Brosimum guianense

Primary tabs

Brosimum guianense

CountryDateCollector + collecting numberHerbariaTypeScanDerivatives
Lemee s.n.
Citation: French Guiana, Maroni, Lemee s.n.

Specimen summary: French Guiana, Maroni, Lemee s.n.
Holotype of Brosimum lemeei (Benoist) Lemee Piratinera lemeei Benoist

C.W. Anderson s.n.
Citation: Guyana, Corantine River, below Mankobi, C.W. Anderson s.n.

Specimen summary: Guyana, Corantine River, below Mankobi, C.W. Anderson s.n.
Holotype of Piratinera scabridula S.F. Blake

Fanshawe 688
Citation: Guyana, Siba Creek, Fanshawe 688

Specimen summary: Guyana, Siba Creek, Fanshawe 688
Holotype of Brosimum rotundatum Standl.

C.W. Anderson BW 1647
Citation: Surinam, Forest Reserve Sectie 0, C.W. Anderson BW 1647

Specimen summary: Surinam, Forest Reserve Sectie 0, C.W. Anderson BW 1647
Holotype of Piratinera velutina S.F. Blake Brosimum velutinum (S.F. Blake) Ducke

Aubl s.n.
Citation: French Guiana, Caux, Aubl s.n.

Specimen summary: French Guiana, Caux, Aubl s.n.
Holotype of Alicastrum guianense (Aubl.) Kuntze Brosimum guianense (Aubl.) Huber Brosimum aubletii Poepp. & Endl. Piratinera guianensis Aubl.