Ruellia schnellii

Primary tabs

Ruellia schnellii


<<<Calyx>Corolla>Limbs>Growth form

1. 005-004-005-001


20-2 mm wide2
2. 005-004-005-002


oval to suborbicular, retuse at apex3
3. 005-004-006-001


6-8 mm wide at mouth4
4. 005-004-004-001


3-4 mm long5
5. 005-005-001-001

<<<Inflorescences>Foliose bracts>Shape>Dimensions

22-40 x 8-18 mm6
6. 004-005-001-001

<<<Inflorescences>Foliose bracts>Shape>Hairs

glabrous, gland-dotted7
7. 004-005-001-002


glabrous or nearly so on both upper and lower surface8
8. 003-004-002-002

<<<Petiole>Blade>Margins>Margin type

entire or faintly and irregularly crenulate9
9. 003-004-002-001


9-12 x 2.5-4 cm10
10. 003-004-001-001

<<<Petiole>Primary veins>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

8-10 pairs11
11. 003-005-001-001


12. 005-004-001


13. 005-004-002


35-40 mm long14
14. 005-004-003


limb , ,15
15. 005-004-005


lobes ;16
16. 005-004-006


tube infundibular, curved, ,17
17. 005-004-004


3 x 0.8-10 mm18
18. 005-003-002


narrowly triangular19
19. 005-003-001


20. 005-006-001


anthers ;21
21. 005-005-001


4 x 3.5 x 1 mm22
22. 006-003-002


appressed pilose when dry, mucilaginous-pilose when moistened23
23. 006-003-003


flat, dark-brown, orbicular24
24. 006-003-001


nitid, drying brownish25
25. 006-001-003


12-14 x 6 x 3-3.5 mm26
26. 006-001-001


27. 006-001-002


3-4 mm long28
28. 006-002-001

<<Inflorescences>Foliose bracts>Shape

elliptic to narrowly ovate, , , acute to acuminate at apex, attenuate at base29
29. 004-005-001


to 8 mm long30
30. 004-003-001


margin , ;31
31. 003-004-002


narrowly elliptic to oblong, , thin, short-acuminate at apex, long-attenuate at base, partially decurrent on petiole32
32. 003-004-001

<<Petiole>Primary veins>Secondary veins

secondary veins (), convex on both surfaces.33
33. 003-005-001


corolla , , ,34
34. 005-004


glabrous and gland-dotted35
35. 005-002


4-5 mm long36
36. 005-001


lobes , ;37
37. 005-003


ovary and style .38
38. 005-006


stamens slightly exserted from mouth of corolla,39
39. 005-005


seeds , , .40
40. 006-003


clavate, , , , apiculate at apex41
41. 006-001


stipe ;42
42. 006-002


50 cm tall43
43. 001-001


flowers opposite, solitary in axils of showy, distal, foliose bracts;44
44. 004-004

<Inflorescences>Foliose bracts

foliose bracts bicolored, .45
45. 004-005


5-10 cm long46
46. 004-002


peduncle ;47
47. 004-003


48. 004-001


blade ,49
49. 003-004


50. 003-003


5-15 mm long51
51. 003-001

<Petiole>Primary veins

primary vein sulcate on upper surface,52
52. 003-005


53. 003-002

<Stems>Growth form

54. 002-001


glabrate and gland-dotted55
55. 002-003


56. 002-002


Calyx , ,57
57. 005


Capsule ,58
58. 006


Creeping herb, 50 cm tall, branched from a subligneous base. Stem erect, terete, branching, glabrate and gland-dotted. Petiole 5-15 mm long, canaliculate, puberulous; blade narrowly elliptic to oblong, 9-12 x 2.5-4 cm, thin, short-acuminate at apex, long-attenuate at base, partially decurrent on petiole, margin entire or faintly and irregularly crenulate, glabrous or nearly so on both upper and lower surface; primary vein sulcate on upper surface, secondary veins (8-10 pairs), convex on both surfaces. Inflorescence a terminal spike or raceme, 5-10 cm long, sessile to shortly pedunculate; peduncle to 8 mm long; flowers opposite, solitary in axils of showy, distal, foliose bracts; foliose bracts bicolored, elliptic to narrowly ovate, 22-40 x 8-18 mm, glabrous, gland-dotted, acute to acuminate at apex, attenuate at base. Calyx 4-5 mm long, glabrous and gland-dotted, lobes narrowly triangular, 3 x 0.8-10 mm; corolla brick-red, glabrous, 35-40 mm long, tube infundibular, curved, 6-8 mm wide at mouth, limb spreading, 20-2 mm wide, lobes oval to suborbicular, retuse at apex; stamens slightly exserted from mouth of corolla, anthers 3-4 mm long; ovary and style puberulous. Capsule clavate, 12-14 x 6 x 3-3.5 mm, glabrous, nitid, drying brownish, apiculate at apex, stipe 3-4 mm long; seeds flat, dark-brown, orbicular, 4 x 3.5 x 1 mm, appressed pilose when dry, mucilaginous-pilose when moistened.


French Guiana present
French Guiana; 4 collections studied (FG: 4).


Creeping herb, , branched from a subligneous base.59
59. 001

Individuals Association

Maroni, Maripasoula, Petitbon 179 St. Jean, Benoist 1167 Région de Paul Isnard, road to Citron, Feuillet 298


Inflorescence a spike or raceme, , sessile to shortly pedunculate;60
60. 004


Petiole , , ;61
61. 003


Flowering and fruiting .


Stem , , branching, .62
62. 002