Achyranthes aspera

Primary tabs

Achyranthes aspera


<<<<Spikes>Bracteoles>Base>Central vein>Length

to 1.5 mm long1
1. 003-005-004-003-002

<<<<Spikes>Bracteoles>Base>Central vein>Shape

tawny, subulate, conspicuously indurated2
2. 003-005-004-003-001

<<<Leaves>Apex>Lower parts>Colour

lighter green3
3. 002-004-003-001

<<<Leaves>Apex>Lower parts>Hairs

often more densely pubescent4
4. 002-004-003-002

<<<Leaves>Apex>Upper parts>Colour

dark green5
5. 002-004-002-001

<<<Leaves>Apex>Upper parts>Hairs

pubescent above6
6. 002-004-002-002

<<<Spikes>Bracteoles>Base>Central vein

central vein protracted into a awn7
7. 003-005-004-003


8. 003-005-004-002


9. 003-005-004-001


10. 001-002-001


11. 001-003-001

<<Leaves>Apex>Lower parts

and below12
12. 002-004-003


acuminate or rounded, sometimes apiculate13
13. 002-004-001

<<Leaves>Apex>Upper parts

14. 002-004-002


base and , .15
15. 003-005-004


16. 003-005-001


3-4 mm long17
17. 003-005-003


18. 003-005-002


white, hyaline19
19. 003-004-001


ca. 3 mm long20
20. 003-004-003


narrowly lanceolate21
21. 003-004-002


22. 004-003-001


23. 004-004-001


stigma unlobed, scarcely enlarged.24
24. 004-004-003


thickened and papillate above25
25. 004-004-002


3.7-4.5 mm long26
26. 004-002-001


27. 001-002


to 1 m28
28. 001-001


stems obscurely angled, .29
29. 001-003


apex , , .30
30. 002-004


0.5-19 x 6 cm31
31. 002-002


often with undulate margin32
32. 002-003


lanceolate, ovate, oblong, elliptical, oblanceolate, suborbicular or orbicular33
33. 002-001


bracteoles , , ,34
34. 003-005


bracts , , ;35
35. 003-004

<Spikes>Growth form

sometimes recurved or flexuous at apex36
36. 003-003


37. 003-002


to 60 cm long38
38. 003-001


pinkish, brown, purplish or white39
39. 004-001


with margin40
40. 004-003


ovary , ,41
41. 004-004


lance-elliptical, , apiculate42
42. 004-002


ca. 2 mm long43
43. 005-002


truncate at apex44
44. 005-001


Herb to 1 m, whitish-pubescent, becoming somewhat woody at base; stems obscurely angled, purplish. Leaf-blade lanceolate, ovate, oblong, elliptical, oblanceolate, suborbicular or orbicular, 0.5-19 x 6 cm, often with undulate margin, apex acuminate or rounded, sometimes apiculate, dark green and pubescent above, lighter green and often more densely pubescent below. Spikes to 60 cm long, slender, with lanate axes, sometimes recurved or flexuous at apex; bracts white, hyaline, narrowly lanceolate, ca. 3 mm long; bracteoles purple-tinged, lanceolate, 3-4 mm long, base membranous and suborbicular, central vein protracted into a tawny, subulate, conspicuously induratedto 1.5 mm long awn. Tepals pinkish, brown, purplish or white, lance-elliptical, 3.7-4.5 mm long, apiculate, with hyaline margin; ovary turbinate, thickened and papillate above, stigma unlobed, scarcely enlarged. Utricle truncate at apex, ca. 2 mm long.


Asia present, Guianas present, Pantropical present
This species essentially comprises two elements, of which the Guianan one is a variety originally indigenous to Asia, but now pantropically naturalized as a weed (i.e., var. aspera); 22 collections studied, all from the Guianas (GU: 11; SU: 9; FG: 2).


Herb , , becoming somewhat woody at base;45
45. 001


Leaf-blade , , ,46
46. 002


In the Guianas only: var. aspera.


Spikes , slender, with axes, ;47
47. 003


Tepals , , ;48
48. 004


Utricle , .49
49. 005