Peperomia gracieana

Primary tabs

Peperomia gracieana


1.5-1.7 cm long1
1. 004-002-001


4-6 cm long2
2. 004-003-001


apex rounded,3
3. 003-002-004


base rounded, pilose with erect trichomes on upper surface;4
4. 003-002-005


1-4.5 x 1-3.5 cm5
5. 003-002-003


broadly elliptic to orbicular6
6. 003-002-002


fleshy in vivo, membranous almost transparent when dried7
7. 003-002-001


1-5(-10) cm long8
8. 003-001-001

<Inflorescences>Floral bracts

floral bracts rounded, glabrous.9
9. 004-004


peduncle slender, , glabrous, green;10
10. 004-002


11. 004-001


spike laxly flowered, , green;12
12. 004-003


blade , , ,13
13. 003-002


petiole , glabrous;14
14. 003-001


venation obvious in dried state, veins 6-8 from base.15
15. 003-003


40 cm long16
16. 002-001


Epiphytic, terrestrial or epilithic herb, creeping and rooting at nodes. Stem glabrous, 40 cm long, whitish green. Leaves alternate, distinctly peltate; petiole 1-5(-10) cm long, glabrous; blade fleshy in vivo, membranous almost transparent when dried, broadly elliptic to orbicular, 1-4.5 x 1-3.5 cm, apex rounded, base rounded, pilose with erect trichomes on upper surface; venation obvious in dried state, veins 6-8 from base. Inflorescence single, axillary; peduncle slender, 1.5-1.7 cm long, glabrous, green; spike laxly flowered, 4-6 cm long, green; floral bracts rounded, glabrous. Young fruits flat at apex, green, mature fruits not yet collected.


French Guiana present, Southern America: Brazil North (Amapá present)
Only known from French Guiana and Brazil (Amapa); 17 collections studied (FG: 17).


Epiphytic, terrestrial or epilithic herb, creeping and rooting at nodes.17
17. 001

Individuals Association

Vicinity of Saül: ca. 10 km NW from Eaux Claires, Mori et al. 23264 Crique Cacao — Bassin de la Haute Camopi, Transect I, Prévost & Sabatier 2425 Haut Tampoc, Cremers 4576 Massif des Emerillons, N slope, Cremers 6696 Saül, Görts et al. 76


Inflorescence single, ;18
18. 004

Juvenile fruits

Young fruits flat at apex, green,19
19. 005


Leaves alternate, distinctly peltate;20
20. 003

Mature fruits

mature fruits not yet collected.21
21. 006


Stem glabrous, , whitish green.22
22. 002