 004-002-005


11-25 x 4.5-8 cm7
7. 004-002-003


ovate or elliptic-ovate8
8. 004-002-002


somewhat scabrous and bullate9
9. 004-002-001


to 2.5 m tall10
10. 001-001


anthers dehiscing laterally.11
11. 005-005

<Inflorescences>Floral bracts

floral bracts marginally fringed;12
12. 005-004

<Inflorescences>Growth form

13. 005-001


peduncle , brown crisp-pubescent;14
14. 005-002


spike , white to yellowish, apiculate;15
15. 005-003


fruits obovoid to trigonous, papillose or hispidulous, ;16
16. 006-001


stigmas 3.17
17. 006-002


blade not conspicuously glandular-dotted, often drying dull greyish green, , , ,18
18. 004-002


0.3-0.7(-1) cm long19
19. 004-001


pinnately veined, secondary veins 3-4(-5), originating from lower 1/2 of primary vein, ascending at an angle of ca. 45º, flat to prominulous above, prominent below, tertiary veins transverse.20
20. 004-003

Common Name

English: petpe


Shrub or treelet, to 2.5 m tall. Stem densely retrorsely crisp-pubescent. Stipules may be long persistent. Petiole 0.3-0.7(-1) cm long, densely brown-pubescent; blade not conspicuously glandular-dotted, often drying dull greyish green, somewhat scabrous and bullate, ovate or elliptic-ovate, 11-25 x 4.5-8 cm, apex acuminate, base unequally attached to petiole difference 0.1-0.3 cm, obtuse to subcordate, almost glabrous above, veins may be somewhat appressed-pubescent, appressed-pubescent below especially on veins; pinnately veined, secondary veins 3-4(-5), originating from lower 1/2 of primary vein, ascending at an angle of ca. 45º, flat to prominulous above, prominent below, tertiary veins transverse. Inflorescence erect; peduncle 0.5-8(-2.5) cm long, brown crisp-pubescent; spike 5-8 cm long, white to yellowish, apiculate; floral bracts marginally fringed; anthers dehiscing laterally. Infructescence erect; fruits obovoid to trigonous, papillose or hispidulous, ca. 2 mm wide; stigmas 3.


Guianas present
The Guianas; 22 collections studied (GU: 7; SU: 5; FG: 10).


Shrub or treelet, .21
21. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Kuyuwini R., Clarke 4516 Guyana, Rupununi Distr., Kuyuwini R, Kuyuwini Landing, Jansen-Jacobs et al. 3152 Upper Marouini R. basin, Oeman fou langa soela, de Granville et al. 9202 Suriname, Oelemari R., near airstrip, Wessels Boer 965 Mt. St Michel, de Granville et al. T-1164 Suriname, Litanie R., near Feti Cr., Geijskes 81


Inflorescence ;22
22. 005


Infructescence erect;23
23. 006


Petiole , densely brown-pubescent;24
24. 004


Stem densely retrorsely crisp-pubescent.25
25. 002


Stipules may be long persistent.26
26. 003