Paullinia fibulata
- <<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Apex>Apiculus>Shape
- <<<Leaves>Leaflets>Abaxial surfaces>Dimensions
- <<<Leaves>Leaflets>Abaxial surfaces>Hairs
- <<<Leaves>Leaflets>Abaxial surfaces>Shape
- <<<Leaves>Leaflets>Apex>Apiculus
- <<<Leaves>Leaflets>Apex>Shape
- <<<Leaves>Leaflets>Base>Shape
- <<<Leaves>Leaflets>Margins>Margin type
- <<Calyx>Hairs>Colour
- <<Calyx>Inner sepals>Length
- <<Calyx>Outer sepals>Length
- <<Calyx>Sepals>Sepal number
- <<Capsules>Endocarp>Hairs
- <<Capsules>Locules>Length
- <<Capsules>Locules>Shape
- <<Capsules>Wings>Shape
- <<Capsules>Wings>Width
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Abaxial surfaces
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Apex
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Base
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Margins
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Texture
- <<Leaves>Petiole and rachis>Hairs
- <<Leaves>Petiole and rachis>Shape
- <<Leaves>Petiole>Length
- <<Leaves>Petiolule>Length
- <<Leaves>Rachises>Length
- <<Thyrses>Axes>Hairs
- <<Thyrses>Cincinni>Flower number
- <Calyx>Hairs
- <Calyx>Inner sepals
- <Calyx>Outer sepals
- <Calyx>Sepals
- <Capsules>Colour
- <Capsules>Endocarp
- <Capsules>Hairs
- <Capsules>Locules
- <Capsules>Wing number
- <Capsules>Wings
- <Leaves>Foliole number
- <Leaves>Leaflets
- <Leaves>Petiole
- <Leaves>Petiole and rachis
- <Leaves>Petiolule
- <Leaves>Rachises
- <Leaves>Tertiary veins
- <Seeds>Colour
- <Seeds>Length
- <Seeds>Sarcotesta
- <Seeds>Shape
- <Stems>Cross section
- <Stems>Hairs
- <Stems>Sap
- <Stems>Shape
- <Thyrses>Axes
- <Thyrses>Cincinni
- <Thyrses>Length
- <Thyrses>Position
- <Thyrses>Shape
- <Wood>Length
- Calyx
- Capsules
- Common Name
- Description
- Distribution
- Individuals Association
- Leaves
- Notes
- Seeds
- Stems
- Thyrses
- Wood
<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Abaxial surfaces>Hairs
sparsely puberulent, especially along veins3
3. 003-006-002-001
the wings of similar size or one of them shorter, projecting beyond the apex of the locule, toward the stipe, , crenate on margins39
39. 006-005
Woody vine 10-15 m long. Stems terete, pubescent or tomentulose, glabrescent, producing scanty milky sap; cross section with a single vascular cylinder. Leaves pinnately 5-foliolate; petiole and rachis unwinged, terete, striate, tomentulose to nearly glabrous; petioles 5-10 cm long; rachis 3-6 cm long; petiolules 3-6 mm long; leaflets coriaceous, abaxial surface sparsely puberulent, especially along veins, oblong-elliptic to obovate, 6-10 × 3.2-6 cm, the base obtuse to rounded, the apex obtuse or rounded, with a short, obtuse apiculum, the margins subentire or obsolete dentate; tertiary veins clathrate. Thyrses axillary, racemiform, 7-14 cm long, with stout, tomentulose axes; cincinni sessile, few-flowered. Calyx abaxially ferruginous-pubescent, with 4 sepals, outer sepals ca. 1 mm long, inner sepals ca. 3 mm long. Capsule 3-winged, slightly woody, turning from green to orange-red, ferruginoustomentose, stipitate, the locule ellipsoid to pyriform, 1.7-2 cm long, the wings of similar size or one of them shorter, projecting beyond the apex of the locule, decurrent toward the stipe, 0.7-1 cm wide, crenate on margins, the endocarp glabrous. Seed solitary, ca. 1.2 cm long, ellipsoid, dark brown, with a sarcotesta on lower half.
French Guiana present, Guyana present, Southern America: Venezuela (Venezuela present), Suriname present
Known from Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana (GU: 1; SU: 2; FG: 6).
Individuals Association
Saut Parare, Barrier & Feuillet 2658
Station des Nouragues, Poncy 1817
Suriname, Kwamalasamutu, Plotkin & van Troon 1035
Region de Saül, Saül, Mori & Mitchell 18769
Bassin de l’Approuague, Arataye R., Acevedo-Rdgz. et al. 12378
Suriname, Sipalawini, Central Suriname Nature Reserve, ca. 4 km ENE of Kayserberg airstrip, Evans et al. 3435
Suriname, Plotkin et al. 1228