Peperomia angustata

Primary tabs

Peperomia angustata


2-3 cm long1
1. 004-003-001


10-16 cm long2
2. 004-004-001


apex acute or acuminate,3
3. 003-002-004


base acutish to cuneate, glabrous;4
4. 003-002-005


2-6(-9) x 1-3(-4) cm5
5. 003-002-003


rhombic to elliptic or oblanceolate6
6. 003-002-002


fleshy to coriaceous7
7. 003-002-001


0.2-1.5 cm long8
8. 003-001-001


apex obliquely scutellate,9
9. 005-001


stigma apical.10
10. 005-002

<Inflorescences>Floral bracts

floral bracts rounded to oblong, slightly glandular.11
11. 004-005

<Inflorescences>Growth form

12. 004-002


peduncle slender, , glabrous or minutely pubescent, red;13
13. 004-003


14. 004-001


spike , moderately to densely flowered;15
15. 004-004


blade , , ,16
16. 003-002


petiole , glabrous;17
17. 003-001


palmately 3(-5)-veined.18
18. 003-003


30-100 cm long19
19. 002-001


Terrestrial, epiphytic or epilithic herb, erect, creeping or ascending, rooting at nodes. Stem glabrous, 30-100 cm long, green or reddish. Leaves in whorls of (2-)3-4(-5), basely attached; petiole 0.2-1.5 cm long, glabrous; blade fleshy to coriaceous, rhombic to elliptic or oblanceolate, 2-6(-9) x 1-3(-4) cm, apex acute or acuminate, base acutish to cuneate, glabrous; palmately 3(-5)-veined. Inflorescence single, terminal, erect; peduncle slender, 2-3 cm long, glabrous or minutely pubescent, red; spike 10-16 cm long, moderately to densely flowered; floral bracts rounded to oblong, slightly glandular. Fruits basely attached, ovoid to globose, beaked, blackish, often verruculose, apex obliquely scutellate, stigma apical.


C America present, French Guiana present, Guyana present, N Brazil present, NE Colombia present, Southern America: Peru (Peru present); Venezuela (Venezuela present)
C America, NE Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, N Brazil and Peru; 7 collections studied (GU: 4; FG: 4).


Fruits basely attached, ovoid to globose, beaked, blackish, often verruculose,20
20. 005


Terrestrial, epiphytic or epilithic herb, erect, creeping or ascending, rooting at nodes.21
21. 001

Individuals Association

near Grand Croissant, 40 km N of Camopi, Feuillet 1173 Aratai Cr. near junction with Approuague R., Mori et al. 25665 near Grand Croissant, 40 km N of Camopi, Feuillet 1213 Guyana, Cuyuwini R., A.C. Smith 2544 Guyana, Mt. Roraima, im Thurn 139 Approuague R., Kapiri Cr., Cremers 11570


Inflorescence single, , ;22
22. 004


Leaves in whorls of (2-)3-4(-5), basely attached;23
23. 003


The Guyanan collection Schomburgk s.n. from Mt. Parima has smaller leaves (1.5 x 0.7 cm) but in my opinion belongs to Peperomia angustata.


Stem glabrous, , green or reddish.24
24. 002