Peperomia emarginella

Primary tabs

Peperomia emarginella


to 1 cm long1
1. 003-003-001


to 1.5 cm long2
2. 003-004-001


apex emarginate,3
3. 002-002-005


base rounded or truncate, glabrous or with a few hairs;4
4. 002-002-006


0.15-0.6 cm in diam.5
5. 002-002-003


margin somewhat ciliate,6
6. 002-002-004


orbicular or subreniform7
7. 002-002-002


slightly fleshy8
8. 002-002-001


0.1-0.5 cm long9
9. 002-001-001


ca. 1 mm long with apical stigma10
10. 004-001

<Inflorescences>Floral bracts

floral bracts sub-orbicular to oblong.11
11. 003-005

<Inflorescences>Growth form

12. 003-002


peduncle slender, , pinkish;13
13. 003-003


14. 003-001


spike , laxly flowered;15
15. 003-004


blade , bright green, , ,16
16. 002-002


petiole , often red, glabrous or with sparse hairs;17
17. 002-001


obsoletely palmately 3-veined.18
18. 002-003

Common Name

Boni (Suriname): piki kopali


Epiphytic or epilithic, or epiphyllous herb, creeping and rooting at nodes, glabrous or sparsely villous. Leaves alternate, basely attached; petiole 0.1-0.5 cm long, often red, glabrous or with sparse hairs; blade slightly fleshy, bright green, orbicular or subreniform, 0.15-0.6 cm in diam., margin somewhat ciliate, apex emarginate, base rounded or truncate, glabrous or with a few hairs; obsoletely palmately 3-veined. Inflorescence terminal, single, erect; peduncle slender, to 1 cm long, pinkish; spike to 1.5 cm long, laxly flowered; floral bracts sub-orbicular to oblong. Fruits basely attached (according to Steyermark, on a short stipe), ellipsoid, ca. 1 mm long with apical stigma.


C and S America present, Southern America: Peru (Peru present)
West Indies, C and S America, S to Brazil and Peru; 12 collections studied (GU: 8; SU: 1; FG: 3).


Fruits basely attached (according to Steyermark, on a short stipe), ellipsoid, .19
19. 004


Epiphytic or epilithic, or epiphyllous herb, creeping and rooting at nodes, glabrous or sparsely villous.20
20. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Essequibo R., Moraballi Cr., Sandwith 27 Guyana, Upper Takutu — Upper Essequibo region, Acarai Mts., Henkel 4964 Guyana, Puruni R., Jenman 7597 Mt. Galbao, de Granville et al. 8750 Saül, Boom 10858


Inflorescence , single, ;21
21. 003


Leaves alternate, basely attached;22
22. 002


see note to Peperomia delascioi.