Lithocarpus sulitii

Primary tabs

Lithocarpus sulitii


Tree 15-20 m, 25-80 cm ø. Branchlets initially sparsely tomentose by fulvous, adpressed stellate hairs, later glabrous, dark greyish brown, sparsely lenticellate; Leaves thin-chartaceous, (6-)9-11(-13) by (2½-)4-5(-6) cm (index (2-)2¼(-2⅓)), broadest about the middle; Inflorescence male, androgynous or mixed, sparsely greyish tomentose by adpressed stellate hairs;


Asia-Tropical: Philippines (Philippines present), Luzon present, Mindoro present
Malesia: Philippines (Luzon, common, Mindoro, rare).


Other records of Quercus bennettii from the Philippines, partly belong to L. solerianus, partly to an undescribed species.


Merr. 1923 – In: En. Philip. p 25