Peperomia macrostachya

Primary tabs

Peperomia macrostachya


to 1.5(-3) cm long1
1. 004-003-001


to 30 cm long2
2. 004-004-001


apex acute or acuminate,3
3. 003-002-004


base rounded or cordulate or acutish, glabrous or slightly pubescent, a waxy exudate like small scales or stars is usually present on upper surface;4
4. 003-002-005


4-11 x 1.5-6 cm5
5. 003-002-003


narrowly elliptic to ovate6
6. 003-002-002


fleshy-coriaceous or subcoriaceous7
7. 003-002-001


0.5-2 cm long8
8. 003-001-001


apex obliquely scutellate with subapical stigma.9
9. 005-001

<Inflorescences>Floral bracts

floral bracts rounded, dentate or fimbriate, glandular.10
10. 004-005

<Inflorescences>Growth form

11. 004-002


peduncle not slender, , glabrous or minutely pubescent or papillose, red or brown;12
12. 004-003


13. 004-001


spike , yellow to green, densely flowered;14
14. 004-004


blade , , , more or less ciliate,15
15. 003-002


petiole , glabrous, ciliate or puberulent, reddish;16
16. 003-001


venation obsolete, 7-9-pli-veined.17
17. 003-003


to 100 cm long18
18. 002-001

Common Name

English (Guyana): kararafaru, kararafarumafartaino, kutumi


Epiphytic herb, often growing on ants' nests, creeping or hanging and rooting at nodes. Stem glabrous, to 100 cm long, green or green with red nodes. Leaves alternate, basely attached; petiole 0.5-2 cm long, glabrous, ciliate or puberulent, reddish; blade fleshy-coriaceous or subcoriaceous, narrowly elliptic to ovate, 4-11 x 1.5-6 cm, more or less ciliate, apex acute or acuminate, base rounded or cordulate or acutish, glabrous or slightly pubescent, a waxy exudate like small scales or stars is usually present on upper surface; venation obsolete, 7-9-pli-veined. Inflorescence terminal, pendent, few together; peduncle not slender, to 1.5(-3) cm long, glabrous or minutely pubescent or papillose, red or brown; spike to 30 cm long, yellow to green, densely flowered; floral bracts rounded, dentate or fimbriate, glandular. Fruits basely attached, cylindrical, verruculose, brown, apex obliquely scutellate with subapical stigma.


C and northern S America present, Northern America, Southern America: Peru (Peru present)
Mexico, C and northern S America, to Brazil and Peru; over 250 collections studied (GU: 103; SU: 52; FG: 105).


Fruits basely attached, cylindrical, verruculose, brown,19
19. 005


Epiphytic herb, often growing on ants' nests, creeping or hanging and rooting at nodes.20
20. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Oelemari R., Wessels Boer 987 Suriname, Coronie Distr., Jenny-Coronie, LBB 15130 Roche Forteresse, Roche Koutou, de Granville et al. 9560 Kapiri Cr., Basin de l’Approuague, Cremers et al. 11529 Guyana, Marudi Mts., Stoffers & Görts-van Rijn et al. 246 Guyana, Essequibo R., Tiger Cr., Sandwith 1180


Inflorescence , , few together;21
21. 004


Leaves alternate, basely attached;22
22. 003


The differences between P. elongata and its varieties and P. macrostachya are in my opinion too little to separate the species. I agree with Burger (1971: 49), who said that they all belong to one, diverse, wide ranging species (complex).


Stem glabrous, , green or green with red nodes.23
23. 002