Lithocarpus hendersonianus

Primary tabs

Lithocarpus hendersonianus


Tree 20-30 m, c. 60 cm ø; Branchlets initially densely yellowish brown tomentose by stellate hairs, soon glabrescent, greyish black, with dense minute lenticels; Leaves thick-coriaceous, (8-) 10-15(-18) by (2½-)4-6(-7) cm (index 2½-3 ⅓), broadest at or below the middle; Inflorescence male or androgynous, densely yellowish brown tomentose by short stellate hairs; Fruit (not fully developed) globose, 2-2½ cm through;


Asia-Tropical: Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia present), Cameron Highlands present, Ranawang at 10° N present
Peninsular Siam (Ranawang at 10° N), in Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Cameron Highlands).


A. CAMUS 1954: p. 589. – In: Chênes. t. 358: 9-14
SOEPADMO 1970 – In: Reinwardtia. p 246