Talisia longifolia

Primary tabs

Talisia longifolia



cuneate to clawed1
1. 006-006-003-001


2. 006-009-003-002


3. 006-009-003-001


4. 006-009-002-001


5. 006-008-002-002


1.2 mm long6
6. 006-008-002-003


lanceolate, apiculate7
7. 006-008-002-001


8. 006-008-003-002


pilose or glabrous9
9. 006-008-003-001


ca. 2 mm thick10
10. 007-006-001-001


acute to acuminate or less often rounded11
11. 004-004-008-001


obtuse-acute or attenuate12
12. 004-004-009-001


13. 002-002-002-001


the base ;14
14. 006-006-003


hirsute on the distal half of the adaxial surface, glabrous abaxially15
15. 006-006-002


16. 006-006-001


17. 006-007-001


densely appressed, grayish tomentose18
18. 006-009-001


the stigma , trilobed, papillate, .19
19. 006-009-003


the style ,20
20. 006-009-002


21. 006-005-001


appressed-puberulent or pubescent on the lower half of the abaxial surface, sometimes completely pubescent, glabrous adaxially, ciliate on margins22
22. 006-005-004


2.5-4.5 mm long23
23. 006-005-002


rounded at apex24 oblong to oblong-lanceolate25
24. 006-005-005, 25. 006-005-003


0.5-1 mm long26
26. 006-004-001


oblong or ovate, concave27
27. 006-004-002


the anthers , , ,28
28. 006-008-002


the filaments , , of equal length;29
29. 006-008-003

<<Calyx>Stamens>Stamen number

30. 006-008-001


31. 007-007-001


32. 007-006-001

<<Leaves>Leaflets>Abaxial surfaces

the abaxial surface with scurfy-like punctations, with prominent midvein and secondary veins,33
33. 004-004-007

<<Leaves>Leaflets>Adaxial surfaces

the adaxial surface with prominent midvein,34
34. 004-004-006


the apex ,35
35. 004-004-008


the base inequilateral, .36
36. 004-004-009


(6.5)11.5-30 (54) × (2.3) 3-8.5 (14) cm37
37. 004-004-005


38. 004-004-003

<<Leaves>Leaflets>Leaflet number

8-16 (20)39
39. 004-004-001


elliptic, oblong or less often oblanceolate40
40. 004-004-004


41. 004-004-002


30-45 cm long42
42. 004-001-001


trigonous, striate, gradually swollen toward base43
43. 004-001-002


0.5-1 × 0.2-0.7 cm long44
44. 004-003-001


pulvinate45 conical46
45. 004-003-003, 46. 004-003-002


47. 004-002-002


(19) 25-45(60) cm long48
48. 004-002-001


triangular at base, trullate and sharply angled towards apex49
49. 004-002-003


50. 005-004-001


ca. 1 mm long51
51. 005-005-002


52. 005-005-001

<<Thyrses>Lateral branches>Length

to 17 cm long53
53. 005-003-001


54. 005-007-002


1-2 mm long55
55. 005-007-001


56. 002-002-001


with numerous , protruding lenticels57
57. 002-002-002

<<Trunk>Inner bark>Colour

58. 002-003-001


appendage as long as the petals, , ,59
59. 006-006


yellowish green60
60. 006-001


disc annular, ;61
61. 006-007


pubescent to tomentulose62
62. 006-003


1.2-2.5 mm long63
63. 006-002


ovary ,64
64. 006-009


petals , , , , , clawed at base;65
65. 006-005


the sepals , ;66
66. 006-004


stamens ,67
67. 006-008


orange-yellow at maturity68
68. 007-002


the endocarp usually scattered .69
69. 007-007


70. 007-005


2-2.5 cm long71
71. 007-004

<Fruits>Locule number

72. 007-001


the pericarp , granulose,73
73. 007-006


74. 007-003


(3)9-20 m tall (ca. 50 m fide Bentham)75
75. 001-001


leaflets , opposite or alternate, , , , ,76
76. 004-004


petiole , sharply ;77
77. 004-001


petiolules , , ;78
78. 004-003


rachis , , ;79
79. 004-002

<Seeds>Seed number per fruit

1 or 280
80. 008-002


81. 008-001


82. 003-001


83. 003-002


axes , obtusely angled, sulcate;84
84. 005-004


bracts , ;85
85. 005-005


dichasia compound, sessile;86
86. 005-006

<Thyrses>Lateral branches

lateral branches ;87
87. 005-003


19-50 cm long88
88. 005-002


pedicels , , articulate on distal portion.89
89. 005-007


distal or axillary on distal part of branches90
90. 005-001


bark , ;91
91. 002-002


to 20 cm in diam.92
92. 002-001

<Trunk>Inner bark

inner bark .93
93. 002-003


Calyx , , ,94
94. 006

Common Name

English (French Guiana): gaulette, gaulette indien, paicoussa


Slender tree or treelet, (3)9-20 m tall (ca. 50 m fide Bentham), unbranched or with few ascending, sympodial branches on distal portion. Trunk to 20 cm in diam.; bark brown, with numerous black, protruding lenticels; inner bark orangish. Distal portion of stem sulcate, glabrous, lenticellate. Leaves paripinnate, spirally arranged on distal portion of stem(s); petiole 30-45 cm long, sharply trigonous, striate, gradually swollen toward base; rachis (19) 25-45(60) cm long, glabrous, triangular at base, trullate and sharply angled towards apex; petiolules 0.5-1 × 0.2-0.7 cm long, conical, pulvinate; leaflets 8-16 (20), opposite or alternate, coriaceous, glabrous, elliptic, oblong or less often oblanceolate, (6.5)11.5-30 (54) × (2.3) 3-8.5 (14) cm, the adaxial surface with prominent midvein, the abaxial surface with scurfy-like punctations, with prominent midvein and secondary veins, the apex acute to acuminate or less often rounded, the base inequilateral, obtuse-acute or attenuate. Thyrses panicle-shaped, distal or axillary on distal part of branches, 19-50 cm long, lateral branches to 17 cm long; axes puberulent, obtusely angled, sulcate; bracts deltate, ca. 1 mm long; dichasia compound, sessile; pedicels 1-2 mm long, tomentose, articulate on distal portion. Calyx yellowish green, 1.2-2.5 mm long, pubescent to tomentulose, the sepals 0.5-1 mm long, oblong or ovate, concave; petals white, 2.5-4.5 mm long, oblong to oblong-lanceolate, appressed-puberulent or pubescent on the lower half of the abaxial surface, sometimes completely pubescent, glabrous adaxially, ciliate on margins, rounded at apex, clawed at base; appendage as long as the petals, long-triangular, hirsute on the distal half of the adaxial surface, glabrous abaxially, the base cuneate to clawed; disc annular, tomentose; stamens 5, the anthers lanceolate, apiculate, glabrous, 1.2 mm long, the filaments pilose or glabrous, white, of equal length; ovary densely appressed, grayish tomentose, the style elongate, the stigma elongated, trilobed, papillate, pinkish. Fruit 1-to 3-locular, orange-yellow at maturity, trigonous-ellipsoid, 2-2.5 cm long, puberulent, the pericarp coriaceous, ca. 2 mm thick, granulose, the endocarp usually scattered pilose. Seeds ellipsoid, 1 or 2 per fruit.


French Guiana present, Southern America: Colombia (Colombia present), Suriname present
Known from Colombia, French Guiana, Suriname, and Brazil (SU: 5; FG: 6).


Fruit 1-to , , , , ,95
95. 007


Slender tree or treelet, , unbranched or with few ascending, sympodial branches on distal portion.96
96. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Marowijne, Tumuc Humac Mts., Acevedo-Rdgz. et al. 6053 Bassin de l’Approuague, Parepou Cr., riverbank, Oldeman B-1883 Suriname, Brokopondo, Brownsweg, Wessels Boer 3227 Bassin de la Camopi, Mont Belvédére, forest, de Granville 7033 Bassin du Maroni, Grand Inini R., Sai Cr., riverside forest, Oldeman B-3577 Suriname, Saramacca, Tafelberg, Table Mts., mixed high montane forest, Maguire 24797


Leaves paripinnate, spirally arranged on distal portion of stem(s);97
97. 004


Seeds , per fruit.98
98. 008


Distal portion of stem sulcate, , .99
99. 003


Thyrses panicle-shaped, , ,100
100. 005


Trunk ;101
101. 002