Peperomia rotundifolia

Primary tabs

Peperomia rotundifolia


up to 1 cm long1
1. 004-002-001


2-6 cm long2
2. 004-003-001


apex rounded,3
3. 003-003-005


base rounded, glabrous to puberulent;4
4. 003-003-006


(0.5-)1-1.2 x (0.5-)1-1.2 cm5
5. 003-003-003


margin ciliate,6
6. 003-003-004


broadly elliptic to elliptic or almost orbicular7
7. 003-003-002


fleshy or fleshy coriaceous8
8. 003-003-001


up to 1 cm long9
9. 003-002-001


0.3-2 cm long10
10. 002-001-001


apex oblique with subapical stigma.11
11. 005-001

<Inflorescences>Floral bracts

floral bracts rounded, glabrous, glandular.12
12. 004-004


peduncle not nodose, without bract, , pubescent or glabrous;13
13. 004-002


14. 004-001


spike , yellow to red, moderately to densely flowered;15
15. 004-003


blades , , ,16
16. 003-003

<Leaves>Fertile branches

fertile branches often with distally progressively smaller leaves;17
17. 003-001


petiole , pubescent to glabrous;18
18. 003-002


obsolete palmately 3-veined.19
19. 003-004


internodes , green often with red spots.20
20. 002-001

Common Name

Creole (Guyana): follow me English (French Guiana): wilapili English (Suriname): ditibi, tisiyi


Epiphytic or epilithic herb, prostrate with ascending stem tips rooting at nodes. Stem crisp-pubescent when young, internodes 0.3-2 cm long, green often with red spots. Leaves alternate, basely attached, sometimes subpeltate, fertile branches often with distally progressively smaller leaves; petiole up to 1 cm long, pubescent to glabrous; blades fleshy or fleshy coriaceous, broadly elliptic to elliptic or almost orbicular, (0.5-)1-1.2 x (0.5-)1-1.2 cm, margin ciliate, apex rounded, base rounded, glabrous to puberulent; obsolete palmately 3-veined. Inflorescence terminal, solitary; peduncle not nodose, without bract, up to 1 cm long, pubescent or glabrous; spike 2-6 cm long, yellow to red, moderately to densely flowered; floral bracts rounded, glabrous, glandular. Fruits (sub)basely attached, globose to ovoid, brown, reticulately verruculose, apex oblique with subapical stigma.


Pantropical present
Throughout the range of the genus; ca. 135 collections studied (GU: 51; SU: 43; FG: 41).Pantropical


Fruits (sub)basely attached, globose to ovoid, brown, reticulately verruculose,21
21. 005


Epiphytic or epilithic herb, prostrate with ascending stem tips rooting at nodes.22
22. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Takutu R., SE Kanuku Mts., Hoffman 456 Suriname, Voltzberg, Jansen-Jacobs et al. 6161 Saül, de Granville et al. 8654 Suriname, Ulemari, Raghoenandan, UVS 17851 Guyana, Barima-Waini region, McDowell 4368 Saül, Feuillet 7388


Inflorescence , solitary;23
23. 004


Leaves alternate, basely attached, sometimes subpeltate,24
24. 003


Various authors had recognized formas and varieties on basis of leaf form. With all material available it is clear that Peperomia rotundifolia is an extremely variable taxon; specimens may have tiny round leaves, others show round plus somewhat elliptic leaves. As a result, I decided to consider the varieties to be part of one taxon.
Peperomia rotundifolia and P. serpens, two very common species, can easily be distinguished by their inflorescences. In the former the inflorescences point out of the mat of vegetation and the spikes are far longer than the peduncle, whereas in P. serpens the inflorescences are less conspicuous between the mats and spikes and peduncles are equally long.
See also note to P. delascioi.


Stem crisp-pubescent when young,25
25. 002