Piper peltatum

Primary tabs

Piper peltatum

<<<Inflorescences>Common peduncle>Peduncle>Length

1-1.5 cm long1
1. 004-003-002-001

<<Inflorescences>Common peduncle>Length

2-8 cm long2
2. 004-003-001

<<Inflorescences>Common peduncle>Peduncle

peduncles slender, ;3
3. 004-003-002


5-10 cm long4
4. 004-004-001


apex acute,5
5. 003-002-003


base nearly rounded to usually deeply cordate, glabrous except for short hairs on veins;6
6. 003-002-004


to 16-30 x 18-40 cm7
7. 003-002-002


8. 003-002-001


8-20 cm long9
9. 003-001-001


to 3 m tall10
10. 001-001

<Inflorescences>Common peduncle

common peduncle ,11
11. 004-003

<Inflorescences>Floral bracts

floral bracts marginally fringed.12
12. 004-005

<Inflorescences>Growth form

13. 004-001


seem to be axillary, but are reduced14
14. 004-002


spikes numerous, , each subtended by a single prophyll, densely flowered;15
15. 004-004


blade glandular-dotted, , ,16
16. 003-002


petiole attached at up to 1/3 of blade, rarely near base, , vaginate or slightly winged in lower part;17
17. 003-001


palmately 13-15-veined, veins radiating from petiole tip, and 2 pairs originating from central vein.18
18. 003-003

Common Name

English (Guyana): cow foot leaf, popo sakara


Large herb to 3 m tall. Internodes black glandular-dotted, more densely so on nodes. Leaves alternate, peltate; petiole attached at up to 1/3 of blade, rarely near base, 8-20 cm long, vaginate or slightly winged in lower part; blade glandular-dotted, round-ovate, to 16-30 x 18-40 cm, apex acute, base nearly rounded to usually deeply cordate, glabrous except for short hairs on veins; palmately 13-15-veined, veins radiating from petiole tip, and 2 pairs originating from central vein. Inflorescence erect, umbellate, seem to be axillary, but are reduced, sympodial branches with very short internodes, without leaves; common peduncle 2-8 cm long, peduncles slender, 1-1.5 cm long; spikes numerous, 5-10 cm long, each subtended by a single prophyll, densely flowered; floral bracts marginally fringed. Fruits trigonous, glabrous.


tropical S America present
Widely distributed in tropical S America; ca. 60 collections studied (GU: 25; SU: 13; FG: 25).


Fruits trigonous, glabrous.19
19. 005


Large herb .20
20. 001

Individuals Association

Inini R., De Granville et al. 7303 Suriname, Wilhelmina Mts., LBB 16263 Guyana, Ithaca, Berbice R., Grewal 289 Saül, Görts-van Rijn et al. 67 Suriname, Wilhelmina Mts., S slope Juliana peak, Irwin et al. 54650 Guyana, Rupununi Distr., Kanuku Mts., Jansen-Jacobs et al. 2236


Inflorescence , umbellate, , sympodial branches with very short internodes, without leaves;21
21. 004


Internodes black glandular-dotted, more densely so on nodes.22
22. 002


Leaves alternate, peltate;23
23. 003


There has been quite a discussion on the correct name of the taxon. I agree with R. Callejas that the taxon can best be placed in Piper, not separated as Lepianthes or Pothomorphe. Piper peltatum together with P. marginatum, P. umbellatum L. and several other extra-Guianan taxa form a distinct clade within Piper (Jaramillo & Manos, Amer. J. Bot. 88: 712. 2001). They do not form a monophyletic group and should not be separated from Piper.


As a fish-poison, for that purpose cultivated (in Guyana, NW Distr., according to Archer).