Chelonanthus angustifolius

Primary tabs

Chelonanthus angustifolius


<<<<Flowers>Calyx>Lobes>Fusion>Relative distance

ca. 4/5 of total length1
1. 005-002-003-001-001


2. 005-002-005-001


2-6 x 2-5 mm3
3. 005-002-003-003


fused for4
4. 005-002-003-001


ovate to circular5
5. 005-002-003-002


6. 005-002-004-001


obtuse (acute)7
7. 005-003-006-001


3-9 x 3-15 mm8
8. 005-003-005-002


ovate or circular9
9. 005-003-005-001


3.2-4.3 x 1.9-2.4 mm10
10. 005-006-002-001

<<<Flowers>Pistil>Stigma lobes>Dimensions

1.5-2.4 x 1.1-2.4 mm11
11. 005-006-004-002

<<<Flowers>Pistil>Stigma lobes>Shape

12. 005-006-004-001


20-40 mm long13
13. 005-006-003-001


14. 005-004-002-001


2.3-3.5 mm long15
15. 005-004-002-003


elliptic to slightly obovate16
16. 005-004-002-002


17-35 mm long17
17. 005-004-001-001


obtuse (acute)18
18. 004-002-003-001


acute to acuminate19
19. 003-002-005-001


attenuate or cuneate20
20. 003-002-006-001


not thickened, flat21
21. 003-002-004-001


apex ;22
22. 005-002-005


23. 005-002-001


4-9 x 3-7 mm24
24. 005-002-002


lobes , , ,25
25. 005-002-003


margin ,26
26. 005-002-004


apex ;27
27. 005-003-006


white, cream, green or greenish yellow, with dark green spot on apex of each corolla lobe28
28. 005-003-001


21-52 mm long29
29. 005-003-003


lobes , ,30
30. 005-003-005


funnel-shaped to tubular31
31. 005-003-002


10-32 mm wide at mouth32
32. 005-003-004


29-32 mm long33
33. 005-006-001


ovary ,34
34. 005-006-002

<<Flowers>Pistil>Stigma lobes

stigma lobes , .35
35. 005-006-004


style ,36
36. 005-006-003


anthers , , , straight after anthesis;37
37. 005-004-002


filaments , mostly straight, curved downward close to anther,38
38. 005-004-001


39. 006-005-001


0.1-0.5 mm in diam.40
40. 006-005-002


apex ;41
41. 004-002-003


1.2-5 mm long42
42. 004-002-002


ovate to oblong43
43. 004-002-001

<<Inflorescences>Flower number per inflorescence>Flower number

44. 004-001-001


2-24 mm long45
45. 004-003-001


apex ,46
46. 003-002-005


base .47
47. 003-002-006


1-21 x 0.2-3.7 cm48
48. 003-002-003


margin ,49
49. 003-002-004


linear, lanceolate or elliptic50
50. 003-002-002


membranaceous (coriaceous)51
51. 003-002-001


0-0.4 cm long52
52. 003-001-001

<<Stems and branches>Internodes>Length

0.5-17.4 cm long53
53. 002-004-001

<<Stems and branches>Wings>Width

0.1-0.3 mm wide54
54. 002-003-001


calyx , ,55
55. 005-002


corolla , , , ,56
56. 005-003

<Flowers>Growth form

erect to horizontal57
57. 005-001


pistil ,58
58. 005-006


pollen exine differentially reticulated with globules (see Nilsson, 1970, 2002);59
59. 005-005


stamens not exserted,60
60. 005-004


61. 006-002


5-14 x 1-8 mm62
62. 006-004

<Fruits>Growth form

erect to horizontal63
63. 006-001


seeds ,64
64. 006-005


65. 006-003


up to 1.6 m high66
66. 001-001


bracts , ,67
67. 004-002


pedicel .68
68. 004-003


blade , , ,69
69. 003-002


petiole ;70
70. 003-001

<Stems and branches>Diameter

up to 0.7 cm in diam.71
71. 002-001

<Stems and branches>Internodes

internodes .72
72. 002-004

<Stems and branches>Shape

terete to weakly quadrangular with or without small wings73
73. 002-002

<Stems and branches>Wings

wings ;74
74. 002-003


Herb, up to 1.6 m high, unbranched to sparsley branched. Stems and branches up to 0.7 cm in diam., terete to weakly quadrangular with or without small wings, wings 0.1-0.3 mm wide; internodes 0.5-17.4 cm long. Leaves sessile to shortly petiolate, evenly cauline with internode between 2 most apical sets of leaves visibly longer; petiole 0-0.4 cm long; blade membranaceous (coriaceous), linear, lanceolate or elliptic, 1-21 x 0.2-3.7 cm, margin not thickened, flat, apex acute to acuminate, base attenuate or cuneate. Inflorescence 1-60-flowered; bracts ovate to oblong, 1.2-5 mm long, apex obtuse (acute); pedicel 2-24 mm long. Flowers erect to horizontal; calyx green, 4-9 x 3-7 mm, lobes fused for ca. 4/5 of total length, ovate to circular, 2-6 x 2-5 mm, margin membranaceous, apex obtuse; corolla white, cream, green or greenish yellow, with dark green spot on apex of each corolla lobe, funnel-shaped to tubular, 21-52 mm long, 10-32 mm wide at mouth, lobes ovate or circular, 3-9 x 3-15 mm, apex obtuse (acute); stamens not exserted, filaments 17-35 mm long, mostly straight, curved downward close to anther, anthers white, elliptic to slightly obovate, 2.3-3.5 mm long, straight after anthesis; pollen exine differentially reticulated with globules (see Nilsson, 1970, 2002); pistil 29-32 mm long, ovary 3.2-4.3 x 1.9-2.4 mm, style 20-40 mm long, stigma lobes orbicular, 1.5-2.4 x 1.1-2.4 mm. Fruit erect to horizontal, brown, ellipsoid, 5-14 x 1-8 mm; seeds brown, 0.1-0.5 mm in diam.


Andes of Bolivia present, Brazilian Amazon present, Guianas present, Guyana present, Southern America: Brazil North (Acre present, Amazonas present, Roraima present); Colombia (Colombia present); Peru (Peru present); Venezuela (Venezuela present)
Colombia, Peru and Andes of Bolivia, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazilian Amazon (Acre, Amazonas, Roraima); 166 collections studied, of which 5 from the Guianas (GU: 5).


Flowers ;75
75. 005


Fruit , , , ;76
76. 006


Herb, , unbranched to sparsley branched.77
77. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Pakaraima Mts., Chinowieng Village, Henkel & Hoffman 238 Guyana, Utshi R. trail to Santa Elena, Clarke 937


Inflorescence ;78
78. 004


Leaves sessile to shortly petiolate, evenly cauline with internode between 2 most apical sets of leaves visibly longer;79
79. 003


Flowering and fruiting .

Stems and branches

Stems and branches , ,80
80. 002