Amaranthus australis

Primary tabs

Amaranthus australis


<<<Female flowers>Ovary>Stigma>Stigma number

1. 005-004-003-001

<<<Male flowers>Tepals>Shape>Length

2.5-3 mm long2
2. 004-002-001-001


6-30 x 1.5-14 cm3
3. 002-002-001-001

<<Female flowers>Bracts>Bract number

4. 005-002-001

<<Female flowers>Ovary>Angle number

3- to 5-angled5
5. 005-004-002

<<Female flowers>Ovary>Shape

ovoid, subglobose6
6. 005-004-001

<<Female flowers>Ovary>Stigma

stigmas .7
7. 005-004-003

<<Habit>Stems>Growth form

erect or decumbent8
8. 001-002-001


9. 001-002-002


somewhat thickened and hollow at base10
10. 001-002-003

<<Inflorescences>Bracts>Bract number

11. 003-003-001


ovate, acute12
12. 003-003-002

<<Inflorescences>Flowering top>Length

to ca. 30 cm long13
13. 003-002-001

<<Male flowers>Stamens>Stamen number

14. 004-003-001

<<Male flowers>Tepals>Shape

ovate, , mucronate or acuminate15
15. 004-002-001

<<Male flowers>Tepals>Vein number

16. 004-002-002


17. 002-002-003

<<Petiole>Blade>Margin type

18. 002-002-002


lanceolate, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, , long-acuminate at apex, acute to rounded at base19
19. 002-002-001


lustrous20 brown21
20. 006-004-003, 21. 006-004-001


22. 006-004-002

<Female flowers>Bracts

bracts of female flowers , rigid, resembling tepals;23
23. 005-002

<Female flowers>Length

6-15 cm long24
24. 005-001

<Female flowers>Ovary

ovary , ,25
25. 005-004

<Female flowers>Tepals

tepals absent;26
26. 005-003


1.0-2.5(-4.0) m27
27. 001-001


stems branched, , , .28
28. 001-002


bracts , , persistent, shorter than tepals.29
29. 003-003

<Inflorescences>Flowering top

sometimes massed as a flowering top30
30. 003-002


terminal and axillary31
31. 003-001

<Male flowers>Length

3-9 cm long32
32. 004-001

<Male flowers>Stamens

stamens .33
33. 004-003

<Male flowers>Tepals

tepals , ;34
34. 004-002


blade , , .35
35. 002-002


to 10 cm36
36. 002-001

<Utricles>Angle number

3- to 5-angled37
37. 006-003


1.5-2.5 mm long38
38. 006-002


seed , , , puncticulate.39
39. 006-004


obovoid or turbinate40
40. 006-001

Common Name

Creole (French Guiana): epinard English (Suriname): klaroen, watra-kraroen, zwamp-klaroen


Annual, dioecious herb, 1.0-2.5(-4.0) m; stems branched, erect or decumbent, glabrous, somewhat thickened and hollow at base. Petiole long, to 10 cm; blade lanceolate, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 6-30 x 1.5-14 cm, long-acuminate at apex, acute to rounded at base, undulate, glabrous. Inflorescence of large, terminal and axillary, lax panicles, sometimes massed as a flowering top to ca. 30 cm long, often drooping at apex; bracts 3, ovate, acute, persistent, shorter than tepals. Male flowers in narrow panicles 3-9 cm long; tepals ovate, 2.5-3 mm long, mucronate or acuminate, 1-veined; stamens 5. Female flowers in panicles 6-15 cm long; bracts of female flowers 3, rigid, resembling tepals; tepals absent; ovary ovoid, subglobose, 3- to 5-angled, stigmas 2-5. Utricle dehiscent or indehiscent, obovoid or turbinate, 1.5-2.5 mm long, 3- to 5-angled, as long as or shorter than bracts; seed brown, lenticular, lustrous, puncticulate.


Coastal areas of Florida present, Greater Antilles present, Guianas present, Northern America, Southern America, Trinidad present
Coastal areas of Florida, the Greater Antilles, Mexico, Trinidad and northern South America; 15 collections studied, 6 from the Guianas: GU: 1; SU: 3; FG: 2.

Female flowers

Female flowers in panicles ;41
41. 005


Annual, dioecious herb, ;42
42. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Wia Wia-bank, Grote Zwiebelzwamp, Lanjouw & Lindeman 1102 Guyana, Shell Beach, Grewal & Lall 305 Suriname, Mouth of Corantijne R., Pulle 376 Mana, Savane Sarcelle, de Granville 1971 Ilet Zebede, Mana, Hoff 6214 Suriname, N. Coronie, Lanjouw 1101


Inflorescence of large, , lax panicles, , often drooping at apex;43
43. 003

Male flowers

Male flowers in narrow panicles ;44
44. 004


Petiole long, ;45
45. 002


Utricle dehiscent or indehiscent, , , , as long as or shorter than bracts;46
46. 006