Xyris fallax

Primary tabs

Xyris fallax


<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Floral bracts>Shape>Length

5-7 mm1
1. 003-004-005-001-001

<<<Scapes>Spikes>Empty bracts>Bract number

2. 003-004-004-001

<<<Scapes>Spikes>Floral bracts>Shape

broadly ovate to obovate, , subentire, narrowly rounded, convex, with distinct dorsal area bisected by a distinct, evidently branched midvein3
3. 003-004-005-001


4. 005-003-003


1-1.5 mm5
5. 005-003-002


cylindric or fusiform6
6. 005-003-001

<<Lateral sepals>Anthers>Length

ca. 1.5 mm7
7. 004-006-001

<<Lateral sepals>Keel>Hairs

lacero-ciliate from middle to apex8
8. 004-003-001

<<Lateral sepals>Petals>Length

4-5 mm9
9. 004-004-002

<<Lateral sepals>Petals>Shape

10. 004-004-001

<<Lateral sepals>Staminodes>Shape

11. 004-005-001


12. 002-005-001


1-5(-7) mm wide13
13. 002-005-002


14. 002-006-001


smooth, less often papillose or scabridulous15
15. 002-006-002


16. 002-004-001


apically with short-triangular ligule17
17. 002-004-003


narrowing to blade18
18. 002-004-002

<<Scapes>Spikes>Empty bracts

empty bracts , grading larger into flowering bracts19
19. 003-004-004

<<Scapes>Spikes>Floral bracts

20. 003-004-005

<<Scapes>Spikes>Flower number

21. 003-004-003


1-2 cm22
22. 003-004-002


ovoid to lance-cylindric or ellipsoid23
23. 003-004-001


3-5 mm24
24. 005-001


placentation parietal25
25. 005-002


seeds , , .26
26. 005-003


20-100 cm high27
27. 001-003


Slender to coarse28
28. 001-001


stems short, sometimes rhizomatous.29
29. 001-004


30. 001-002

<Lateral sepals>Anthers

anthers .31
31. 004-006

<Lateral sepals>Keel

32. 004-003

<Lateral sepals>Length

4.5-5 mm33
33. 004-002

<Lateral sepals>Petals

petals , ;34
34. 004-004

<Lateral sepals>Shape

35. 004-001

<Lateral sepals>Staminodes

staminodes ;36
36. 004-005


blade , ,37
37. 002-005


often with maroon pigment38
38. 002-003

<Leaves>Growth form

erect or in a fan39
39. 002-001


(5-)10-30(-40) cm40
40. 002-002


margins , thickened, .41
41. 002-006


sheath or entire, ,42
42. 002-004


with several strong ribs43
43. 003-003


distally terete44
44. 003-001


spikes , , , , .45
45. 003-004


1-2 mm thick46
46. 003-002


Capsule , ;47
47. 005


Slender to coarse, smooth perennial 20-100 cm high; stems short, sometimes rhizomatous. Leaves erect or in a fan, (5-)10-30(-40) cm, soft, often with maroon pigment, sheath ciliate or entire, narrowing to blade, apically with short-triangular ligule, blade flattened, 1-5(-7) mm wide, margins lustrous, thickened, smooth, less often papillose or scabridulous. Scapes distally terete, 1-2 mm thick, with several strong ribs; spikes ovoid to lance-cylindric or ellipsoid, 1-2 cm, many-flowered, empty bracts several, grading larger into flowering bracts, these broadly ovate to obovate, 5-7 mm, subentire, narrowly rounded, convex, with distinct dorsal area bisected by a distinct, evidently branched midvein. Lateral sepals free, subequilateral, linear-oblanceolate, 4.5-5 mm, keel lacero-ciliate from middle to apex; petals obovate, 4-5 mm; staminodes bearded; anthers ca. 1.5 mm. Capsule 3-5 mm, placentation parietal; seeds cylindric or fusiform, 1-1.5 mm, amber.


Andes present, French Guiana present, Planalto of Brazil present, Southern America: Colombia (Colombia present), Trinidad present
Colombia E to French Guiana and Trinidad, S east of the Andes into the Planalto of Brazil


, perennial ;48
48. 001

Individuals Association

savane PK 20-2l l'Est d'Iracoubo, Cremers 5516 Guyana, Merume Mts., Partang R., Tillett & Boyan 43993 Maripa Soula, Thmuc Humac, de Granville 1410 Guyana, Kaieteur Plateau, Maguire & Fanshawe 23317 Suriname, Kappel-savanna, S of Tafelberg, Kramer & Hekking 2962 Suriname, Wilhelmina Mts., Lucie R., Oost R., Maguire et al. 54133

Lateral sepals

Lateral sepals free, subequilateral, , , ;49
49. 004


Leaves , , soft, , ,50
50. 002


This morphologically and ecologically expressive species should include the extreme X. erythema Maguire & L.B. Smith, as the rhizomal character, the deep red pigmentation and rugulosity of foliage, and the strong ciliation of leaf sheath margins all vary independently through populations in northern South America. The most constant characters remain those of the multicostate, terete scape, venose dorsal area, and the long and distinctively sculpted seed. X. fallax, together with X. jupicai and X. laxifolia comprise the weediest of South American xyrids, quickly coming into wetlands in mechanically disturbed savanna.


Scapes , , ;51
51. 003