Amaranthus hybridus

Primary tabs

Amaranthus hybridus



1. 003-003-002-002-001

<<<Female flowers>Tepals>Shape>Length

1.3-2.5 mm long2
2. 006-001-002-001


extending into a , spinulose apex3
3. 003-003-002-002


4. 003-003-002-001


usually 3.5 mm or longer (-4.5 mm)5
5. 003-003-001-001

<<<Male flowers>Tepals>Shape>Length

1.3-3.0 mm long6
6. 005-001-002-001


2-10(-15) x 1-7(-10) cm7
7. 002-002-001-001

<<Female flowers>Style>Style number

8. 006-002-001

<<Female flowers>Tepals>Growth form

spreading at maturity9
9. 006-001-003

<<Female flowers>Tepals>Shape

oblong, longest (outer) , acute10
10. 006-001-002

<<Female flowers>Tepals>Tepal number

11. 006-001-001


12. 001-003-001


green to red13
13. 001-002-001


elongated with midvein , conspicuously exceeding tepals so that whole inflorescence often appears bristly14
14. 003-003-002


lanceolate or ovate,15
15. 003-003-001

<<Male flowers>Stamens>Stamen number

16. 005-002-001

<<Male flowers>Tepals>Shape

narrowly oblong or ovate, , acute17
17. 005-001-002

<<Male flowers>Tepals>Tepal number

18. 005-001-001

<<Petiole>Blade>Margin type

entire or minutely crenulate19
19. 002-002-002


subelliptical, ovate, rhombic-ovate or lance-ovate, , obtuse or acute, slightly notched at apex20
20. 002-002-001


dark reddish-brown or black, lustrous21
21. 007-004-003


0.8-1.1 x 0.9-1.3 mm22
22. 007-004-002


lenticular or cochleate-orbicular23
23. 007-004-001

<Female flowers>Style

styles .24
24. 006-002

<Female flowers>Tepals

tepals , unequal, , , shorter than utricle;25
25. 006-001


green, white or reddish26
26. 004-001


to 2.5 m, often smaller27
27. 001-001


indument of stems, young leaves and inflorescence axes more or less densely pubescent with tangled hairs or sometimes glabrous.28
28. 001-003


stems ;29
29. 001-002


bracts , .30
30. 003-003


1-20 cm long31
31. 003-002


axillary and terminal32
32. 003-001

<Male flowers>Stamens

stamens .33
33. 005-002

<Male flowers>Tepals

tepals , unequal, ;34
34. 005-001


blade , .35
35. 002-002


to 3(-12) cm long36
36. 002-001


2.0-2.5 mm long37
37. 007-002


seed , , .38
38. 007-004


circumscissile, subglobose39
39. 007-001


slightly to conspicuously rugulose40
40. 007-003


Annual, monoecious (or sometimes flowers bisexual), robust herb to 2.5 m, often smaller; stems green to red; indument of stems, young leaves and inflorescence axes more or less densely pubescent with tangled white hairs or sometimes glabrous. Petiole to 3(-12) cm long; blade subelliptical, ovate, rhombic-ovate or lance-ovate, 2-10(-15) x 1-7(-10) cm, obtuse or acute, slightly notched at apex, entire or minutely crenulate. Inflorescence of large axillary and terminal spikes or panicles 1-20 cm long; bracts lanceolate or ovate, usually 3.5 mm or longer (-4.5 mm), elongated with green midvein extending into a subulate, spinulose apex, conspicuously exceeding tepals so that whole inflorescence often appears bristly. Flowers green, white or reddish. Male flowers occurring in most parts of inflorescence; tepals 5, unequal, narrowly oblong or ovate, 1.3-3.0 mm long, acute; stamens 5. Female flowers, tepals 5, unequal, oblong, longest (outer) 1.3-2.5 mm long, acute, spreading at maturity, shorter than utricle; styles (2)3. Utricle circumscissile, subglobose, 2.0-2.5 mm long, slightly to conspicuously rugulose; seed lenticular or cochleate-orbicular, 0.8-1.1 x 0.9-1.3 mm, dark reddish-brown or black, lustrous.


Guianas present, New World present, Southern America, eastern North America present
Origin in the New World (eastern North America to northern South America); weed of disturbed land in the Guianas; 14 collections studied, 2 from the Guianas (SU: 1; FG: 1).

Female flowers

Female flowers,41
41. 006


Flowers .42
42. 004


Annual, monoecious (or sometimes flowers bisexual), robust herb ;43
43. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Berthoud-Coulon 536 Ile de Cayenne, Plateau du Mahury, a proximite du lac Rorota, de Granville 5776


Inflorescence of large spikes or panicles ;44
44. 003

Male flowers

Male flowers occurring in most parts of inflorescence;45
45. 005


Petiole ;46
46. 002


Utricle , , ;47
47. 007