Talisia megaphylla

Primary tabs

Talisia megaphylla



1. 005-005-005-002-003


2. 005-005-005-002-004


ca. 3.5 mm long3
3. 005-005-005-002-001


slightly fleshy4
4. 005-005-005-002-002


5. 005-009-001-001


6. 005-009-002-001


7. 005-005-004-001


the claw , , ,8
8. 005-005-005-002


wooly to ciliate9
9. 005-005-005-001


1.5-1.7 mm long10
10. 005-008-003-002


apiculate at apex11 oblong-lanceolate12
11. 005-008-003-003, 12. 005-008-003-001


13. 005-008-002-001


14. 005-008-002-002


4-5 mm long15
15. 005-008-002-003

<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Abaxial surfaces>Hairs

glabrous or sparingly pubescent16
16. 003-004-006-001

<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Adaxial surfaces>Hairs

17. 003-004-005-001


abruptly acuminate to nearly caudate18
18. 003-004-007-001


obtuse-acute to obtuse-cuneate19
19. 003-004-008-001

<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Margins>Margin type

20. 003-004-009-001

<<<Thyrses>Peduncle>Distal dichasia>Length

ca. 1 mm21
21. 004-008-002-001

<<<Thyrses>Peduncle>Proximal dichasia>Length

5-8 mm long22
22. 004-008-001-001

<<Calyx>Appendages>Growth form

23. 005-006-001


sericeous-tomentose on both surfaces24
24. 005-006-002


tomentose or only apically tomentose25
25. 005-007-002


ca. 1 mm tall26
26. 005-007-003

<<Calyx>Disk>Lobe number

27. 005-007-001


28. 005-002-001


29. 005-009-001


the stigma , papillate.30
30. 005-009-002


white to orangish31
31. 005-005-001


abaxially -sericeous-tomentose except along upper margins32
32. 005-005-004


8-9 mm long33
33. 005-005-002


the margins , clawed at base, ;34
34. 005-005-005


35. 005-005-003


abaxially glabrous around the wooly-pubescent margins, adaxially glabrous36
36. 005-003-003


2-3.5 mm long37
37. 005-003-001


ovate to rounded, concave38
38. 005-003-002


the anthers , , ;39
39. 005-008-003


the filaments , , of unequal length, ,40
40. 005-008-002

<<Calyx>Stamens>Stamen number

41. 005-008-001


coriaceous, smooth or less often granulate42
42. 006-005-002


ca. 1.5 mm thick43
43. 006-005-001


to 8 cm in diam.44
44. 001-002-001

<<Leaves>Leaflets>Abaxial surfaces

the abaxial surface ,45
45. 003-004-006

<<Leaves>Leaflets>Adaxial surfaces

the adaxial surface , with prominulous midvein and slightly sunken secondary veins (sometimes bullate),46
46. 003-004-005


the apex ,47
47. 003-004-007


the base inequilateral, ,48
48. 003-004-008


(14-)17-43 × 4.5-10.5 cm49
49. 003-004-004

<<Leaves>Leaflets>Leaflet number

50. 003-004-001


the margins ;51
51. 003-004-009


oblanceolate, oblong-elliptic, sometimes obovate or falcate52
52. 003-004-003


53. 003-004-002


54. 003-001-003


20-29 cm long55
55. 003-001-001


56. 003-001-002


brownish (drying dark brown)57
57. 003-003-001


7-14 mm long58
58. 003-003-002


yellowish brown, glossy59
59. 003-002-004


60. 003-002-003


20-54 cm long61
61. 003-002-001


terete, striate to bicarinate on distal portion62
62. 003-002-002


63. 007-002-001


64. 004-004-001


65. 004-005-002


ca. 1 mm long66
66. 004-005-003


67. 004-005-001

<<Thyrses>Lateral branches>Length

to 15 cm long68
68. 004-003-001


69. 004-009-002


1-1.5 mm long70
70. 004-009-001

<<Thyrses>Peduncle>Distal dichasia

on distal dichasia71
71. 004-008-002

<<Thyrses>Peduncle>Proximal dichasia

on proximal dichasia72
72. 004-008-001


appendage as long as or shorter than the petal, , ;73
73. 005-006


disc , completely , ;74
74. 005-007


abaxially -sericeous-tomentose75
75. 005-002


4-7 mm long76
76. 005-001

<Calyx>Outer sepals

the outer sepals shorter than the inner sepals;77
77. 005-004


ovary ,78
78. 005-009


petals , , , reflexed at anthesis, , adaxially papillate,79
79. 005-005


the sepals , , imbricate, ,80
80. 005-003


stamens ,81
81. 005-008


yellow, orange-yellow or red82
82. 006-001


velvety pubescent, becoming glabrous at maturity83
83. 006-004


2-3.2 cm long84
84. 006-003


the pericarp , .85
85. 006-005


oblong-ellipsoid to nearly globose, apiculate86
86. 006-002


4-10 m tall87
87. 001-001


88. 001-002


leaflets , opposite or alternate, , , ,89
89. 003-004


petiole , , striate, , enlarged at base;90
90. 003-001


petiolules , pulvinate, adaxially furrowed, ;91
91. 003-003

<Leaves>Primary and secondary veins

primary and secondary veins prominent, tertiary veins reticulate, slightly prominent.92
92. 003-005


rachis , , , ;93
93. 003-002


with , sweet sarcotesta94
94. 007-002


95. 007-001


96. 002-001


97. 002-002


axes angled, sulcate, ;98
98. 004-004


bracteoles similar to the bracts but smaller;99
99. 004-006


bracts , , ;100
100. 004-005


dichasia simple or compound;101
101. 004-007

<Thyrses>Lateral branches

lateral branches ;102
102. 004-003


20-42 cm long103
103. 004-001


pedicels , articulate near the middle, .104
104. 004-009


peduncle , ;105
105. 004-008


distal or axillary on distal part of stem106
106. 004-002


Calyx , ,107
107. 005

Common Name

English (French Guiana): bété English (Suriname): bosknipa, kraskrastiki


Slender tree or treelet, 4-10 m tall, unbranched or with few ascending, sympodial branches on distal portion; trunk to 8 cm in diam.Stem sulcate, glabrous, lenticellate. Leaves paripinnate or imparipinnate, spirally arranged on distal portion of stem; petiole 20-29 cm long, terete, striate, glabrous, enlarged at base; rachis 20-54 cm long, terete, striate to bicarinate on distal portion, glabrous, yellowish brown, glossy; petiolules brownish (drying dark brown), pulvinate, adaxially furrowed, 7-14 mm long; leaflets (7)11-15, opposite or alternate, chartaceous, oblanceolate, oblong-elliptic, sometimes obovate or falcate, (14-)17-43 × 4.5-10.5 cm, the adaxial surface glabrous, with prominulous midvein and slightly sunken secondary veins (sometimes bullate), the abaxial surface glabrous or sparingly pubescent, the apex abruptly acuminate to nearly caudate, the base inequilateral, obtuse-acute to obtuse-cuneate, the margins undulate; primary and secondary veins prominent, tertiary veins reticulate, slightly prominent. Thyrses panicle-shaped, 20-42 cm long, distal or axillary on distal part of stem, lateral branches to 15 cm long; axes angled, sulcate, sericeous-tomentose; bracts deltate, sericeous-tomentose, ca. 1 mm long; bracteoles similar to the bracts but smaller; dichasia simple or compound; peduncle 5-8 mm long on proximal dichasia, ca. 1 mm on distal dichasia; pedicels 1-1.5 mm long, articulate near the middle, sericeous-tomentose. Calyx 4-7 mm long, abaxially ferruginous-sericeous-tomentose, the sepals 2-3.5 mm long, ovate to rounded, concave, imbricate, abaxially glabrous around the wooly-pubescent margins, adaxially glabrous, the outer sepals shorter than the inner sepals; petals white to orangish, 8-9 mm long, elliptic, reflexed at anthesis, abaxially ferruginous-sericeous-tomentose except along upper margins, adaxially papillate, the margins wooly to ciliate, clawed at base, the claw ca. 3.5 mm long, slightly fleshy, white, glabrous; appendage as long as or shorter than the petal, erect, sericeous-tomentose on both surfaces; disc 5-lobed, completely tomentose or only apically tomentose, ca. 1 mm tall; stamens 8, the filaments white, glabrous, of unequal length, 4-5 mm long, the anthers oblong-lanceolate, 1.5-1.7 mm long, apiculate at apex; ovary ferruginous-tomentose, the stigma ellipsoid, papillate. Fruit maturing yellow, orange-yellow or red, oblong-ellipsoid to nearly globose, apiculate, 2-3.2 cm long, velvety pubescent, becoming glabrous at maturity, the pericarp ca. 1.5 mm thick, coriaceous, smooth or less often granulate. Seed solitary, ellipsoid, with lilac, sweet sarcotesta.


Guianas present, Southern America: Ecuador (Ecuador present); Peru (Peru present); Venezuela (Venezuela present)
Venezuela, the Guianas, Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil (GU: 1; SU: 9; FG: 11).


Fruit maturing , , , ,108
108. 006


Slender tree or treelet, , unbranched or with few ascending, sympodial branches on distal portion;109
109. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Commewijne, Mapane Cr., high forest, Schulz 8073 Suriname, Marowijne, Moengo, Grote Zwiebelzwamp, forest, Lanjouw & Lindeman 388 Bassin du Maroni, Grand Inini R., Dégrad Fourmi, terra firme forest, de Granville et al. 7384 Piste St. Elie, Station Biologique ORSTOM, forest plots, rainforest, Acevedo-Rdgz. et al. 4888 Guyana, without specific locality, without date, Schomburgk 859 Suriname, Nickerie, Corantijne R., Kaboerie, Pulle 526 Bassin de l’Approuague, Pulle


Leaves paripinnate or imparipinnate, spirally arranged on distal portion of stem;110
110. 003


Seed solitary, , .111
111. 007


Stem sulcate, , .112
112. 002


Thyrses panicle-shaped, , ,113
113. 004