Piper bartlingianum

Primary tabs

Piper bartlingianum


1 cm long1
1. 003-002-001


10-12 cm long2
2. 003-003-001


apex acuminate,3
3. 002-002-004


base equal or almost equally attached to petiole, acute, glabrous;4
4. 002-002-005


13-30 x 5-8(-10) cm5
5. 002-002-003


6. 002-002-002


coriaceous, not scabrous7
7. 002-002-001


stigmas 4, sessile.8
8. 004-001


1-4 m tall9
9. 001-001

<Inflorescences>Floral bracts

floral bracts cucullate, pilose on inner side.10
10. 003-005

<Inflorescences>Growth form

11. 003-001


peduncle , glabrous;12
12. 003-002


rachis hirsute;13
13. 003-004


spike , green, not apiculate;14
14. 003-003


blade glossy, , not conspicuously glandular-dotted, , ,15
15. 002-002


0.5 cm long16
16. 002-001


pinnately veined, secondary veins 6-8 per side, flat to impressed above, prominent below, anastomosing well within margin, originating from throughout primary vein, tertiary veins widely reticulate.17
17. 002-003

Common Name

English (French Guiana): kaboye, pao pao, petpe, yemilã English (Suriname): akamikini, man-aneise-wiwiri, petpe


Shrub, subshrub or treelet, 1-4 m tall, somewhat nodose, glabrous. Petiole 0.5 cm long, glabrous, vaginate near or at base; blade glossy, coriaceous, not scabrous, not conspicuously glandular-dotted, elliptic-oblong, 13-30 x 5-8(-10) cm, apex acuminate, base equal or almost equally attached to petiole, acute, glabrous; pinnately veined, secondary veins 6-8 per side, flat to impressed above, prominent below, anastomosing well within margin, originating from throughout primary vein, tertiary veins widely reticulate. Inflorescence erect; peduncle 1 cm long, glabrous; spike 10-12 cm long, green, not apiculate; rachis hirsute; floral bracts cucullate, pilose on inner side. Fruits ovoid to tetragonous, separate, somewhat ridged or winged (at least when dried), glabrous may be somewhat papillose, stigmas 4, sessile.


Guianas present, Matto Grosso present, S Venezuela present, SE Colombia present, Southern America: Brazil North (Amapá present, Amazonas present, Pará present, Roraima present)
The Guianas, S Venezuela, Brazil (Amazonas, Roraima, Amapá, Pará, Matto Grosso) and SE Colombia; ca. 185 collections studied (GU: 50; SU: 50; FG: 87).


Fruits ovoid to tetragonous, separate, somewhat ridged or winged (at least when dried), glabrous may be somewhat papillose,18
18. 004


Shrub, subshrub or treelet, , somewhat nodose, glabrous.19
19. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Marudi Mts., Stoffers & Görts-van Rijn et al. 335 Saül area, Mt. Galbao, de Granville et al. 8545 Guyana, Kamoa R., Jansen-Jacobs et al. 1593 Suriname, S of Juliana peak, N of Lucie R., Irwin 57708 Suriname, Ulemari R., UVS 17751 Saül, Görts-van Rijn et al. 65


Inflorescence ;20
20. 003


I agree with Trelease and Yuncker (1950: 410) that Piper warakabacoura and P. bartlingianum are conspecific. The differences used to separate the two, for instance by De Candolle, are on leaf size and shape and a few hairs on the fruits. With the large amount of collections studied, it can be concluded that the variation is such that it is not possible to maintain two species.
See also note to P. alatabaccum.


Petiole , glabrous, vaginate near or at base;21
21. 002


According to Miquel, Artanthe warakabacoura — meaning knee of the Warakaba bird — was used in Guyana and Suriname as one of the constituents of the Ourali poison.