Peperomia pellucida
- <<Inflorescences>Peduncle>Length
- <<Inflorescences>Spikes>Length
- <<Leaves>Blade>Apex
- <<Leaves>Blade>Base
- <<Leaves>Blade>Dimensions
- <<Leaves>Blade>Shape
- <<Leaves>Blade>Texture
- <<Leaves>Petiole>Length
- <Fruits>Stigma
- <Inflorescences>Floral bracts
- <Inflorescences>Flower number
- <Inflorescences>Peduncle
- <Inflorescences>Position
- <Inflorescences>Spikes
- <Leaves>Blade
- <Leaves>Petiole
- <Leaves>Veins
- <Stems>Length
- Common Name
- Description
- Distribution
- Fruits
- Habit
- Individuals Association
- Inflorescences
- Leaves
- Notes
- Stems
- Uses
Terrestrial herb, delicate, erect, glabrous, annual. Stem 10-30(-40) cm long, green often reddish tinged. Leaves alternate, basely attached; petiole to 0.3-2.5 cm long, glabrous; blade membranous, often drying translucent, broadly elliptic to deltoid, 1-3.7(-5) x 1-3.5(-5.5) cm, apex acute to obtuse, base rounded, cordulate or truncate; palmately 5-7-veined. Inflorescence terminal, solitary; peduncle slender, to 1 cm long, green; spike 1-6 cm long; densely flowered; floral bracts rounded, glabrous, minutely glandular. Fruits somewhat stipitate, globose, brown (young, green ones may be finely longitudinally ridged), stigma apical, a short style may be developed.
Neotropics present, Paleotropics present
Widespread in the Neotropics and occurring in the Paleotropics as well; 93 collections studied (GU: 20; SU: 45; FG: 28).
Fruits somewhat stipitate, globose, brown (young, green ones may be finely longitudinally ridged),19
19. 005
Individuals Association
Suriname, Suriname Distr., Kaipoe weg, UVS 16586
Guyana, NW Distr., Polak 155
Loka, Fleury 148
Cayenne, Macoury, de Granville et al. 5522
Suriname, Brokopondo, Sauvain 254
Guyana, Rupununi Distr., Shea Rock, Jansen-Jacobs et al. 4802
In living specimens the margins of the petiole continue into distinct subnodal ribs, that form a "collar" around the nodes (pers. comm. G. Mathieu).
See note to Peperomia urocarpa.
See note to Peperomia urocarpa.
Suriname: against inflammations, skim bruises, as a diuretic; mixed with other substances against high blood pressure (Raghoenandan, Utrecht internal report). To flavor salads, it can be found in gardens and pots also as a weed. The plants have some medicinal and even poisonous properties (pers. comm. J.C. Lindeman).