Voyria corymbosa

Primary tabs

Voyria corymbosa



1.5-3 mm long1
1. 004-002-004-002


narrowly triangular to subulate2
2. 004-002-004-001


3. 004-002-005-001


1.5-3 mm long4
4. 004-002-003-001


2-5 mm long5
5. 004-003-005-002


narrowly triangular to triangular6
6. 004-003-005-001


inner side glabrous to hairy7
7. 004-003-004-002


8-15 mm long8
8. 004-003-004-001


3-5(-10) mm long9
9. 004-005-003-001


1-1.5 mm long10
10. 004-004-003-001


11. 004-004-004-001


glabrous to papillate12
12. 004-004-002-002


0.5-3 mm long13
13. 004-004-002-001


0.1-0.2 mm long14
14. 005-003-001


2.5-6 mm long15
15. 004-002-002


lobes , ,16
16. 004-002-004


campanulate to tubular17
17. 004-002-001


sinuses ;18
18. 004-002-005


tube ,19
19. 004-002-003


white to pale pink20
20. 004-003-001


10-20 mm long21
21. 004-003-003


lobes , ;22
22. 004-003-005


23. 004-003-002


tube , ,24
24. 004-003-004


3-4 mm long25
25. 004-005-002


26. 004-005-001


style .27
27. 004-005-003


anthers , free or coherent,28
28. 004-004-003


apex ;29
29. 004-004-004


filaments , ,30
30. 004-004-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Relative distance

inserted 2-4 mm below throat31
31. 004-004-001


salmon to white32
32. 001-003-001


4-6 mm long33
33. 005-002


seeds saccate, .34
34. 005-003


35. 005-001


calyx , ,36
36. 004-002


corolla , , ,37
37. 004-003


38. 004-001


ovary , , shortly stipitate,39
39. 004-005


stamens ,40
40. 004-004


5-25 cm tall41
41. 001-001

<Habit>Root system

root system unknown;42
42. 001-002


stems , variously branched from base.43
43. 001-003

<Inflorescences>Flower number

to 30-flowered, rarely few- to 1-flowered44
44. 003-001


2-6 mm long45
45. 002-002


narrowly triangular to triangular46
46. 002-001


Capsule , , septicidally dehiscent from base to apex or sometimes in middle only;47
47. 005


Herbs 5-25 cm tall; root system unknown; stems salmon to white, variously branched from base. Leaves narrowly triangular to triangular, 2-6 mm long. Inflorescence a cyme consisting of several dichasia, to 30-flowered, rarely few- to 1-flowered. Flowers 5-6-merous, sometimes fragrant; calyx campanulate to tubular, 2.5-6 mm long, tube 1.5-3 mm long, lobes narrowly triangular to subulate, 1.5-3 mm long, sinuses obtuse; corolla white to pale pink, trumpet-shaped, 10-20 mm long, tube 8-15 mm long, inner side glabrous to hairy, lobes narrowly triangular to triangular, 2-5 mm long; stamens inserted 2-4 mm below throat, filaments 0.5-3 mm long, glabrous to papillate, anthers 1-1.5 mm long, free or coherent, apex rounded-truncate; ovary fusiform, 3-4 mm long, shortly stipitate, style 3-5(-10) mm long. Capsule ellipsoid, 4-6 mm long, septicidally dehiscent from base to apex or sometimes in middle only; seeds saccate, 0.1-0.2 mm long.


Amazonian Brazil present, C America present, Guianas present present, Southern America: Colombia (Colombia present); Peru (Peru present); Venezuela (Venezuela present)
C America, Colombia, Venezuela, the Guianas, and Amazonian Brazil and Peru; 158 collections studied from the Guianas (GU: 34; SU: 31; FG: 93).


Flowers , sometimes fragrant;48
48. 004


Herbs ;49
49. 001

Individuals Association

Mt. Bellevue de l’Inini, de Granville et al. 7869 Guyana, Iwokrama Rainforest Reserve, Transect from Essequibo to Turtle Mts., Clarke et al. 154 Suriname, Nassau Mts., Plateau C, Jansen-Jacobs et al. 6407 Sommet Tabulaire, 50 km SE of Saül, de Granville 3592 Guyana, Mabura Region, West Pibiri Compartment, Ek et al. 913 Suriname, between Rechter Coppename R. and Emmaketen, Wessels Boer 1446


Inflorescence a cyme consisting of several dichasia, .50
50. 003


Leaves , .51
51. 002


Flowering .