Piper consanguineum

Primary tabs

Piper consanguineum


to 0.5 cm long1
1. 003-002-001


1.5-2.5 cm long2
2. 003-003-001


to 3 mm in diam.3
3. 004-002-001


stigmas 3, recurved on a very short style.4
4. 004-002-002


apex obtuse-acute to acuminate,5
5. 002-002-003


base equal or almost equally attached to petiole, rounded to subcordate, glabrous above, crisp-pubescent below especially on veins;6
6. 002-002-004


3.5-7(-12) x 1-2(-3.5) cm7
7. 002-002-002


narrowly elliptic or lanceolate-oblong8
8. 002-002-001


0.1-0.5 m tall9
9. 001-001

<Inflorescences>Floral bracts

floral bracts cucullate, glabrous;10
10. 003-004

<Inflorescences>Growth form

11. 003-001


peduncle , glabrescent;12
12. 003-002


rachis pubescent.13
13. 003-005


spike erect, , white, yellow to green, apiculate;14
14. 003-003


1-3 x 0.8-1 cm15
15. 004-001


fruits depressed globose, , papillose, green, becoming exserted,16
16. 004-002


blade dark green above often with a pale or white band along primary vein, pale green below, not conspicuously glandular-dotted, , ,17
17. 002-002


0.2-1.5 cm long18
18. 002-001


pinnately veined, secondary veins 6-12 per side, originating from throughout primary vein, clearly anastomosing within margin.19
19. 002-003

Common Name

English (Suriname): nowtu, snekibita


Herbaceous small shrub, 0.1-0.5 m tall, sometimes creeping, retrorsely crisp-pubescent. Petiole 0.2-1.5 cm long, crisp-pubescent, vaginate near base; blade dark green above often with a pale or white band along primary vein, pale green below, not conspicuously glandular-dotted, narrowly elliptic or lanceolate-oblong, 3.5-7(-12) x 1-2(-3.5) cm, apex obtuse-acute to acuminate, base equal or almost equally attached to petiole, rounded to subcordate, glabrous above, crisp-pubescent below especially on veins; pinnately veined, secondary veins 6-12 per side, originating from throughout primary vein, clearly anastomosing within margin. Inflorescence pendent; peduncle to 0.5 cm long, glabrescent; spike erect, 1.5-2.5 cm long, white, yellow to green, apiculate; floral bracts cucullate, glabrous; rachis pubescent. Infructescence 1-3 x 0.8-1 cm, green or brownish; fruits depressed globose, to 3 mm in diam., papillose, green, becoming exserted, stigmas 3, recurved on a very short style.


Guianas present, SE Venezuela present, Southern America: Brazil North (Amazonas present, Pará present, Rondônia present, Roraima present)
SE Venezuela, the Guianas and Brazil (Amazonas, Roraima, Rondônia, Pará); ca. 130 collections studied (GU: 10; SU: 24; FG: 96).


Herbaceous small shrub, , sometimes creeping, retrorsely crisp-pubescent.20
20. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Rupununi Distr., Kuyuwini Landing, Jansen-Jacobs et al. 3102 Guyana, Kuyuwini R., Clarke 4538 Suriname, Suriname R., Jodensavanne-Mapane Cr. area, Schulz LBB 8291 Station des Nouragues, Cremers et al. 10935 Suriname, Wilhelmina Mts., above confluence Lucie R., Irwin 55779 Approuague R., Ineri Mt., Cremers et al. 15352


Inflorescence ;21
21. 003


Infructescence , green or brownish;22
22. 004


This species is easily recognizable by the many anastomosing secondary veins and the often variegate leaf pattern.
Several collections (e.g. Suriname, Wessels Boer 1533 and Venezuela, Morillo 9024) are quite similar to Piper consanguineum but differ in the size of the leaves up to 16 x 5 cm and glabrous somewhat abortive mature spikes. It may turn out that they belong to another taxon which can only be decided when more material is available.


Petiole , crisp-pubescent, vaginate near base;23
23. 002


According to Schulz, Suriname Amerindians use leaves extracted in spirit after snake bite (see also the vernacular name, meaning snake bite).