Voyria tenuiflora

Primary tabs

Voyria tenuiflora


<<<<Flowers>Corolla>Tube>Inner surfaces>Hairs

inner side minutely hairy to papillate1
1. 003-003-003-003-001


1.5-8 mm2
2. 003-002-004-002


triangular to narrowly triangular3
3. 003-002-004-001


4. 003-002-005-001


3-7 mm long5
5. 003-002-003-001


slightly keeled6
6. 003-002-003-002


cream to white7
7. 003-003-002-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lobes>Growth form

initially patent, but soon strongly recurved8
8. 003-003-004-002


15-70 mm long9 3-30 mm long10
9. 003-003-002-003, 10. 003-003-004-003


trumpet-shaped11 narrowly triangular to linear12
11. 003-003-002-002, 12. 003-003-004-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Tube>Inner surfaces

, inflated near insertion of stamens13
13. 003-003-003-003


12-45 mm long14
14. 003-003-003-002


15. 003-003-003-001

<<<Flowers>Ovary>Glandular marks>Glandular mark number

16. 003-005-003-001


8-30 mm long17
17. 003-005-004-001


0.2-0.5 mm long18
18. 003-004-003-001


19. 003-004-004-001


0.1-0.3 mm long20
20. 004-003-002


21. 004-003-001


6-16 mm long22
22. 003-002-002


lobes , ,23
23. 003-002-004


24. 003-002-001


sinuses ;25
25. 003-002-005


tube , ,26
26. 003-002-003


pink, or white27
27. 003-003-001


lobes , , ;28 lobes , , ,29
28. 003-003-004, 29. 003-003-002


tube , , ,30
30. 003-003-003

<<Flowers>Ovary>Glandular marks

provided with glandular marks at base31
31. 003-005-003


5-8 mm long32
32. 003-005-002


narrowly ovoid33
33. 003-005-001


style .34
34. 003-005-004


anthers ,35
35. 003-004-003


apex ;36
36. 003-004-004


filaments absent,37
37. 003-004-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Relative distance

inserted 3-6 mm below throat38
38. 003-004-001

<<Habit>Roots>Growth form

horizontally creeping39
39. 001-002-001


40. 001-003-001


6-10 mm long41
41. 004-002


seeds , .42
42. 004-003


43. 004-001


calyx , ,44
44. 003-002


corolla tube salmon, ,45
45. 003-003


46. 003-001


ovary , , ,47
47. 003-005


stamens ,48
48. 003-004


5-25 cm tall49
49. 001-001


roots , branched;50
50. 001-002


stems salmon to , simple or branched from base.51
51. 001-003


2.5-10 mm long52
52. 002-002


triangular to narrowly triangular53
53. 002-001


Capsule , , indehiscent(?);54
54. 004


Herbs 5-25 cm tall; roots horizontally creeping, branched; stems salmon to white, simple or branched from base. Leaves triangular to narrowly triangular, 2.5-10 mm long. Flowers solitary, 5-merous; calyx tubular, 6-16 mm long, tube 3-7 mm long, slightly keeled, lobes triangular to narrowly triangular, 1.5-8 mm, sinuses obtuse; corolla tube salmon, pink, or white, lobes cream to white, trumpet-shaped, 15-70 mm long, tube cylindric, 12-45 mm long, inner side minutely hairy to papillate, inflated near insertion of stamens, lobes narrowly triangular to linear, initially patent, but soon strongly recurved, 3-30 mm long; stamens inserted 3-6 mm below throat, filaments absent, anthers 0.2-0.5 mm long, apex rounded; ovary narrowly ovoid, 5-8 mm long, provided with 2 glandular marks at base, style 8-30 mm long. Capsule fusiform, 6-10 mm long, indehiscent(?); seeds saccate, 0.1-0.3 mm long.


Guianas present present, NW Brazil present
The Guianas and NW Brazil; 59 collections studied from the Guianas (GU: 3; SU: 18; FG: 38).


Flowers solitary, ;55
55. 003


Herbs ;56
56. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, NW District, Kwabana, Maas et al. 2494 Guyana, Pakaraima Mts., Mt. Warimatepu, Maas et al. 5609 Suriname, Nassau Mts., Plateau C, Jansen-Jacobs et al. 6561 Suriname, Kabelstation, Jonker-Verhoef & Jonker 618 Mt. Mahury, 8 km SE of Cayenne, Raynal & Tirel 18334 Route de BĂ©lizon, N of Les Eaux Claires, Maas et al. 8095


Leaves , .57
57. 002


Flowering .