Talisia mollis

Primary tabs

Talisia mollis



1. 005-010-003-002-001


2. 005-010-003-002


3. 005-010-003-001


1.5-1.8 mm long4
4. 005-009-003-002


apiculate at apex5 oblong or linear-lanceolate6
5. 005-009-003-003, 6. 005-009-003-001


7. 005-009-002-001


2-4 mm long8
8. 005-009-002-002


nearly filiform9
9. 005-009-002-003


to 2.5 mm thick10
10. 006-005-001-001

<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Abaxial surfaces>Hairs

minutely hirsute11
11. 003-004-006-001

<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Adaxial surfaces>Hairs

glabrous or the midvein minutely tomentose12
12. 003-004-005-001


acuminate to caudate13
13. 003-004-007-001


obtuse-attenuate or rounded-cuneate14
14. 003-004-008-001

<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Margins>Margin type

15. 003-004-009-001

<<<Seeds>Testa>Upper layer>Colour

yellowish to orange-yellow16
16. 007-002-001-002

<<<Seeds>Testa>Upper layer>Texture

thin, fleshy17
17. 007-002-001-001


abaxially papillate, adaxially hirsute on distal half18
18. 005-007-001


sparsely hirsute19
19. 005-008-002


ca. 0.8 mm tall20
20. 005-008-003

<<Calyx>Disk>Lobe number

21. 005-008-001


22. 005-010-002


23. 005-010-001


the stigma , .24
24. 005-010-003


25. 005-006-001


abaxially glabrous26
26. 005-006-004


5.5 mm long27
27. 005-006-002


oblong28 rounded at apex, cuneate or cuneate-attenuate at base29
28. 005-006-003, 29. 005-006-005


1.6-3 mm long30
30. 005-005-001


31. 005-005-002


the anthers , , ;32
32. 005-009-003


the filaments of equal or nearly equal length, , , ,33
33. 005-009-002

<<Calyx>Stamens>Stamen number

34. 005-009-001


35. 006-005-001


dark brown36
36. 001-003-001


37. 001-003-003


38. 001-003-002


to 8 cm in diam.39
39. 001-002-001

<<Leaves>Leaflets>Abaxial surfaces

the abaxial surface , with prominent venation,40
40. 003-004-006

<<Leaves>Leaflets>Adaxial surfaces

the adaxial surface with impressed venation, ,41
41. 003-004-005


the apex ,42
42. 003-004-007


the base inequilateral, ,43
43. 003-004-008


(5.5) 9-27(53) × (2)3.5-8.5(12) cm44
44. 003-004-004

<<Leaves>Leaflets>Leaflet number

10-16 (32)45
45. 003-004-001


the margins , slightly revolute.46
46. 003-004-009


oblong, elliptic or lanceolate47
47. 003-004-003


48. 003-004-002


minutely hirsute49
49. 003-001-003


12-27 (40) cm long50
50. 003-001-001


51. 003-001-002


minutely hirsute, glabrescent52
52. 003-003-002


4-6 mm long53
53. 003-003-001


minutely hirsute54
54. 003-002-003


22-60 cm long55
55. 003-002-001


terete, or slightly angled on distal portion56
56. 003-002-002

<<Seeds>Testa>Upper layer

with a , upper layer, rugulate when dried57
57. 007-002-001


58. 004-003-002


terete or slightly angled59
59. 004-003-001

<<Thyrses>Bracts and bracteoles>Hairs

60. 004-004-002

<<Thyrses>Bracts and bracteoles>Length

1.3-3.5 mm long61
61. 004-004-003

<<Thyrses>Bracts and bracteoles>Shape

lanceolate or subulate62
62. 004-004-001


< 1 mm long63
63. 004-006-001


appendage as long as the petal, long-deltate, ;64
64. 005-007


light green65
65. 005-001


disc , , ;66
66. 005-008


minutely hirsute, sometimes intermingled with glandular hairs67
67. 005-004


2.3-4 mm long68
68. 005-003


ovary , ,69
69. 005-010


petals , , , , adaxially papillate, ;70
70. 005-006


the sepals , ;71
71. 005-005


72. 005-002


stamens ,73
73. 005-009


yellow to orange-yellow at maturity74
74. 006-001


densely to sparsely hirsutulose75
75. 006-004


2-2.5 cm long76
76. 006-003


the pericarp woody, .77
77. 006-005


ovoid to globose78
78. 006-002


bark grayish to , or .79
79. 001-003


4-10(13) m tall80
80. 001-001


trunk ;81
81. 001-002


leaflets , opposite to alternate, , , ,82
82. 003-004


petiole , , , greatly enlarged at base;83
83. 003-001


petiolules pulvinate, , ;84
84. 003-003


rachis , , ;85
85. 003-002


86. 007-001


the testa woody, .87
87. 007-002


sometimes hollow in the center and inhabited by ants88
88. 002-003


minutely hirsute89
89. 002-002


90. 002-001


axes , ;91
91. 004-003

<Thyrses>Bracts and bracteoles

bracts and bracteoles , , ;92
92. 004-004


dichasia simple, sessile;93
93. 004-005


30-60 cm long94
94. 004-001


pedicels , articulate at the apex.95
95. 004-006


distal or axillary on distal part of branches96
96. 004-002


Calyx , , , ,97
97. 005

Common Name

English (French Guiana): flambeau dur, paiacoussa, payacoussa, tatu-tatu, tuliata English (Suriname): kraskrastiki


Slender tree or treelet, 4-10(13) m tall, unbranched or with few ascending, sympodial branches on distal portion; trunk to 8 cm in diam.; bark grayish to dark brown, smooth or lenticellate. Stem terete, minutely hirsute, sometimes hollow in the center and inhabited by ants. Leaves paripinnate, spirally arranged on distal portion of stem(s); petiole 12-27 (40) cm long, terete, minutely hirsute, greatly enlarged at base; rachis 22-60 cm long, terete, or slightly angled on distal portion, minutely hirsute; petiolules pulvinate, 4-6 mm long, minutely hirsute, glabrescent; leaflets 10-16 (32), opposite to alternate, chartaceous, oblong, elliptic or lanceolate, (5.5) 9-27(53) × (2)3.5-8.5(12) cm, the adaxial surface with impressed venation, glabrous or the midvein minutely tomentose, the abaxial surface minutely hirsute, with prominent venation, the apex acuminate to caudate, the base inequilateral, obtuse-attenuate or rounded-cuneate, the margins entire, slightly revolute. Thyrses panicle-shaped, 30-60 cm long, distal or axillary on distal part of branches; axes terete or slightly angled, hirsute; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate or subulate, hirsute, 1.3-3.5 mm long; dichasia simple, sessile; pedicels < 1 mm long, articulate at the apex. Calyx light green, urceolate, 2.3-4 mm long, minutely hirsute, sometimes intermingled with glandular hairs, the sepals 1.6-3 mm long, ovate-deltate; petals white, 5.5 mm long, oblong, abaxially glabrous, adaxially papillate, rounded at apex, cuneate or cuneate-attenuate at base; appendage as long as the petal, long-deltate, abaxially papillate, adaxially hirsute on distal half; disc 5-lobed, sparsely hirsute, ca. 0.8 mm tall; stamens 8, the filaments of equal or nearly equal length, glabrous, 2-4 mm long, nearly filiform, the anthers oblong or linear-lanceolate, 1.5-1.8 mm long, apiculate at apex; ovary conical, sericeous-hirsute, the stigma elongate-trigonous, ferruginous-papillate. Fruit yellow to orange-yellow at maturity, ovoid to globose, 2-2.5 cm long, densely to sparsely hirsutulose, the pericarp woody, smooth, to 2.5 mm thick. Seed ellipsoid, the testa woody, with a thin, fleshy, yellowish to orange-yellow upper layer, rugulate when dried.


Guianas present, Southern America
Known from the Guianas and Brazil (GU: 1; SU: 3; FG: 12).


Fruit , , , ,98
98. 006


Slender tree or treelet, , unbranched or with few ascending, sympodial branches on distal portion;99
99. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Brokopondo, Brownsweg, BW 6595 Bassin du Sinnamary, Grégoire Cr., Oldeman B-3481 Guyana, without specific locality, Bassin of Essequibo, rain forest, Forest Dept. of British Guiana 7305 Suriname, Para, Jodensavanne Mapan, rain forest understory, Schulz 8387 Bassin de la Comté, Montagne Tortue, forest understory, Acevedo-Rdgz. et al. 4823 Bassin du Maroni, Maripasoula, Fleury 100 Bassin de l’Approuague, Arataye R. at Saut Pararé, Barrier 4200


Leaves paripinnate, spirally arranged on distal portion of stem(s);100
100. 003


Seed ,101
101. 007


Stem , , .102
102. 002


Thyrses panicle-shaped, , ;103
103. 004