Alyxia arfakensis

Primary tabs

Alyxia arfakensis


Reported as an erect shrub (see note). Branchlets weakly angled, sparsely lenticellate or not, sparsely to densely and minutely puberulent, sometimes glabrescent. Leaves in whorls of 3, coriaceous or subcoriaceous; Inflorescence axillary, a simple unbranched pleiochasium or with 1 or 2 internodes and unbranched side branches, delicate, sparsely to densely puberulent, 0.8-3 cm long; Sepals ovate, c. 1.1 by 0.6-0.7 mm, 1.6-1.8 times as long as wide, apex obtuse or acute, ciliate, glabrous or sparsely puberulent on centre line or all over. Stamens inserted at 1.2-1.8 mm from corolla base which is 0.46-0.56 of tube length; Ovaries 0.5 mm high, glabrous or pubescent in tuft between carpels; Fruit stalks 1.9-2.2 mm long; Seeds c. 8.7 by 4.8 by 4.2 mm.


Asia-Tropical: New Guinea present
Malesia: New Guinea.


This species is reported from one herbarium specimen as being an erect shrub. I find this unlikely except when very young. Unfortunately there are very few collections and most have no habit information.


D.J. Middleton 2000 – In: Blumea. p 33
P. Royen 1983 – In: Alpine Fl. New Guinea. p 2853
Markgr. 1977 – In: Blumea. p 400