Lithocarpus oreophilus

Primary tabs

Lithocarpus oreophilus


Tree 9-20 m, c. 30 cm ø. Branchlets initially densely set with fulvous adpressed, minute stellate hairs, later glabrous, greyish to blackish brown, sparsely lenticellate; Leaves thick-coriaceous, rigid, 2½-5 by 1½-4 cm (index 1-2), broadest at the middle; Stipules linear-acute, 3-4 by 1 mm, rather long persistent. Inflorescence male or female, densely stellate hairy;


Asia-Tropical: Sumatera (Sumatera present)
Malesia: Sumatra (rare).


Records from the Philippines () and from Borneo () are not confirmed. ELMER had specimens of L. submonticolus, and according to , KING had a specimen of Myrica.


Ridl. 1917 – In: J. Fed. Mal. St. Mus. p 86
A. CAMUS 1954: p. 1130. – In: Chênes. t. 510: 6-11