Chelonanthus hamatus

Primary tabs

Chelonanthus hamatus



1. 005-004-006-001


ca. 6 x 7 mm2
2. 005-004-005-002


3. 005-004-005-001


4. 005-003-005-001


1.3-2.1 long5
5. 005-003-003-001


6. 005-003-004-001


ca. 4.4 x 2.1 mm7
7. 005-007-002-001

<<<Flowers>Pistil>Stigma lobes>Dimensions

2.4-2.8 x ca. 1.8 mm8
8. 005-007-004-002

<<<Flowers>Pistil>Stigma lobes>Shape

9. 005-007-004-001


ca. 11 mm long10
10. 005-007-003-001


11. 005-005-003-001


1.8-3.2 mm long12
12. 005-005-003-003


13. 005-005-003-002


10-12 mm long14
14. 005-005-001-001


acuminate to cuspidate15
15. 004-002-003-001


acute to obtuse16
16. 003-001-005-001


attenuate or obtuse just below inflorescence17
17. 003-001-006-001


not thickened, flat18
18. 003-001-004-001


19. 005-002-001


6-8 x 5-7 mm20
20. 005-002-002


apex ;21
21. 005-004-006


green, with dark green spot on apex of each corolla lobe22
22. 005-004-001


20-27 mm long23
23. 005-004-003


lobes , ,24
24. 005-004-005


funnel-shaped to tubular25
25. 005-004-002


10-18 mm wide at mouth26
26. 005-004-004


apex ;27
27. 005-003-005


3-4 x 3-4 mm28
28. 005-003-002


upward facing hook protruding from apex of glandular area, hook29
29. 005-003-003


margin ,30
30. 005-003-004


31. 005-003-001


ca. 18 mm long32
32. 005-007-001


ovary ,33
33. 005-007-002

<<Flowers>Pistil>Stigma lobes

stigma lobes , .34
34. 005-007-004


style ,35
35. 005-007-003


anthers , , , straight;36
36. 005-005-003


corona present at insertion point, straight to curved downward close to anther,37
37. 005-005-002


filaments ,38
38. 005-005-001


39. 006-004-001


0.1-0.6 mm in diam.40
40. 006-004-002


apex ;41
41. 004-002-003


2.2-3.8(-8.1) mm long42
42. 004-002-002


43. 004-002-001

<<Inflorescences>Flower number per inflorescence>Flower number

44. 004-001-001


6-9 mm long45
45. 004-003-001


apex ,46
46. 003-001-005


base .47
47. 003-001-006


4.3-20.7 x 2.9-6.2 cm48
48. 003-001-003


margin ,49
49. 003-001-004


oblanceolate (specimen from Venezuela elliptic)50
50. 003-001-002


subcoriaceous to membranaceous51
51. 003-001-001

<<Stems and branches>Internodes>Length

2.5-13.5 cm long52
52. 002-004-001

<<Stems and branches>Wings>Width

1-1.3 mm wide53
53. 002-003-001


calyx , ;54
54. 005-002


corolla , , , ,55
55. 005-004

<Flowers>Growth form

erect to horizontal56
56. 005-001


lobes , , ,57
57. 005-003


pistil ,58
58. 005-007


pollen exine with fine reticulum interspersed with thickend, knob-like muri;59
59. 005-006


stamens not exserted,60
60. 005-005


61. 006-001


9-17 x 4-8 mm62
62. 006-003


seeds ,63
63. 006-004


64. 006-002


up to 1.2 m high65
65. 001-001


bracts , ,66
66. 004-002


pedicel .67
67. 004-003


blade , , ,68
68. 003-001

<Stems and branches>Diameter

up to 1.1 cm in diam.69
69. 002-001

<Stems and branches>Internodes

internodes .70
70. 002-004

<Stems and branches>Shape

quadrangular, winged71
71. 002-002

<Stems and branches>Wings

wings ;72
72. 002-003


Herb, up to 1.2 m high, branched. Stems and branches up to 1.1 cm in diam., quadrangular, winged, wings 1-1.3 mm wide; internodes 2.5-13.5 cm long. Leaves sessile, cauline, evenly positioned; blade subcoriaceous to membranaceous, oblanceolate (specimen from Venezuela elliptic), 4.3-20.7 x 2.9-6.2 cm, margin not thickened, flat, apex acute to obtuse, base attenuate or obtuse just below inflorescence. Inflorescence 16-40-flowered; bracts ovate, 2.2-3.8(-8.1) mm long, apex acuminate to cuspidate; pedicel 6-9 mm long. Flowers erect to horizontal; calyx green, 6-8 x 5-7 mm; lobes ovate, 3-4 x 3-4 mm, upward facing hook protruding from apex of glandular area, hook 1.3-2.1 long, margin membranaceous, apex obtuse; corolla green, with dark green spot on apex of each corolla lobe, funnel-shaped to tubular, 20-27 mm long, 10-18 mm wide at mouth, lobes ovate, ca. 6 x 7 mm, apex obtuse; stamens not exserted, filaments 10-12 mm long, corona present at insertion point, straight to curved downward close to anther, anthers white-yellow, elliptic, 1.8-3.2 mm long, straight; pollen exine with fine reticulum interspersed with thickend, knob-like muri; pistil ca. 18 mm long, ovary ca. 4.4 x 2.1 mm, style ca. 11 mm long, stigma lobes elliptic, 2.4-2.8 x ca. 1.8 mm. Fruit nodding, brown, ellipsoid, 9-17 x 4-8 mm; seeds brown, 0.1-0.6 mm in diam.


Herba foliis subcoriaceis vel membranaceis apice acutis vel obtusis, calyce lobis extus uncis crassis antrorsis areis glandulosis superpositis munitis, staminibus in insertione lobis alternantibus plusminusve coronam formantibus.


French Guiana present present, Southern America: Venezuela (Venezuela present)
Venezuela and French Guiana; 4 collections studied, of which 3 from French Guiana (FG: 3).


Flowers ;73
73. 005


Fruit nodding, , , ;74
74. 006


Herb, , branched.75
75. 001


Inflorescence ;76
76. 004


Leaves sessile, cauline, evenly positioned;77
77. 003


Specimens have been observed from the Venezuelan states of Amazonas and Bolívar, along the Río Orinoco or one of its smaller tributaries that have well defined to slight bumps on the calyx lobes vs. prominent hooks as observed in C. hamatus. These specimens are also characterized by stems that are weakly quadrangular to terete vs. strongly quadrangular and 4-winged in C. hamatus, and staminal pockets or reduced corona vs. a corona twice as large as in C. hamatus. Considering the presence of any structure protruding from the apex of the glandular area is a character unique not only to the genus, but to the family, these specimens are considered potential intermediate taxa between C. hamatus and an unknown parental taxon. Attempts to amplify DNA from such specimens have been unsuccessful and further research is needed to determine the status of these specimens. At this point, they are not considered a part of C. hamatus. For additional details see Lepis (2009).


Flowering and fruiting .

Stems and branches

Stems and branches , ,78
78. 002