Voyria caerulea

Primary tabs

Voyria caerulea



1-5 mm long1
1. 004-002-004-002


deltate to narrowly triangular2
2. 004-002-004-001


3. 004-002-005-001


8-20 mm long4
4. 004-002-003-001


often split for most of its length along 1 or 2 sides5
5. 004-002-003-002


12-20 mm long6
6. 004-003-005-002


ovate to narrowly ovate7
7. 004-003-005-001


inner side glabrous8
8. 004-003-004-002


30-60 mm long9
9. 004-003-004-001


10-50 mm long10
10. 004-005-003-001


2-3 mm long11
11. 004-004-003-001


12. 004-004-004-001


to ca. 3 mm long13
13. 004-004-002-001


0.3-0.4 mm long14
14. 005-003-002


urceolate to ovoid15
15. 005-003-001


10-25 mm long16
16. 004-002-002


lobes , ,17
17. 004-002-004


18. 004-002-001


sinuses ;19
19. 004-002-005


tube , ,20
20. 004-002-003


blue to purplish, often fading to white21
21. 004-003-001


40-80 mm long22
22. 004-003-003


lobes , ;23
23. 004-003-005


24. 004-003-002


tube , ,25
25. 004-003-004


ca. 10 mm long26
26. 004-005-002


27. 004-005-001


style .28
28. 004-005-003


anthers , free,29
29. 004-004-003


apex ;30
30. 004-004-004


filaments ,31
31. 004-004-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Relative distance

inserted 5-10 mm below throat32
32. 004-004-001


blue or white, sometimes deep purple33
33. 001-003-001


15-30 mm long34
34. 005-002


seeds , .35
35. 005-003


36. 005-001


calyx , ,37
37. 004-002


corolla , , ,38
38. 004-003


39. 004-001


ovary , ,40
40. 004-005


stamens ,41
41. 004-004


5-20 cm tall42
42. 001-001

<Habit>Root system

root system unknown;43
43. 001-002


stems , simple, rarely branched at base.44
44. 001-003

<Inflorescences>Flower number

2-6(-10)-flowered cyme, sometimes reduced to 1 flower45
45. 003-001


2-8 mm long46
46. 002-002


triangular to narrowly triangular47
47. 002-001


Capsule , , dehiscence unknown;48
48. 005


Aubl. 1775 – In: Hist. Pl. Guiane. tab. 83, fig. 2


Herbs 5-20 cm tall; root system unknown; stems blue or white, sometimes deep purple, simple, rarely branched at base. Leaves triangular to narrowly triangular, 2-8 mm long. Inflorescence a dense, 2-6(-10)-flowered cyme, sometimes reduced to 1 flower. Flowers generally 5-merous, fragrant; calyx tubular, 10-25 mm long, tube 8-20 mm long, often split for most of its length along 1 or 2 sides, lobes deltate to narrowly triangular, 1-5 mm long, sinuses obtuse; corolla blue to purplish, often fading to white, trumpet-shaped, 40-80 mm long, tube 30-60 mm long, inner side glabrous, lobes ovate to narrowly ovate, 12-20 mm long; stamens inserted 5-10 mm below throat, filaments to ca. 3 mm long, anthers 2-3 mm long, free, apex rounded; ovary fusiform, ca. 10 mm long, style 10-50 mm long. Capsule fusiform, 15-30 mm long, dehiscence unknown; seeds urceolate to ovoid, 0.3-0.4 mm long.


Bolivar present, Guianas present present, Southern America: Brazil North (Amazonas present); Venezuela (Venezuela present)
Venezuela (Amazonas and Bolívar), the Guianas, and Brazil; 156 collections studied from the Guianas (GU: 10; SU: 45; FG: 101).


Flowers generally , fragrant;49
49. 004


Herbs ;50
50. 001

Individuals Association

Route de Bélizon, between Les Eaux Claires and Saül, Maas et al. 8103 Suriname, E of village Brokopondo, van Donselaar 3045 Guyana, Pakaraima Mts., 1 km N of Kamarang, Maas et al. 4132 Suriname, Nickerie R., 2 km below Blanche Marie Falls, Maas & Tawjoeran LBB 10913 Paracou Research Centre, Maas et al. 9636 Guyana, Agatash, Essequibo R., FDBG 2979


Inflorescence a dense, .51
51. 003


Leaves , .52
52. 002


Flowering .