Piper adenandrum
- <<<Petiole>Blade>Base>Differential distance
- <<Inflorescences>Peduncle>Length
- <<Inflorescences>Spikes>Length
- <<Petiole>Blade>Apex
- <<Petiole>Blade>Base
- <<Petiole>Blade>Dimensions
- <<Petiole>Blade>Margins
- <<Petiole>Blade>Shape
- <Fruits>Diameter
- <Fruits>Stigma
- <Habit>Height
- <Habit>Length
- <Habit>Upper internodes
- <Inflorescences>Anthers
- <Inflorescences>Floral bracts
- <Inflorescences>Growth form
- <Inflorescences>Peduncle
- <Inflorescences>Rachises
- <Inflorescences>Spikes
- <Petiole>Blade
- <Petiole>Length
- <Petiole>Veins
- Common Name
- Description
- Distribution
- Fruits
- Habit
- Individuals Association
- Inflorescences
- Notes
- Petiole
base unequally attached to petiole difference , acute or obtusish, glabrous or pubescent above, (densely) crisp-pubescent or villous beneath;5
5. 002-002-005
peduncle , sometimes reddish tinged, crisp-pubescent or villous;17
17. 003-002
pinnately veined, secondary veins 5-6 per side, originating from lower 3/4 of primary vein.22
22. 002-003
Common Name
Boni (French Guiana): ampukuwiwii English (Guyana): tona tonakeng English (Suriname): katun uwi
Shrub or treelet, 1.5 m tall, pubescent or villous, hairs to 0.5 mm long; upper internodes densely glandular. Petiole 0.2-0.5(-1) cm long, vaginate to middle; blade not conspicuously glandular-dotted, lance-elliptic or elliptic-ovate, 8-16.5 x 3-6(-7) cm, margin ciliate, apex long-acuminate, base unequally attached to petiole difference 0-0.2 cm, acute or obtusish, glabrous or pubescent above, (densely) crisp-pubescent or villous beneath; pinnately veined, secondary veins 5-6 per side, originating from lower 3/4 of primary vein. Inflorescence pendent; peduncle 0.5-1.1 cm long, sometimes reddish tinged, crisp-pubescent or villous; spike 1-5 cm long, green to pale or dark yellow, apiculate; rachis glabrous; floral bracts densely marginally fringed; anthers laterally dehiscent. Fruits separate at maturity, depressed globose, 2.5-3(-4) mm in diam., verruculose; stigmas 3, sessile or fruits somewhat stylose.
Guianas present, Southern America: Venezuela (Venezuela present)
Venezuela and the Guianas; 81 collections studied (GU: 14; SU: 5; FG: 62).
Individuals Association
Kaw Mts., Feuillet 2240
Guyana, Upper Takutu — Upper Essequibo region, Gunn’s, Clarke 7059
Suriname, Lely Mts., Lindeman & Stoffers et al. 834
Saül area, foot Mt. Galbao, de Granville et al. 8398
Guyana, Acarai Mts., Clarke 2947
Suriname, Gran Santi, Sauvain 448
Piper adenandrum and P. avellanum had been considered conspecific by Kramer & Görts-van Rijn (1968: 418). There are, however, several differentiating characters: P. adenandrum has long-acuminate blades, indument of spreading, to 0.5 mm long hairs and distinctly separate fruits, 2.5-3(-4) mm in diam., whereas P. avellanum blades are (short) acuminate or acute, the hairs are crisp, 0.2 mm long, and the fruits 2 mm in diam., not distinctly separate.