Serjania caracasana
- <<<Flowers>Appendages>Crests>Colour
- <<<Flowers>Appendages>Crests>Texture
- <<<Flowers>Disk>Lobes>Lobe number
- <<<Flowers>Disk>Lobes>Shape
- <<<Leaves>Leaflets>Margins>Margin type
- <<Flowers>Appendages>Crests
- <<Flowers>Disk>Lobes
- <<Flowers>Pedicels>Hairs
- <<Flowers>Pedicels>Length
- <<Flowers>Petals>Colour
- <<Flowers>Petals>Length
- <<Flowers>Petals>Shape
- <<Flowers>Sepals>Colour
- <<Flowers>Sepals>Hairs
- <<Flowers>Sepals>Length
- <<Flowers>Sepals>Sepal number
- <<Flowers>Sepals>Shape
- <<Flowers>Stamens>Hairs
- <<Leaves>Basal leaflets>Shape
- <<Leaves>Distal leaflets>Shape
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Dimensions
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Hairs
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Margins
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Shape
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Texture
- <<Leaves>Medial leaflets>Shape
- <<Leaves>Petiole and rachis>Shape
- <<Mericarps>Cocci>Shape
- <<Stems>Cross section>Peripheral vascular cylinder number
- <<Thyrses>Axes>Hairs
- <<Thyrses>Bracts and bracteoles>Length
- <<Thyrses>Bracts and bracteoles>Shape
- <<Thyrses>Cincinni>Hairs
- <<Thyrses>Cincinni>Length
- <<Thyrses>Cincinni>Shape
- <Flowers>Appendages
- <Flowers>Disk
- <Flowers>Pedicels
- <Flowers>Petals
- <Flowers>Sepals
- <Flowers>Stamens
- <Leaves>Basal leaflets
- <Leaves>Distal leaflets
- <Leaves>Foliole number
- <Leaves>Leaflets
- <Leaves>Medial leaflets
- <Leaves>Petiole and rachis
- <Mericarps>Cocci
- <Mericarps>Hairs
- <Mericarps>Length
- <Stems>Cross section
- <Stems>Diameter
- <Stems>Hairs
- <Stems>Sap
- <Stems>Shape
- <Stipules>Length
- <Stipules>Shape
- <Thyrses>Axes
- <Thyrses>Bracts and bracteoles
- <Thyrses>Cincinni
- <Thyrses>Length
- <Thyrses>Position
- <Thyrses>Shape
- <Wood>Length
- Description
- Distribution
- Flowers
- Individuals Association
- Leaves
- Mericarps
- Stems
- Stipules
- Thyrses
- Wood
<<Leaves>Basal leaflets>Shape
oblong or oblong-lanceolate, with obtuse to rounded base and elongated petiolule19
19. 004-006-001
<Stems>Cross section
cross section with a central terete vascular cylinder surrounded by cuneate vascular cylinders that are slightly smaller than the central one.51
51. 002-005
Woody vine or liana 10-15 m long. Stems terete, furrowed, glabrous or puberulent, reaching up to 15 cm in diam. at base, producing abundant milky sap; cross section with a central terete vascular cylinder surrounded by 8 cuneate vascular cylinders that are slightly smaller than the central one. Stipules deltoid, ca. 1 mm long. Leaves pinnately 5-foliolate (also biternate outside the range of the flora); petiole and rachis adaxially canaliculate, shorter than the leaflets length; leaflets coriaceous, glabrous, acute or obtusely acuminate at apex, 4.5-10.5 × 1-5.2 cm, the margins remotely and distally serrate; distal leaflets elliptic or ovate, with attenuate base; medial leaflets oblong or elliptic, with attenuate base; basal leaflets oblong or oblong-lanceolate, with obtuse to rounded base and elongated petiolule. Thyrses axillary, racemiform or less often paniculate, 12-35 cm long, with puberulent or glabrous axes; cincinni tomentulose, alternate, elongated, secund, 5-15 mm long; bracts and bracteoles ovate-deltate, ca. 1 mm long. Flowers up to 15 per cincinni; pedicels 3-4 mm long, glabrous to tomentulose, articulate at base; sepals 5, whitish, 2.5-4 mm long, ovate or oblong, rounded at apex, tomentose or nearly glabrous; petals white, spatulate, ca. 4 mm long, adaxially papillate; appendages with fleshy, yellow crest; disc of 4ovoid lobes; stamens sparsely pubescent. Mericarps glabrous, ca. 2.5 cm long, the cocci subglobose.
Guyana present, Northern America, Southern America: Cuba (Cuba present), northern Argentina present
A polymorphic species, widely distributed from Mexico to northern Argentina, Guyana, and Cuba.
Individuals Association
Guyana, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo, Rupununi, Crabwood Cr., Jansen-Jacobs et al. 3320
Guyana, Karasabai village, Acevedo-Rdgz. et al. 3483
Guyana, Kumukowau R., Jansen-Jacobs et al. 3848
Guyana, Surama village, Acevedo-Rdgz. et al. 3296
Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni, trail from Kato to Paramakatoi, Hahn et al. 5625
Guyana, idem, Jansen-Jacobs et al. 3384