Talisia macrophylla

Primary tabs

Talisia macrophylla



elongate, nearly terete1
1. 005-010-002-001


2. 005-009-003-003


1.1-1.4 (2) mm long3
3. 005-009-003-001


oblong, oblong-lanceolate to lineate4 apiculate at apex5
4. 005-009-003-002, 5. 005-009-003-004


glabrous or less often puberulous6
6. 005-009-002-002


1-2.2 mm long7
7. 005-009-002-001


obtuse, acuminate or seldom long-acuminate and mucronate8
8. 003-004-008-001


asymmetrical to strongly asymmetrical, obtuse-cuneate, to nearly rounded (then one side shorter than the other), tapering into the petiolule9
9. 003-004-009-001

<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Margins>Margin type

10. 003-004-010-001


villose on adaxial surface11
11. 005-007-001


glabrous or puberulent12
12. 005-008-002


0.4-0.5 mm tall13
13. 005-008-003

<<Calyx>Disk>Lobe number

14. 005-008-001


sometimes ciliate with simple or glandular hairs15
15. 005-005-001


16. 005-010-001


the stigma , papillate.17
17. 005-010-002


glabrous on abaxial surface18
18. 005-006-003


3-3.7(5) mm long19
19. 005-006-002


rounded at apex, cuneate at base20 oblong or oblong-lanceolate21
20. 005-006-004, 21. 005-006-001


1.0-2.5 mm long22
22. 005-004-001


concave to nearly keeled, ovate-deltate to lanceolate, obtuse or rounded at apex23
23. 005-004-002


the anthers , , , ;24
24. 005-009-003


the filaments of equal length or slightly unequal, , ,25
25. 005-009-002

<<Calyx>Stamens>Stamen number

26. 005-009-001


0.9 mm thick27
27. 006-008-001


to 15 cm in diam.28
28. 001-002-001

<<Leaves>Leaflets>Abaxial surfaces

the abaxial surface with prominent midvein and secondary veins,29
29. 003-004-007

<<Leaves>Leaflets>Adaxial surfaces

the adaxial surface with prominulous, plane or slightly sunken midvein and secondary veins,30
30. 003-004-006


the apex ,31
31. 003-004-008


the base ,32
32. 003-004-009


10-45 × 3.7-1333
33. 003-004-005


34. 003-004-003

<<Leaves>Leaflets>Leaflet number

35. 003-004-001


the margins ;36
36. 003-004-010


oblong to elliptic37
37. 003-004-004


chartaceous to subcoriaceous38
38. 003-004-002


27-37 cm long39
39. 003-001-002


40. 003-001-001


41. 003-003-002


4-12(35) mm long42
42. 003-003-001


oblong-conical, canaliculate43
43. 003-003-003


reddish or dark brown44 shiny45
44. 003-002-001, 45. 003-002-005


46. 003-002-004


20-58 (115) cm long47
47. 003-002-002


obtusely to narrowly rhombic distally, nearly terete48
48. 003-002-003


49. 003-002-006


sparsely puberulent50
50. 004-004-001


1-2 mm long51
51. 004-005-002


nearly triangular-lanceolate52
52. 004-005-001


usually pinkish when immature, green at anthesis53
53. 004-007-002


0.3-0.7 mm long54
54. 004-007-001

<<Thyrses>Secondary branches>Length

18(35) cm long55
55. 004-003-001


56. 002-004


minutely lenticellate57
57. 002-003


58. 002-001


59. 002-002


appendages a little shorter than the petals, ;60
60. 005-007


pinkish in immature flowers, green at anthesis61
61. 005-001


disc annular, , , ;62
62. 005-008


63. 005-003


1.2-3 mm long64
64. 005-002


the margins ;65
65. 005-005


ovary ,66
66. 005-010


petals , , reflexed at anthesis, papillate on adaxial surface, , ;67
67. 005-006


the sepals , ,68
68. 005-004


stamens ,69
69. 005-009


70. 006-003


1.7-3 × 1.1-3 cm71
71. 006-006


72. 006-004


the pericarp .73
73. 006-008

<Fruits>Seed number per fruit

74. 006-001


rounded at apex, shortly apiculate75 ellipsoid to globose76
75. 006-007, 76. 006-002


77. 006-005


to 12 (25) m tall78
78. 001-001


79. 001-002


leaflets , alternate, opposite or subopposite, , , , ,80
80. 003-004


petioles , , gradually swollen toward base;81
81. 003-001


petiolules pulvinate, , , ;82
82. 003-003


rachis , and striate at base, , , ;83
83. 003-002


venation brochidodromus, with secondary veins alternate or subopposite, arching.84
84. 003-005


to 1.5 cm long85
85. 007-002


86. 007-001


axes angled, sulcate, ;87
87. 004-004


bracts , persistent, ;88
88. 004-005


dichasia simple or compound, nearly sessile to shortly pedunculate;89
89. 004-006


28-35 (100) cm long90
90. 004-002


pedicels , articulate near the middle to just below the flower, .91
91. 004-007


92. 004-001

<Thyrses>Secondary branches

the secondary branches93
93. 004-003


Branches , , , .94
94. 002


Calyx , , ,95
95. 005

Common Name

English (French Guiana): bois-flambeau


Treelet 4 to 12 (25) m tall; trunk to 15 cm in diam.Branches terete, smooth, minutely lenticellate, glabrous. Leaves paripinnate; petioles terete, 27-37 cm long, gradually swollen toward base; rachis reddish or dark brown20-58 (115) cm long, obtusely to narrowly rhombic distally, nearly terete and striate at base, glabrous, shiny, smooth; petiolules pulvinate, 4-12(35) mm long, glabrous, oblong-conical, canaliculate; leaflets (6)8-16(30), alternate, opposite or subopposite, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, glabrous, oblong to elliptic, 10-45 × 3.7-13, the adaxial surface with prominulous, plane or slightly sunken midvein and secondary veins, the abaxial surface with prominent midvein and secondary veins, the apex obtuse, acuminate or seldom long-acuminate and mucronate, the base asymmetrical to strongly asymmetrical, obtuse-cuneate, to nearly rounded (then one side shorter than the other), tapering into the petiolule, the margins undulate; venation brochidodromus, with secondary veins alternate or subopposite, arching. Thyrses axillary, panicle-shaped, distal on distal portion of main stem and branches, 28-35 (100) cm long, the secondary branches 18(35) cm long; axes angled, sulcate, sparsely puberulent; bracts nearly triangular-lanceolate, persistent, 1-2 mm long; dichasia simple or compound, nearly sessile to shortly pedunculate; pedicels 0.3-0.7 mm long, articulate near the middle to just below the flower, usually pinkish when immature, green at anthesis. Calyx pinkish in immature flowers, green at anthesis, 1.2-3 mm long, puberulent, the sepals 1.0-2.5 mm long, concave to nearly keeled, ovate-deltate to lanceolate, obtuse or rounded at apex, the margins sometimes ciliate with simple or glandular hairs; petals oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 3-3.7(5) mm long, reflexed at anthesis, papillate on adaxial surface, glabrous on abaxial surface, rounded at apex, cuneate at base; appendages a little shorter than the petals, villose on adaxial surface; disc annular, 5-lobed, glabrous or puberulent, 0.4-0.5 mm tall; stamens 5, the filaments of equal length or slightly unequal, 1-2.2 mm long, glabrous or less often puberulous, the anthers 1.1-1.4 (2) mm long, oblong, oblong-lanceolate to lineate, glabrous, apiculate at apex; ovary glabrous, the stigma elongate, nearly terete, papillate. Fruits 1(2)-seeded, ellipsoid to globose, green, glabrescent, smooth, 1.7-3 × 1.1-3 cm, rounded at apex, shortly apiculate, the pericarp 0.9 mm thick. Seeds ellipsoid, to 1.5 cm long.


Guianas present, Southern America: Colombia (Colombia present); Costa Rica (Costa Rica present); Peru (Peru present); Venezuela (Venezuela present)
Costa Rica to Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, the Guianas, and Brazil (GU: 3; SU: 2; FG: 9).


Fruits , , , , , , ,96
96. 006


Treelet 4 ;97
97. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Sipalawini, Ulemari R., along airstrip, blackwater, swamp forest, Hammel et al. 21718 Bassin de l’Approuague, Approuague R., Saut Pararé, Barrier & Feuillet 2589 Bassin de la Yaloupi, Yaloupi R., vic. Saut Tainoua, hillside, de Granville 371 Guyana, without specific locality, along Bartica-Potaro road, Wallaba forest on white sand, Fanshawe 2718 Suriname, Marowijne, Tumuc Humac Mts., Talouakem, moist forest on moderate slope, Acevedo-Rdgz. et al. 5935 Guyana, Chodikar Cr. bank, Guppy 674 Bassin de l’Oyapock, Roche Touatou, primary forest, Cremers & de Granville 14113


Leaves paripinnate;98
98. 003


Seeds , .99
99. 007


Thyrses , panicle-shaped, distal on distal portion of main stem and branches, , ;100
100. 004