Xyris guianensis

Primary tabs

Xyris guianensis


<<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Floral bracts>Shape>Length

4.5-5 mm1
1. 003-003-004-003-001-001

<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Empty bracts>Bract number

2. 003-003-004-002-001

<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Empty bracts>Relative dimensions

smaller and narrower than the flowering ones3
3. 003-003-004-002-002

<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Floral bracts>Shape

oblong , less keeled, subacute, scarious-margined4
4. 003-003-004-003-001


strong lance-ovate dorsal area5
5. 003-003-004-001-001

<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Empty bracts

empty bracts , and grading into them6
6. 003-003-004-002

<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Floral bracts

7. 003-003-004-003


with with strong midvein8
8. 003-003-004-001


9. 005-004-003


ca. 0.5 mm10
10. 005-004-002


ovoid to ellipsoid11
11. 005-004-001


12. 005-003-001

<<Lateral sepals>Anthers>Length

ca. 1 mm13
13. 004-006-001

<<Lateral sepals>Keel>Hairs

papillose to ciliolate above middle14
14. 004-003-002

<<Lateral sepals>Keel>Texture

15. 004-003-001

<<Lateral sepals>Petals>Length

ca. 3 mm16
16. 004-004-002

<<Lateral sepals>Petals>Shape

17. 004-004-001

<<Lateral sepals>Staminodes>Shape

18. 004-005-001


19. 002-007-001


0.5-1 mm wide20
20. 002-007-002


often papillose-ciliolate21
21. 002-005-001


pale or dark22
22. 002-008-001


rarely ciliolate23
23. 002-008-003

<<Leaves>Margins>Margin type

24. 002-006-001


25. 002-008-002


26. 003-002-001


ca. 0.5 mm thick27
27. 003-001-001


bracts few, decussate, , , .28
28. 003-003-004


pale red-brown29
29. 003-003-003


4-7 mm30
30. 003-003-002


ellipsoid becoming turbinate31
31. 003-003-001


ca. 2.5 mm32
32. 005-001


placentation basal-central33
33. 005-002


seeds , , .34
34. 005-004


valves ;35
35. 005-003


5-30 cm high36
36. 001-002


37. 001-001

<Lateral sepals>Anthers

anthers .38
38. 004-006

<Lateral sepals>Keel

keel or39
39. 004-003

<Lateral sepals>Length

4-5 mm40
40. 004-002

<Lateral sepals>Petals

petals , ;41
41. 004-004

<Lateral sepals>Shape

42. 004-001

<Lateral sepals>Staminodes

staminodes ;43
43. 004-005


blade , ,44
44. 002-007


often maroon or red-brown45
45. 002-003

<Leaves>Growth form

in a fan46
46. 002-001


47. 002-005


2.5-7 cm48
48. 002-002


margin , continuous with blade or with auricles,49 margins narrow, incrassate, , or .50
49. 002-006, 50. 002-008

<Leaves>Relative dimensions

about as long as scape sheath, sheath about half as long as blade or less51
51. 002-004


52. 003-002


filiform, distally terete or slightly compressed, , ecostate to slightly bicostate53
53. 003-001


spikes , , ,54
54. 003-003


Capsule , ,55
55. 005


Low, cespitose, smooth, annual 5-30 cm high. Leaves in a fan, 2.5-7 cm, often maroon or red-brown, about as long as scape sheath, sheath about half as long as blade or less, keel often papillose-ciliolate, margin entire, continuous with blade or with auricles, blade flattened, 0.5-1 mm wide, margins narrow, incrassate, pale or dark, smooth or rarely ciliolate. Scapes filiform, distally terete or slightly compressed, ca. 0.5 mm thick, ecostate to slightly bicostate, ribs smooth; spikes ellipsoid becoming turbinate, 4-7 mm, pale red-brown, bracts few, decussate, with strong lance-ovate dorsal area with strong midvein, empty bracts 4, smaller and narrower than the flowering ones and grading into them, these oblong 4.5-5 mm, less keeled, subacute, scarious-margined. Lateral sepals free, subequilateral, oblanceolate4-5 mm, keel smooth or papillose to ciliolate above middle; petals obovate, ca. 3 mm; staminodes bearded; anthers ca. 1 mm. Capsule ca. 2.5 mm, placentation basal-central, valves eseptate; seeds ovoid to ellipsoid, ca. 0.5 mm, amber.


S Colombia present, S Venezuela present, Suriname present, to Goias? present
S Colombia E across S Venezuela to Suriname and in contiguous Brazil (to Goias?)


Low, cespitose, , annual .56
56. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Moengo Tapoe ad Grote Zwiebelzwamp, Lanjouw & Lindeman 928 Guyana, Soesdike, A. Cooper 208 Guyana, Kaieteur Plateau, Maguire & Fanshawe 23179 Suriname, Tibiti Savanne near km 5.8, Lanjouw & Lindeman 1852 Guyana, Kaieteur Falls Nat. Park, Hahn et al. 4121

Lateral sepals

Lateral sepals free, subequilateral, , ;57
57. 004


Leaves , , , , ,58
58. 002


This is one of many small species of Xyris that abound in sand savanna at low to high elevations in northern South America, usually in association with such others as X. paraensis, X. savanensis, and X. uleana. Through the range, but more often west, in T.F. Amazonas, Venezuela and in Vaupes, Colombia, as well as in Amazonian Brazil is a more slender-leaved extreme named X. filiscapa but its type differs in no significant way. Some confusion perhaps arises because of another diminutive xyrid, X. tenella, much of which has been identified as X. filiscapa, but which differs in its long-ciliate leaf sheath and its streak-like dorsal area.


Scapes , ;59
59. 003