Piper rupununianum

Primary tabs

Piper rupununianum


1-1.5(-3) cm long1
1. 004-002-001


5-9 cm long2
2. 004-003-001


apex long-acuminate,3
3. 003-002-003


base equal or almost equally attached to petiole, acute, glabrous;4
4. 003-002-004


14-20 x 5-7 cm5
5. 003-002-002


narrowly elliptic or narrowly elliptic-oblong6
6. 003-002-001


stigmas 3, minute, sessile.7
7. 005-001


1-2 m tall8
8. 001-001

<Inflorescences>Floral bracts

floral bracts densely marginally fringed.9
9. 004-004

<Inflorescences>Growth form

erect or pendent10
10. 004-001


peduncle ;11
11. 004-002


spike , apiculate;12
12. 004-003


blade not glandular-dotted, , ,13
13. 003-002


0.3-0.6 cm long14
14. 003-001


pinnately veined, secondary veins 3-4 per side, originating from lower 1/2 to lower 2/3 of primary vein, ascending at an angle of 45-60º, plane above, prominulous below, tertiary veins widely reticulate.15
15. 003-003


Shrub or tree, 1-2 m tall. Stem glabrous or may be sparsely appressed-pubescent. Petiole 0.3-0.6 cm long, glabrous, vaginate usually at base; blade not glandular-dotted, narrowly elliptic or narrowly elliptic-oblong, 14-20 x 5-7 cm, apex long-acuminate, base equal or almost equally attached to petiole, acute, glabrous; pinnately veined, secondary veins 3-4 per side, originating from lower 1/2 to lower 2/3 of primary vein, ascending at an angle of 45-60º, plane above, prominulous below, tertiary veins widely reticulate. Inflorescence erect or pendent; peduncle 1-1.5(-3) cm long; spike 5-9 cm long, apiculate; floral bracts densely marginally fringed. Fruits trigonous to obpyramidal, glabrous, glandular, green, stigmas 3, minute, sessile.


French Guiana present, Guyana present, Southern America: Venezuela (Venezuela present)
Venezuela, Guyana and French Guiana; 31 collections studied (GU: 25; FG: 6).


Fruits trigonous to obpyramidal, glabrous, glandular, green,16
16. 005


Shrub or tree, .17
17. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni region, Mt. Kopinang, Hahn 4300 herb. Sagot s.n. Trinité Mts., de Granville et al. 13225 Guyana, Bartica, Bartlett 8408 Guyana, Cuyuni R., Tutin 318


Inflorescence ;18
18. 004


Petiole , glabrous, vaginate usually at base;19
19. 003


Stem glabrous or may be sparsely appressed-pubescent.20
20. 002