Paullinia anodonta
- <<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Base>Distal leaflets>Shape
- <<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Base>Lateral leaflets>Shape
- <<<Calyx>Disk>Lobes>Lobe number
- <<<Calyx>Disk>Lobes>Shape
- <<<Calyx>Stamens>Filaments>Shape
- <<<Leaves>Leaflets>Base>Distal leaflets
- <<<Leaves>Leaflets>Margins>Margin type
- <<<Leaves>Petiolule>Distal petiolule>Length
- <<<Thyrses>Cincinni>Pedicel base>Length
- <<<Thyrses>Cincinni>Pedicels>Length
- <<<Thyrses>Cincinni>Stipes>Length
- <<Calyx>Anterior sepals>Shape
- <<Calyx>Disk>Hairs
- <<Calyx>Disk>Lobes
- <<Calyx>Hairs>Colour
- <<Calyx>Inner sepals>Length
- <<Calyx>Outer sepals>Length
- <<Calyx>Petals>Length
- <<Calyx>Petals>Shape
- <<Calyx>Sepals>Sepal number
- <<Calyx>Sepals>Shape
- <<Calyx>Stamens>Filaments
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Apex
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Base
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Dimensions
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Hairs
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Margins
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Shape
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Texture
- <<Leaves>Petiole>Length
- <<Leaves>Petiolule>Distal petiolule
- <<Leaves>Petiolule>Hairs
- <<Leaves>Petiolule>Length
- <<Leaves>Rachises>Length
- <<Thyrses>Bracts and bracteoles>Length
- <<Thyrses>Bracts and bracteoles>Shape
- <<Thyrses>Cincinni>Pedicel base
- <<Thyrses>Cincinni>Pedicels
- <<Thyrses>Cincinni>Stipes
- <Calyx>Anterior sepals
- <Calyx>Disk
- <Calyx>Hairs
- <Calyx>Inner sepals
- <Calyx>Outer sepals
- <Calyx>Petals
- <Calyx>Sepals
- <Calyx>Stamens
- <Habit>Length
- <Leaves>Abaxial surfaces
- <Leaves>Foliole number
- <Leaves>Leaflets
- <Leaves>Petiole
- <Leaves>Petiolule
- <Leaves>Rachises
- <Leaves>Tertiary veins
- <Stems>Cross section
- <Stems>Hairs
- <Stems>Latex
- <Stems>Lenticels
- <Stems>Shape
- <Stipules>Length
- <Stipules>Shape
- <Thyrses>Bracts and bracteoles
- <Thyrses>Cincinni
- <Thyrses>Hairs
- <Thyrses>Position
- <Thyrses>Shape
- Calyx
- Capsules
- Common Name
- Description
- Distribution
- Habit
- Individuals Association
- Leaves
- Stems
- Stipules
- Thyrses
<<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Base>Lateral leaflets>Shape
obtuse or rounded on lateral ones2
2. 004-005-006-002-001
<Leaves>Abaxial surfaces
abaxial surface sparsely punctate, with primary and secondary veins slightly prominent;49
49. 004-006
Liana > 15 m long. Stems terete, glabrous, striate, becoming lenticellate with age, producing scarce milky latex; cross section with a single vascular cylinder. Stipules lanceolate, early deciduous, 3-4 mm long. Leaves pinnately 5-foliolate; petiole unwinged, 4-9 cm long; rachis unwinged, 2.5-5 cm long; petiolules 3-5 (10) mm long, the distal one to 2.5 cm long, glabrous; leaflets chartaceous, glabrous, elliptical, oblong-elliptic or nearly ovate, 7-15 × 2.5-6 cm, the apex caudate, the base attenuate or acute on distal leaflet, obtuse or rounded on lateral ones, the margins entire, crenate or remotely subdentate; abaxial surface sparsely punctate, with primary and secondary veins slightly prominent; tertiary veins clathrate. Thyrses axillaryracemiform, solitary, puberulent; bracts and bracteoles deltate, < 1 mm long; cincinni sessile or short stipitate (0-3 mm long), with persistent pedicel bases, 2-3 mm long, entire pedicel 3-3.5 mm long. Calyx minutely grayish tomentose, with 5concave sepals, outer sepals ca. 1.5 mm long, inner sepals ca. 3.5 mm long, the anterior sepals connate along lower ⅓; petals obovate, ca. 3 mm long; disc glabrous, of 2deltate lobes; stamens with widely flattened filaments. Capsule unknown.
French Guiana present, Southern America: Brazil North (Amazonas present, Pará present), Suriname present
Known from Brazil (Amazonas, Pará), Suriname, and French Guiana (SU: 1; FG: 3).