Xyris seubertii

Primary tabs

Xyris seubertii


<<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Empty bracts>Shape>Relative dimensions

linear blade equalling or exceeding spike1
1. 003-003-004-001-002-001

<<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Floral bracts>Hairs>Colour

2. 003-003-004-002-002-001

<<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Floral bracts>Shape>Length

5-6 mm3
3. 003-003-004-002-001-001

<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Empty bracts>Bract number

4. 003-003-004-001-001

<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Empty bracts>Shape

broadly rounded or the lowest 1 or 2 with dorsal area prolonged as a cusp or short, angulate,5
5. 003-003-004-001-002

<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Floral bracts>Hairs

sometimes apically -villosulous6
6. 003-003-004-002-002

<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Floral bracts>Shape

strongly convex, obovate, , rounded7
7. 003-003-004-002-001

<<<Lateral sepals>Keel>Hairs>Colour

8. 004-003-001-001

<<<Leaves>Blade>Margins>Margin type

9. 002-004-003-001


to papillose, tuberculate or scabridulous-ciliolate10
10. 002-004-003-002

<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Empty bracts

empty ones ,11
11. 003-003-004-001

<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Floral bracts

flower bracts ,12
12. 003-003-004-002


13. 005-004-003


0.3-0.5 mm14
14. 005-004-002


broadly ellipsoid to ovoid15
15. 005-004-001


16. 005-003-001

<<Lateral sepals>Anthers>Length

2 mm17
17. 004-006-001

<<Lateral sepals>Keel>Hairs

increasingly densely -villous from middle to tip18
18. 004-003-001

<<Lateral sepals>Petals>Length

ca. 6-7 mm19
19. 004-004-002

<<Lateral sepals>Petals>Shape

obovate to reniform20
20. 004-004-001

<<Lateral sepals>Shape>Relative distance

21. 004-001-001

<<Lateral sepals>Staminodes>Shape

22. 004-005-001


margins thin, .23
23. 002-004-003


strongly flattened24
24. 002-004-001


1.5-3.5 mm wide25
25. 002-004-002


castaneous or dark brown, upwards pink or purplish26
26. 002-003-001


27. 002-003-002


eligulate or ligule short28
28. 002-003-003

<<Scapes>Shape>Rib number

1 or more29
29. 003-001-002


0.5-0.7 mm thick30
30. 003-001-001


bracts in a spiral with distinct though narrow dorsal area, , .31
31. 003-003-004


pale brown32
32. 003-003-003


0.8-1.2 cm33
33. 003-003-002


ovoid to broadly ellipsoid or subglobose34
34. 003-003-001


ca. 3 mm35
35. 005-001


placentation central36
36. 005-002


seeds , , .37
37. 005-004


valves ;38
38. 005-003


20-70 cm high39
39. 001-002


stem short40
40. 001-003


41. 001-001

<Lateral sepals>Anthers

anthers .42
42. 004-006

<Lateral sepals>Keel

the firm keel43
43. 004-003

<Lateral sepals>Length

6-6.5 mm44
44. 004-002

<Lateral sepals>Petals

petals , ;45
45. 004-004

<Lateral sepals>Shape

46. 004-001

<Lateral sepals>Staminodes

staminodes ;47
47. 004-005


blade , ,48
48. 002-004

<Leaves>Growth form

in a fan49
49. 002-001


5-25 cm50
50. 002-002


sheath basally dilated, , ,51
51. 002-003


distally subterete, , ecostate or with ribs and striate52
52. 003-001


spikes , , ,53
53. 003-003


54. 003-002


Capsule , ,55
55. 005


Slender, smooth, hard-based, glaucous perennial, 20-70 cm high, stem short. Leaves in a fan, 5-25 cm, sheath basally dilated, castaneous or dark brown, upwards pink or purplish, eciliate, eligulate or ligule short; blade strongly flattened, 1.5-3.5 mm wide, margins thin, entireto papillose, tuberculate or scabridulous-ciliolate. Scapes brittle, distally subterete, 0.5-0.7 mm thick, ecostate or with 1 or more ribs and striate, smooth; spikes ovoid to broadly ellipsoid or subglobose, 0.8-1.2 cm, pale brown, bracts in a spiral with distinct though narrow dorsal area, empty ones few, broadly rounded or the lowest 1 or 2 with dorsal area prolonged as a cusp or short, angulate, linear blade equalling or exceeding spike, flower bracts strongly convex, obovate, 5-6 mm, rounded, sometimes apically red-villosulous. Lateral sepals 1/5-1/3 connate, inequilateral, 6-6.5 mm, the firm keel increasingly densely reddish-villous from middle to tip; petals obovate to reniform, ca. 6-7 mm; staminodes bearded; anthers 2 mm. Capsule ca. 3 mm, placentation central, valves eseptate; seeds broadly ellipsoid to ovoid, 0.3-0.5 mm, amber.


Brazilian Planalto present, S Bolivar present, Southern America: Brazil Northeast (Bahia present); Brazil Southeast (São Paulo present); Brazil West-Central (Goiás present); Venezuela (Venezuela present), W Guyana present, contiguous Amazonian Brazil present
Across S Bolivar, Venezuela E to W Guyana and in contiguous Amazonian Brazil as well as the Brazilian Planalto from Bahia and Goias S to Sao Paulo.


Slender, , hard-based, glaucous perennial, , .56
56. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Venezuela: Bolivar: ca.l2 km N Sta. Elena, Kral 7218l Guyana, Mt. Roraima Expedition, im Thurn, Oct-Jan 1884-5, McConnell & Quelch Guyana, Puente Kamerepa, N of R. Yuruani Ferry, Kral 72196 Guyana, upper slopes of Mt. Roraima, McConnell & Quelch 41

Lateral sepals

Lateral sepals , inequilateral, , ;57
57. 004


Leaves , , ;58
58. 002


This is one of the weedier and more distinctive of upland Xyris, combining a slender, tall and brittle habit with a glaucous foliage, distinc- tively cuspidate lower spike bracts and rusty-villous, 115-113 connate sepals. While rare in the Guianas, it is one of the commoner sights in the Brazilian Planalto, taking drier sites than do most species.


Scapes brittle, , ;59
59. 003